cortexm_core := 'cortexm3_r2p0' tisl_mcu := 'cc2538' export DRONE_RUSTFLAGS := '--cfg cortexm_core="' + cortexm_core + '" ' + '--cfg tisl_mcu="' + tisl_mcu + '"' target := 'thumbv7em-none-eabihf' features := 'gpio ioc sysctrl tim uart' # Install dependencies deps: rustup target add {{target}} rustup component add clippy rustup component add rustfmt type cargo-readme >/dev/null || cargo +stable install cargo-readme # Reformat the source code fmt: cargo fmt # Check the source code for mistakes lint: cargo clippy --package drone-tisl-map-svd drone env {{target}} -- cargo clippy --features "{{features}}" --all --exclude drone-tisl-map-svd # Build the documentation doc: cargo doc --package drone-tisl-map-svd drone env {{target}} -- cargo doc --features "{{features}}" --package drone-tisl-map # Open the documentation in a browser doc-open: doc drone env {{target}} -- cargo doc --features "{{features}}" --package drone-tisl-map --open # Run the tests test: drone env -- cargo test --features "{{features}} std" --package drone-tisl-map # Test all MCUs test-all: DRONE_RUSTFLAGS='--cfg cortexm_core="cortexm3_r2p0" --cfg tisl_mcu="cc2538"' drone env -- cargo test --package drone-tisl-map --features "{{features}} std" # Update readme: cargo readme -o # Bump the versions version-bump version drone-core-version drone-cortexm-version drone-svd-version: sed -i '/\[.*\]/h;/version = ".*"/{x;s/\[package\]/version = "{{version}}"/;t;x}' \ Cargo.toml src/pieces/*/Cargo.toml src/pieces/Cargo.toml src/periph/*/Cargo.toml svd/Cargo.toml sed -i '/\[.*\]/h;/version = "=.*"/{x;s/\[.*drone-tisl-map-.*\]/version = "={{version}}"/;t;x}' \ Cargo.toml src/pieces/*/Cargo.toml src/pieces/Cargo.toml src/periph/*/Cargo.toml sed -i '/\[.*\]/h;/version = ".*"/{x;s/\[.*drone-core\]/version = "{{drone-core-version}}"/;t;x}' \ Cargo.toml src/pieces/*/Cargo.toml src/pieces/Cargo.toml src/periph/*/Cargo.toml sed -i '/\[.*\]/h;/version = ".*"/{x;s/\[.*drone-cortexm\]/version = "{{drone-cortexm-version}}"/;t;x}' \ Cargo.toml src/pieces/*/Cargo.toml src/pieces/Cargo.toml src/periph/*/Cargo.toml sed -i '/\[.*\]/h;/version = ".*"/{x;s/\[.*drone-svd\]/version = "{{drone-svd-version}}"/;t;x}' \ svd/Cargo.toml sed -i 's/\(drone-tisl-map.*\)version = "[^"]\+"/\1version = "{{version}}"/' \ src/ # Publish to publish: drone env {{target}} -- cargo publish --features "{{features}}" --allow-dirty