target := `drone print target 2>/dev/null || echo ""` # Install dependencies deps: type cargo-readme >/dev/null || cargo +stable install cargo-readme type drone >/dev/null || cargo install drone rustup target add $(drone print target) rustup component add clippy rustup component add rustfmt # Reformat the source code fmt: cargo fmt # Check the source code for mistakes lint: cargo clippy # Build the documentation doc: cargo doc # Open the documentation in a browser doc-open: doc cargo doc --open # Run the tests test: cargo test --features std \ --target=$(rustc --version --verbose | sed -n '/host/{s/.*: //;p}') # Update readme: cargo readme -o # Bump the versions version-bump version drone-core-version drone-cortexm-version drone-nrf-map-version: sed -i "s/\(api\.drone-os\.com\/drone-nrf91-dso\/\)[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\+/\1$(echo {{version}} | sed 's/\(.*\)\.[0-9]\+/\1/')/" \ Cargo.toml src/ sed -i '/\[.*\]/h;/version = ".*"/{x;s/\[package\]/version = "{{version}}"/;t;x}' \ Cargo.toml sed -i '/\[.*\]/h;/version = ".*"/{x;s/\[.*drone-core\]/version = "{{drone-core-version}}"/;t;x}' \ Cargo.toml sed -i '/\[.*\]/h;/version = ".*"/{x;s/\[.*drone-cortexm\]/version = "{{drone-cortexm-version}}"/;t;x}' \ Cargo.toml sed -i '/\[.*\]/h;/version = ".*"/{x;s/\[.*drone-nrf-map\]/version = "{{drone-nrf-map-version}}"/;t;x}' \ Cargo.toml sed -i 's/\(drone-nrf91-dso.*\) = "[^"]\+"/\1 = "{{version}}"/' \ src/ # Publish to publish: cargo publish # Publish the docs to publish-doc: doc dir=$(sed -n 's/.*api\.drone-os\.com\/\(.*\/.*\)\/.*\/"/\1/;T;p' Cargo.toml) \ && rm -rf ../drone-api/$dir \ && cp -rT target/doc ../drone-api/$dir \ && cp -rT target/{{target}}/doc ../drone-api/$dir \ && echo '' > ../drone-api/$dir/index.html \ && cd ../drone-api && git add $dir && git commit -m "Docs for $dir"