# Changelog This project follows semantic versioning. Possible log types: - `[added]` for new features. - `[changed]` for changes in existing functionality. - `[deprecated]` for once-stable features removed in upcoming releases. - `[removed]` for deprecated features removed in this release. - `[fixed]` for any bug fixes. - `[security]` to invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities. ### v0.14.0 (2021-04-09) - [removed] `heaptrace` feature for the generated `Cargo.toml` has been removed in favor of `trace_port` option in `drone_core::heap!` macro - [added] Added support for multiple heaps - [added] Extra memory blocks can be added to generated linker scripts by providing custom blocks in form of `[memory.foo]` in `Drone.toml` - [added] Generated linker scripts are now available at `target//layout.ld.` paths - [added] Added `drone print target` command - [changed] `drone support` command renamed to `drone print supported-devices` - [removed] Previously deprecated `drone env` command has been removed ### v0.13.2 (2021-02-13) - [fixed] Fix broken SWO logger for Black Magic Probe ### v0.13.1 (2020-12-05) - [changed] `drone new` generates a more IDE-friendly project with all rustflags stored in `.cargo/config` - [deprecated] `drone env` command is now deprecated ### v0.13.0 (2020-11-28) - [added] Added mandatory option `linker.platform` to `Drone.toml` - [added] Added option `probe.jlink.interface` to `Drone.toml` - [added] Added Texas Instruments cc2538 support ### v0.12.3 (2020-09-05) - [fixed] Fixed incorrectly generated `Cargo.toml` files for new projects ### v0.12.2 (2020-05-15) - [fixed] Fixed incorrect heaptrace parsing in `drone heap` sub-command ### v0.12.1 (2020-05-13) - [added] Project templates enable FPU if it's present in the target device ### v0.12.0 (2020-05-01) - [added] Added Nordic's nRF9160 MCU support - [added] Added Segger J-Link probe support - [removed] Removed `probe.itm.encoding` option in `Cargo.toml` - [added] Added `gdb-mi` task to the generated `Justfile` - [fixed] Display Rust's `core`/`alloc` sources inside a GDB session - [changed] `release` profile includes debug symbols by default - [removed] Removed `probe.openocd.config` option from `Drone.toml` - [added] Added `probe.openocd.arguments` option to `Drone.toml` - [changed] Renamed `drone probe reset` sub-command to `drone reset` - [changed] Renamed `drone probe flash` sub-command to `drone flash` - [changed] Renamed `drone probe gdb` sub-command to `drone gdb` - [changed] Renamed `drone probe itm` sub-command to `drone log` - [changed] Renamed `probe.itm` section to `log.swo` in `Drone.toml` - [changed] Renamed `itm` task to `log` in the generated `Justfile` - [added] Added `dsoserial` log type - [changed] Renamed `probe.gdb-client` option to `probe.gdb-client-command` in `Drone.toml` - [changed] Renamed `probe.itm.uart-endpoint` option to `log.swo.serial-endpoint` in `Drone.toml` - [changed] Use cargo resolver v2 for newly generated projects ### v0.11.1 (2019-11-27) - [added] New `expand` task for generated `Justfile`s - [changed] Switched to the recently released `futures` 0.3 instead of `futures-preview` 0.3-alpha - [fixed] Fixed broken `dupm` and `size` tasks in generated `Justfile`s ### v0.11.0 (2019-11-06) - [added] Added `drone env` command - [added] Added OpenOCD debug probe interface - [added] Added Nordic's nRFx family support - [added] Added STM32F4 family support - [added] Added `linker.include` section to Drone.toml - [fixed] Fixed `clippy::missing_safety_doc` lint for generated projects ### v0.10.1 (2019-09-27) - [fixed] Fixed incorrect Cargo.toml generation for devices with FPU