namespace stone_cfg struct Route auth String(pattern="^(user|team|app|noauth|app, user)$") = "user" "The auth type for the route. In case of multiple values it should be sorted allphabetically" host String(pattern="^(api|content|notify)$") = "api" "The server to make the request to. " style String(pattern="^(rpc|download|upload)$") = "rpc" "The RPC format to use for the request." is_preview Boolean = false "A flag indicating whether the route is subject to breaking changes without notice." allow_app_folder_app Boolean = false "If app folder app is allowed to use this endpoint." select_admin_mode String(pattern="^(team_admin|whole_team)$")? "Which mode for Dropbox-API-Select-Admin header can be used in this route." scope String? "Name of the scope required to call this route." is_cloud_doc_auth Boolean = false "Whether the endpoint is a Dropbox cloud docs endpoint which takes cloud docs auth token."