/*! \file Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy) All rights reserved. The source code is distributed under BSD license, see the file License.txt at the top-level directory. */ #include "slu_mt_zdefs.h" int_t pzgstrf_factor_snode( const int_t pnum, /* process number */ const int_t jcol, SuperMatrix *A, const double diag_pivot_thresh, yes_no_t *usepr, int_t *perm_r, int_t *inv_perm_r, /* modified */ int_t *inv_perm_c, /* in - used to find diagonal of Pc*A*Pc' */ int_t *xprune, int_t *marker, int_t *col_lsub, /* values are irrevelant on entry and on return */ doublecomplex *dense, doublecomplex *tempv, pxgstrf_shared_t *pxgstrf_shared, int_t *info ) { /* * -- SuperLU MT routine (version 2.0) -- * Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Univ. of California Berkeley, * and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. * September 10, 2007 * * Purpose * ======= * * Factorize the artificial supernodes grouped at the bottom * of the etree. * */ GlobalLU_t *Glu = pxgstrf_shared->Glu; int_t singular; NCPformat *Astore; register int_t kcol, icol, k, jsupno, fsupc, nsupr; register int_t ifrom, ito; int_t nextu, nextlu; int_t pivrow; doublecomplex *a; int_t *asub, *xa_begin, *xa_end, *xusub, *xusub_end, *xsup, *supno, *xlusup, *lsub, *xlsub, *xlsub_end; lsub = Glu->lsub; xlsub = Glu->xlsub; xlsub_end = Glu->xlsub_end; xusub = Glu->xusub; xusub_end = Glu->xusub_end; xsup = Glu->xsup; supno = Glu->supno; xlusup = Glu->xlusup; singular = 0; Astore = A->Store; a = Astore->nzval; asub = Astore->rowind; xa_begin = Astore->colbeg; xa_end = Astore->colend; kcol = jcol + pxgstrf_shared->pan_status[jcol].size; /* Determine the union of the row structure of the supernode */ if ( (*info = pzgstrf_snode_dfs(pnum, jcol, kcol-1, asub, xa_begin, xa_end, xprune, marker, col_lsub, pxgstrf_shared)) ) return 0; /* * Factorize the relaxed supernode (jcol:kcol-1) */ nextu = Glu->nextu; /* xiaoye - race condition (no problem!) */ jsupno = supno[jcol]; fsupc = xsup[jsupno]; nsupr = xlsub_end[fsupc] - xlsub[fsupc]; if ( (*info = Glu_alloc(pnum, jcol, nsupr*(kcol-jcol), LUSUP, &nextlu, pxgstrf_shared)) ) return 0; for (icol = jcol; icol < kcol; icol++) { xusub[icol] = xusub_end[icol] = nextu; xlusup[icol] = nextlu; /* Scatter into SPA dense[*] */ for (k = xa_begin[icol]; k < xa_end[icol]; k++) dense[asub[k]] = a[k]; /* Numeric update within the supernode */ pzgstrf_snode_bmod(pnum, icol, jsupno, fsupc, dense, tempv, Glu, pxgstrf_shared->Gstat); if ( (*info = pzgstrf_pivotL (pnum, icol, diag_pivot_thresh, usepr, perm_r, inv_perm_r, inv_perm_c, &pivrow, Glu, pxgstrf_shared->Gstat)) ) if ( singular == 0 ) singular = *info; nextlu += nsupr; #if ( DEBUGlevel>= 2 ) if ( icol>=LOCOL && icol<=HICOL ) dprint_lu_col(pnum,"relax:",jcol,icol,kcol-jcol,pivrow,xprune,Glu); #endif } /* Store the row subscripts of kcol-1 for pruned graph */ k = ito = xlsub_end[jcol]; for (ifrom = xlsub[jcol]+kcol-jcol-1; ifrom < k; ++ifrom) lsub[ito++] = lsub[ifrom]; k = ito; xprune[kcol-1] = k; if (jcol < kcol-1) { /* not a singleton */ for (icol = jcol+1; icol < kcol; ++icol) xlsub_end[icol] = k; k = xlsub_end[jcol]; xprune[jcol] = k; for (icol = jcol+1; icol < kcol; ++icol) xlsub[icol] = k; } *info = singular; return 0; }