namespace team import common import team_common import files alias LegalHoldId = String(pattern="^pid_dbhid:.+") alias LegalHoldPolicyName = String(max_length=140) alias LegalHoldPolicyDescription = String(max_length=501) alias Path = String(pattern="(/(.|[\\r\\n])*)?") union LegalHoldStatus active "The legal hold policy is active." released "The legal hold policy was released." activating "The legal hold policy is activating." updating "The legal hold policy is updating." exporting "The legal hold policy is exporting." releasing "The legal hold policy is releasing." struct MembersInfo team_member_ids List(team_common.TeamMemberId) "Team member IDs of the users under this hold." permanently_deleted_users UInt64 "The number of permanently deleted users that were under this hold." example default team_member_ids = ["dbmid:efgh5678"] permanently_deleted_users = 2 union LegalHoldsError unknown_legal_hold_error "There has been an unknown legal hold error." insufficient_permissions "You don't have permissions to perform this action." struct LegalHoldPolicy id LegalHoldId "The legal hold id." name LegalHoldPolicyName "Policy name." description LegalHoldPolicyDescription? "A description of the legal hold policy." activation_time common.DropboxTimestamp? "The time at which the legal hold was activated." members MembersInfo "Team members IDs and number of permanently deleted members under hold." status LegalHoldStatus "The current state of the hold." start_date common.DropboxTimestamp "Start date of the legal hold policy." end_date common.DropboxTimestamp? "End date of the legal hold policy." example default id = "pid_dbhid:abcd1234" name = "acme cfo policy" activation_time = "2016-01-20T00:00:10Z" members = default status = active start_date = "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z" end_date = "2017-12-31T00:00:00Z" # # route legal_holds/create_policy # struct LegalHoldsPolicyCreateArg name LegalHoldPolicyName "Policy name." description LegalHoldPolicyDescription? "A description of the legal hold policy." members List(team_common.TeamMemberId) "List of team member IDs added to the hold." start_date common.DropboxTimestamp? "start date of the legal hold policy." end_date common.DropboxTimestamp? "end date of the legal hold policy." example default name = "acme cfo policy" members = ["dbmid:FDFSVF-DFSDF"] start_date = "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z" end_date = "2017-12-31T00:00:00Z" union LegalHoldsPolicyCreateError extends LegalHoldsError start_date_is_later_than_end_date "Start date must be earlier than end date." empty_members_list "The users list must have at least one user." invalid_members "Some members in the members list are not valid to be placed under legal hold." number_of_users_on_hold_is_greater_than_hold_limitation "You cannot add more than 5 users in a legal hold." transient_error "Temporary infrastructure failure, please retry." name_must_be_unique "The name provided is already in use by another legal hold." team_exceeded_legal_hold_quota "Team exceeded legal hold quota." invalid_date "The provided date is invalid." alias LegalHoldsPolicyCreateResult = LegalHoldPolicy route legal_holds/create_policy(LegalHoldsPolicyCreateArg, LegalHoldsPolicyCreateResult, LegalHoldsPolicyCreateError) "Creates new legal hold policy. Note: Legal Holds is a paid add-on. Not all teams have the feature. Permission : Team member file access." attrs auth = "team" scope = "team_data.governance.write" # # route legal_holds/get_policy # struct LegalHoldsGetPolicyArg id LegalHoldId "The legal hold Id." example default id = "pid_dbhid:abcd1234" alias LegalHoldsGetPolicyResult = LegalHoldPolicy union LegalHoldsGetPolicyError extends LegalHoldsError legal_hold_policy_not_found "Legal hold policy does not exist for :field:``." route legal_holds/get_policy(LegalHoldsGetPolicyArg, LegalHoldsGetPolicyResult, LegalHoldsGetPolicyError) "Gets a legal hold by Id. Note: Legal Holds is a paid add-on. Not all teams have the feature. Permission : Team member file access." attrs auth = "team" scope = "team_data.governance.write" # # route legal_holds/list_policies # struct LegalHoldsListPoliciesArg include_released Boolean = false "Whether to return holds that were released." example default include_released = false struct LegalHoldsListPoliciesResult policies List(LegalHoldPolicy) example default policies = [default] union LegalHoldsListPoliciesError extends LegalHoldsError transient_error "Temporary infrastructure failure, please retry." route legal_holds/list_policies(LegalHoldsListPoliciesArg, LegalHoldsListPoliciesResult, LegalHoldsListPoliciesError) "Lists legal