namespace sharing import common import files import users alias Id = files.Id alias Path = files.Path alias Rev = files.Rev alias TeamInfo = users.Team alias ReadPath = files.ReadPath # # Link Metadata definitions and route # struct GetSharedLinkMetadataArg url String "URL of the shared link." path Path? "If the shared link is to a folder, this parameter can be used to retrieve the metadata for a specific file or sub-folder in this folder. A relative path should be used." link_password String? "If the shared link has a password, this parameter can be used." example default url = "" path = "/Prime_Numbers.txt" union_closed RequestedVisibility "The access permission that can be requested by the caller for the shared link. Note that the final resolved visibility of the shared link takes into account other aspects, such as team and shared folder settings. Check the :type:`ResolvedVisibility` for more info on the possible resolved visibility values of shared links." public "Anyone who has received the link can access it. No login required." team_only "Only members of the same team can access the link. Login is required." password "A link-specific password is required to access the link. Login is not required." union ResolvedVisibility extends RequestedVisibility "The actual access permissions values of shared links after taking into account user preferences and the team and shared folder settings. Check the :type:`RequestedVisibility` for more info on the possible visibility values that can be set by the shared link's owner." team_and_password "Only members of the same team who have the link-specific password can access the link. Login is required." shared_folder_only "Only members of the shared folder containing the linked file can access the link. Login is required." no_one "The link merely points the user to the content, and does not grant any additional rights. Existing members of the content who use this link can only access the content with their pre-existing access rights. Either on the file directly, or inherited from a parent folder." only_you "Only the current user can view this link." union SharedLinkAccessFailureReason login_required "User is not logged in." email_verify_required "This user's email address is not verified. This functionality is only available on accounts with a verified email address. Users can verify their email address :link:`here`." password_required "The link is password protected." team_only "Access is allowed for team members only." owner_only "Access is allowed for the shared link's owner only." struct LinkPermissions resolved_visibility ResolvedVisibility? "The current visibility of the link after considering the shared links policies of the the team (in case the link's owner is part of a team) and the shared folder (in case the linked file is part of a shared folder). This field is shown only if the caller has access to this info (the link's owner always has access to this data). For some links, an effective_audience value is returned instead." requested_visibility RequestedVisibility? "The shared link's requested visibility. This can be overridden by the team and shared folder policies. The final visibility, after considering these policies, can be found in :field:`resolved_visibility`. This is shown only if the caller is the link's owner and resolved_visibility is returned instead of effective_audience." can_revoke Boolean "Whether the caller can revoke the shared link." revoke_failure_reason SharedLinkAccessFailureReason? "The failure reason for revoking the link. This field will only be present if the :field:`can_revoke` is :val:`false`." effective_audience LinkAudience? "The type of audience who can benefit from the access level specified by the `link_access_level` field." link_access_level LinkAccessLevel? "The access level that the link will grant to its users. A link can grant additional rights to a user beyond their current access level. For example, if a user was invited as a viewer to a file, and then opens a link with `link_access_level` set to `editor`, then they will gain editor privileges. The `link_access_level` is a property of the link, and does not depend on who is calling this API. In particular, `link_access_level` does not take into account the API caller's current permissions to the content." visibility_policies List(VisibilityPolicy) "A list of policies that the user might be able to set for the visibility." can_set_expiry Boolean "Whether the user can set the expiry settings of the link. This refers to the ability to create a new expiry and modify an existing expiry." can_remove_expiry Boolean "Whether the user can remove the expiry of the link." allow_download Boolean "Whether the link can be downloaded or not." can_allow_download Boolean "Whether the user can allow downloads via the link. This refers to the ability to remove a no-download restriction on the link." can_disallow_download Boolean "Whether the user can disallow downloads via the link. This refers to the ability to impose a no-download restriction on the link." allow_comments Boolean "Whether comments are enabled for the linked file. This takes the team commenting policy into account." team_restricts_comments Boolean "Whether the team has disabled commenting globally." audience_options List(LinkAudienceOption)? "A list of link audience options the user might be able to set as the new audience." can_set_password Boolean? "Whether the user can set a password for the link." can_remove_password Boolean? "Whether the user can remove the password of the link." require_password Boolean? "Whether the user is required to provide a password to view the link." can_use_extended_sharing_controls Boolean? "Whether the user can use extended sharing controls, based on their account type." example default resolved_visibility = public can_revoke = false revoke_failure_reason = owner_only visibility_policies = [public, password] can_set_expiry = false can_remove_expiry = false allow_download = true can_allow_download = true can_disallow_download = false allow_comments = true team_restricts_comments = true audience_options = [public, team, no_one] can_set_password = true can_remove_password = true require_password = false can_use_extended_sharing_controls = false struct TeamMemberInfo "Information about a team member." team_info TeamInfo "Information about the member's team." display_name String "The display name of the user." member_id String? "ID of user as a member of a team. This field will only be present if the member is in the same team as current user." example default team_info = default display_name = "Roger Rabbit" member_id = "dbmid:abcd1234" struct SharedLinkMetadata "The metadata of a shared link." union file FileLinkMetadata folder FolderLinkMetadata url String "URL of the shared link." id Id? "A unique identifier for the linked file." name String "The linked file name (including extension). This never contains a slash." expires common.DropboxTimestamp? "Expiration time, if set. By default the link won't expire." path_lower String? "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash. This field will only be present only if the linked file is in the authenticated user's dropbox." link_permissions LinkPermissions "The link's access permissions." team_member_info TeamMemberInfo? "The team membership information of the link's owner. This field will only be present if the link's owner is a team member." content_owner_team_info TeamInfo? "The team information of the content's owner. This field will only be present if the content's owner is a team member and the content's owner team is different from the link's owner team." example default file = default example folder_link_metadata folder = default struct FileLinkMetadata extends SharedLinkMetadata "The metadata of a file shared link." client_modified common.DropboxTimestamp "The modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added to Dropbox. Since this time is not verified (the Dropbox server stores whatever the desktop client sends up), this should only be used for display purposes (such as sorting) and not, for example, to determine if a file has changed or not." server_modified common.DropboxTimestamp "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox." rev Rev "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file. This field is the same rev as elsewhere in the API and can be used to detect changes and avoid conflicts." size UInt64 "The file size in bytes." example default url = "" id = "id:a4ayc_80_OEAAAAAAAAAXw" name = "Prime_Numbers.txt" path_lower = "/homework/math/prime_numbers.txt" link_permissions = default team_member_info = default client_modified = "2015-05-12T15:50:38Z" server_modified = "2015-05-12T15:50:38Z" rev = "a1c10ce0dd78" size = 7212 struct FolderLinkMetadata extends SharedLinkMetadata "The metadata of a folder shared link." example default url = "" id = "id:a4ayc_80_OEAAAAAAAAAXw" name = "Math" path_lower = "/homework/math" team_member_info = default link_permissions = default union SharedLinkError shared_link_not_found "The shared link wasn't found." shared_link_access_denied "The caller is not allowed to access this shared link." unsupported_link_type "This type of link is not supported; use :route:`files.export` instead." route get_shared_link_metadata(GetSharedLinkMetadataArg, SharedLinkMetadata, SharedLinkError) "Get the shared link's metadata." attrs auth = "app, user" allow_app_folder_app = true scope = "" # # List Shared links definitions and route # struct ListSharedLinksArg path ReadPath? "See :route:`list_shared_links` description." cursor String? "The cursor returned by your last call to :route:`list_shared_links`." direct_only Boolean? "See :route:`list_shared_links` description." example default "List all links." cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" example