use std::{collections::HashMap, fs::File, io::Write, path::Path}; const LIB: &str = "libdrift_ffi_sys"; fn main() { let current_dir = std::env::current_dir().unwrap().canonicalize().unwrap(); // Generate rust types from anchor IDL let idl_source_path = ¤t_dir.join(Path::new("res/drift.json")); let idl_mod_rs = match drift_idl_gen::generate_rust_types(idl_source_path) { Ok(idl_mod_rs) => idl_mod_rs, Err(err) => panic!("generating IDL failed: {err:?}"), }; let idl_mod_path = current_dir.join(Path::new("crates/src/")); let mut file = File::create(&idl_mod_path).expect("create IDL .rs"); file.write_all(idl_mod_rs.as_bytes()) .expect("wrote IDL .rs"); if std::env::var("CARGO_DRIFT_FFI_STATIC").is_ok() || std::env::var("CARGO_DRIFT_FFI_PATH").is_err() { // Build + Link FFI crate from source println!("{LIB}: building from source..."); let drift_ffi_sys_crate = current_dir.join(Path::new("crates/drift-ffi-sys")); // the x86_64 target must exist let host_target = std::env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); let (lib_target, lib_ext) = if host_target.contains("apple") { ("x86_64-apple-darwin", "dylib") } else if host_target.contains("linux") { ("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "so") } else { eprintln!("Unsupported host platform: {host_target}, please open an issue at:"); fail_build(); }; // "RUSTC" is set as the cargo version of the main SDK build, it must be unset for the ffi build // "CARGO*" envs are also configured for the main SDK build // let ffi_build_envs: HashMap = std::env::vars() .filter(|(k, _v)| !k.starts_with("CARGO") && !k.starts_with("RUSTC")) .collect(); println!("{ffi_build_envs:?}"); let profile = std::env::var("PROFILE").expect("cargo PROFILE set"); // force drift-ffi-sys to build with specific toolchain (arch=x86_64, version=<=1.76.0) // this ensures zero copy deserialization works correctly with the onchain data layout let ffi_toolchain = format!("1.76.0-{lib_target}"); let installed_toolchains_query = std::process::Command::new("rustup") .args(["toolchain", "list"]) .output() .expect("rustup installed"); if !installed_toolchains_query.status.success() { println!("Check 'rustup' is installed and discoverable in system PATH"); } let installed_toolchains = String::from_utf8_lossy(&installed_toolchains_query.stdout); if !installed_toolchains.contains(&ffi_toolchain) { eprintln!("Required toolchain: {ffi_toolchain} is missing. Run: 'rustup install {ffi_toolchain}' to install and retry the build"); fail_build(); } // install the dylib to system path let libffi_out_path = drift_ffi_sys_crate.join(Path::new(&format!("target/{profile}/{LIB}.{lib_ext}"))); // Build ffi crate and link let mut ffi_build = std::process::Command::new("rustup"); ffi_build .env_clear() .envs(ffi_build_envs) .current_dir(drift_ffi_sys_crate.clone()) .args(["run", &ffi_toolchain, "cargo", "build"]); match profile.as_str() { "debug" => (), "release" => { ffi_build.arg("--release"); } custom => { ffi_build.arg(format!("--profile={custom}")); } } let output = ffi_build.output().expect("drift-ffi-sys built"); if !output.status.success() { eprintln!(" {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(output.stderr.as_slice())); fail_build(); } if !output.status.success() { eprintln!( "{LIB} could not be installed: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(output.stderr.as_slice()) ); } if let Ok(out_dir) = std::env::var("OUT_DIR") { let _output = std::process::Command::new("cp") .args([ libffi_out_path.to_str().expect("ffi build path"), out_dir.as_str(), ]) .output() .expect("install ok"); println!("{LIB}: searching for lib at: {out_dir}"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={out_dir}"); } let _output = std::process::Command::new("ln") .args([ "-sf", libffi_out_path.to_str().expect("ffi build path"), "/usr/local/lib/", ]) .output() .expect("install ok"); println!("{LIB}: searching for lib at: /usr/local/lib"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native=/usr/local/lib"); } if let Ok(lib_path) = std::env::var("CARGO_DRIFT_FFI_PATH") { println!("{LIB}: searching for lib at: {lib_path}"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={lib_path}"); } println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=drift_ffi_sys"); } fn fail_build() -> ! { eprintln!("{LIB} build failed"); std::process::exit(1); }