path path = "/Homework/Math" example id path = "id:a4ayc_80_OEAAAAAAAAAYa" example rev path = "rev:a1c10ce0dd78" example id_no_parent_links path = "id:a4ayc_80_OEAAAAAAAAAYa" direct_only = true struct ListSharedLinksResult links List(SharedLinkMetadata) "Shared links applicable to the path argument." has_more Boolean "Is true if there are additional shared links that have not been returned yet. Pass the cursor into :route:`list_shared_links` to retrieve them." cursor String? "Pass the cursor into :route:`list_shared_links` to obtain the additional links. Cursor is returned only if no path is given." example default links = [default] cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" has_more = true union ListSharedLinksError path files.LookupError reset "Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call :route:`list_shared_links` to obtain a new cursor." route list_shared_links(ListSharedLinksArg, ListSharedLinksResult, ListSharedLinksError) "List shared links of this user. If no path is given, returns a list of all shared links for the current user. For members of business teams using team space and member folders, returns all shared links in the team member's home folder unless the team space ID is specified in the request header. For more information, refer to the :link:`Namespace Guide`. If a non-empty path is given, returns a list of all shared links that allow access to the given path - direct links to the given path and links to parent folders of the given path. Links to parent folders can be suppressed by setting direct_only to true." attrs allow_app_folder_app = true scope = "" # # Modify shared link settings definitions and route # struct SharedLinkSettings require_password Boolean? "Boolean flag to enable or disable password protection." link_password String? "If :field:`require_password` is true, this is needed to specify the password to access the link." expires common.DropboxTimestamp? "Expiration time of the shared link. By default the link won't expire." audience LinkAudience? "The new audience who can benefit from the access level specified by the link's access level specified in the `link_access_level` field of `LinkPermissions`. This is used in conjunction with team policies and shared folder policies to determine the final effective audience type in the `effective_audience` field of `LinkPermissions." access RequestedLinkAccessLevel? "Requested access level you want the audience to gain from this link. Note, modifying access level for an existing link is not supported." requested_visibility RequestedVisibility? "Use :field:`audience` instead. The requested access for this shared link." allow_download Boolean? "Boolean flag to allow or not download capabilities for shared links." example default requested_visibility = public audience = public access = viewer allow_download = true union LinkAccessLevel viewer "Users who use the link can view and comment on the content." editor "Users who use the link can edit, view and comment on the content." union RequestedLinkAccessLevel viewer "Users who use the link can view and comment on the content." editor "Users who use the link can edit, view and comment on the content. Note not all file types support edit links yet." max "Request for the maximum access level you can set the link to." default "Request for the default access level the user has set." struct ModifySharedLinkSettingsArgs url String "URL of the shared link to change its settings." settings SharedLinkSettings "Set of settings for the shared link." remove_expiration Boolean = false "If set to true, removes the expiration of the shared link." example default url = "" settings = default union_closed SharedLinkSettingsError invalid_settings "The given settings are invalid (for example, all attributes of the :type:`SharedLinkSettings` are empty, the requested visibility is :field:`RequestedVisibility.password` but the :field:`SharedLinkSettings.link_password` is missing, :field:`SharedLinkSettings.expires` is set to the past, etc.)." not_authorized "User is not allowed to modify the settings of this link. Note that basic users can only set :field:`RequestedVisibility.public` as the :field:`SharedLinkSettings.requested_visibility` and cannot set :field:`SharedLinkSettings.expires`." union ModifySharedLinkSettingsError extends SharedLinkError settings_error SharedLinkSettingsError "There is an error with the given settings." email_not_verified "This user's email address is not verified. This functionality is only available on accounts with a verified email address. Users can verify their email address :link:`here`." route modify_shared_link_settings(ModifySharedLinkSettingsArgs, SharedLinkMetadata, ModifySharedLinkSettingsError) "Modify the shared link's settings. If the requested visibility conflict with the shared links policy of the team or the shared folder (in case the linked file is part of a shared folder) then the :field:`LinkPermissions.resolved_visibility` of the returned :type:`SharedLinkMetadata` will reflect the actual visibility of the shared link and the :field:`LinkPermissions.requested_visibility` will reflect the requested visibility." attrs allow_app_folder_app = true scope = "sharing.write" # # Create shared link with settings definitions and route # struct CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsArg path ReadPath "The path to be shared by the shared link." settings SharedLinkSettings? "The requested settings for the newly created shared link." example default path = "/Prime_Numbers.txt" settings = default union SharedLinkAlreadyExistsMetadata metadata SharedLinkMetadata "Metadata of the shared link that already exists." union_closed CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError path files.LookupError email_not_verified "This user's email address is not verified. This functionality is only available on accounts with a verified email address. Users can verify their email address :link:`here`." shared_link_already_exists SharedLinkAlreadyExistsMetadata? "The shared link already exists. You can call :route:`list_shared_links` to get the existing link, or use the provided metadata if it is returned." settings_error SharedLinkSettingsError "There is an error with the given settings." access_denied "The user is not allowed to create a shared link to the specified file. For example, this can occur if the file is restricted or if the user's links are :link:`banned`." route create_shared_link_with_settings(CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsArg, SharedLinkMetadata, CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError) "Create a shared link with custom settings. If no settings are given then the default visibility is :field:`RequestedVisibility.public` (The resolved visibility, though, may depend on other aspects such as team and shared folder settings)." attrs allow_app_folder_app = true select_admin_mode = "team_admin" scope = "sharing.write" # # Revoke shared link # struct RevokeSharedLinkArg url String "URL of the shared link." example default url = "" union RevokeSharedLinkError extends SharedLinkError shared_link_malformed "Shared link is malformed." route revoke_shared_link(RevokeSharedLinkArg, Void, RevokeSharedLinkError) "Revoke a shared link. Note that even after revoking a shared link to a file, the file may be accessible if there are shared links leading to any of the file parent folders. To list all shared links that enable access to a specific file, you can use the :route:`list_shared_links` with the file as the :field:`ListSharedLinksArg.path` argument." attrs allow_app_folder_app = true select_admin_mode = "team_admin" scope = "sharing.write" # # NSLR endpoints # union GetSharedLinkFileError extends SharedLinkError shared_link_is_directory "Directories cannot be retrieved by this endpoint." alias GetSharedLinkFileArg = GetSharedLinkMetadataArg route get_shared_link_file(GetSharedLinkFileArg, SharedLinkMetadata, GetSharedLinkFileError) "Download the shared link's file from a user's Dropbox." attrs host="content" style="download" allow_app_folder_app = true scope = "" # # Deprecated endpoints # union Visibility "Who can access a shared link. The most open visibility is :field:`public`. The default depends on many aspects, such as team and user preferences and shared folder settings." public "Anyone who has received the link can access it. No login required." team_only "Only members of the same team can access the link. Login is required." password "A link-specific password is required to access the link. Login is not required." team_and_password "Only members of the same team who have the link-specific password can access the link." shared_folder_only "Only members of the shared folder containing the linked file can access the link. Login is required." struct LinkMetadata "Metadata for a shared link. This can be either a :type:`PathLinkMetadata` or :type:`CollectionLinkMetadata`." union path PathLinkMetadata collection CollectionLinkMetadata url String "URL of the shared link." visibility Visibility "Who can access the link." expires common.DropboxTimestamp? "Expiration time, if set. By default the link won't expire." example default path = default struct PathLinkMetadata extends LinkMetadata "Metadata for a path-based shared link." path String "Path in user's Dropbox." example default url = "" path = "/Homework/Math/Prime_Numbers.txt" expires = null visibility = public struct CollectionLinkMetadata extends LinkMetadata "Metadata for a collection-based shared link." example default url = "" expires = null visibility = public struct GetSharedLinksArg path String? "See :route:`get_shared_links` description." example default "Get all links, including collection links." path = "" example math_homework_links "Get links giving access to /Homework/Math." path = "/Homework/Math" struct GetSharedLinksResult links List(LinkMetadata) "Shared links applicable to the path argument." example default links = [default] union GetSharedLinksError path files.MalformedPathError route get_shared_links(GetSharedLinksArg, GetSharedLinksResult, GetSharedLinksError) deprecated by list_shared_links "Returns a list of :type:`LinkMetadata` objects for this user, including collection links. If no path is given, returns a list of all shared links for the current user, including collection links, up to a maximum of 1000 links. If a non-empty path is given, returns a list of all shared links that allow access to the given path. Collection links are never returned in this case." attrs allow_app_folder_app = true scope = "" union_closed PendingUploadMode "Flag to indicate pending upload default (for linking to not-yet-existing paths)." file "Assume pending uploads are files." folder "Assume pending uploads are folders." struct CreateSharedLinkArg path String "The path to share." short_url Boolean = false pending_upload PendingUploadMode? "If it's okay to share a path that does not yet exist, set this to either :field:`PendingUploadMode.file` or :field:`PendingUploadMode.folder` to indicate whether to assume it's a file or folder." example default path = "/Homework/Math/Prime_Numbers.txt" union CreateSharedLinkError path files.LookupError route create_shared_link(CreateSharedLinkArg, PathLinkMetadata, CreateSharedLinkError) deprecated by create_shared_link_with_settings "Create a shared link. If a shared link already exists for the given path, that link is returned. Previously, it was technically possible to break a shared link by moving or renaming the corresponding file or folder. In the future, this will no longer be the case, so your app shouldn't rely on this behavior. Instead, if your app needs to revoke a shared link, use :route:`revoke_shared_link`." attrs allow_app_folder_app = true select_admin_mode = "team_admin" scope = "sharing.write" struct LinkAudienceOption audience LinkAudience "Specifies who can access the link." allowed Boolean "Whether the user calling this API can select this audience option." disallowed_reason LinkAudienceDisallowedReason? "If :field:`allowed` is :val:`false`, this will provide the reason that the user is not permitted to set the visibility to this policy." example public audience = public allowed = true example team audience = team allowed = false example no_one audience = no_one allowed = true # # Alpha version of LinkPermissions with visibility information and controls # union VisibilityPolicyDisallowedReason delete_and_recreate "The user needs to delete and recreate the link to change the visibility policy." restricted_by_shared_folder "The parent shared folder restricts sharing of links outside the shared folder. To change the visibility policy, remove the restriction from the parent shared folder." restricted_by_team "The team policy prevents links being shared outside the team." user_not_on_team "The user needs to be on a team to set this policy." user_account_type "The user is a basic user or is on a limited team." permission_denied "The user does not have permission." union LinkAudienceDisallowedReason extends VisibilityPolicyDisallowedReason "check documentation for VisibilityPolicyDisallowedReason." union AlphaResolvedVisibility extends ResolvedVisibility "check documentation for ResolvedVisibility." struct VisibilityPolicy policy RequestedVisibility "This is the value to submit when saving the visibility setting." resolved_policy AlphaResolvedVisibility "This is what the effective policy would be, if you selected this option. The resolved policy is obtained after considering external effects such as shared folder settings and team policy. This value is guaranteed to be provided." allowed Boolean "Whether the user is permitted to set the visibility to this policy." disallowed_reason VisibilityPolicyDisallowedReason? "If :field:`allowed` is :val:`false`, this will provide the reason that the user is not permitted to set the visibility to this policy." example public policy = public resolved_policy = public allowed = true example public_team policy = public resolved_policy = team_only allowed = false disallowed_reason = restricted_by_team example public_shared_folder policy = public resolved_policy = shared_folder_only allowed = false disallowed_reason = restricted_by_shared_folder example password policy = password resolved_policy = password allowed = true example password_team policy = password resolved_policy = team_and_password allowed = true example password_shared_folder policy = password resolved_policy = shared_folder_only allowed = false disallowed_reason = restricted_by_shared_folder example team_only policy = team_only resolved_policy = team_only allowed = true example team_shared_folder policy = team_only resolved_policy = shared_folder_only allowed = false disallowed_reason = restricted_by_shared_folder