holds on a team. Note: Legal Holds is a paid add-on. Not all teams have the feature. Permission : Team member file access." attrs auth = "team" scope = "team_data.governance.write" # # route legal_holds/list_held_revisions # struct LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsArg id LegalHoldId "The legal hold Id." example default id = "pid_dbhid:abcd1234" union LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsError extends LegalHoldsError transient_error "Temporary infrastructure failure, please retry." legal_hold_still_empty "The legal hold is not holding any revisions yet." inactive_legal_hold "Trying to list revisions for an inactive legal hold." struct LegalHoldHeldRevisionMetadata new_filename String "The held revision filename." original_revision_id files.Rev "The id of the held revision." original_file_path Path "The original path of the held revision." server_modified common.DropboxTimestamp "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox." author_member_id team_common.TeamMemberId "The member id of the revision's author." author_member_status TeamMemberStatus "The member status of the revision's author." author_email common.EmailAddress "The email address of the held revision author." file_type String "The type of the held revision's file." size UInt64 "The file size in bytes." content_hash files.Sha256HexHash "A hash of the file content. This field can be used to verify data integrity. For more information see our :link:`Content hash` page." example default new_filename = "111_222.pdf" original_revision_id = "ab2rij4i5ojgfd" original_file_path = "/a.pdf" server_modified = "2019-08-12T12:08:52Z" author_member_id = "dbmid:abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234a23" author_member_status = active author_email = "" file_type = "Document" size = 3 content_hash = "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234" alias ListHeldRevisionCursor = String(min_length=1) struct LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionResult entries List(LegalHoldHeldRevisionMetadata) "List of file entries that under the hold." cursor ListHeldRevisionCursor? "The cursor idicates where to continue reading file metadata entries for the next API call. When there are no more entries, the cursor will return none. Pass the cursor into /2/team/legal_holds/list_held_revisions/continue." has_more Boolean "True if there are more file entries that haven't been returned. You can retrieve them with a call to /legal_holds/list_held_revisions_continue." example default entries = [default] has_more = false route legal_holds/list_held_revisions(LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsArg, LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionResult, LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsError) "List the file metadata that's under the hold. Note: Legal Holds is a paid add-on. Not all teams have the feature. Permission : Team member file access." attrs auth = "team" scope = "team_data.governance.write" # # route legal_holds/list_held_revisions_continue # struct LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsContinueArg id LegalHoldId "The legal hold Id." cursor ListHeldRevisionCursor? "The cursor idicates where to continue reading file metadata entries for the next API call. When there are no more entries, the cursor will return none." example default id = "pid_dbhid:abcd1234" union LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsContinueError unknown_legal_hold_error "There has been an unknown legal hold error." transient_error "Temporary infrastructure failure, please retry." reset "Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call :route:`legal_holds/list_held_revisions_continue` again with an empty cursor to obtain a new cursor." route legal_holds/list_held_revisions_continue(LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsContinueArg, LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionResult, LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsError) "Continue listing the file metadata that's under the hold. Note: Legal Holds is a paid add-on. Not all teams have the feature. Permission : Team member file access." attrs auth = "team" scope = "team_data.governance.write" # # route legal_holds/update_policy # struct LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateArg id LegalHoldId "The legal hold Id." name LegalHoldPolicyName? "Policy new name." description LegalHoldPolicyDescription? "Policy new description." members List(team_common.TeamMemberId)? "List of team member IDs to apply the policy on." example default id = "pid_dbhid:abcd1234" members = ["dbmid:FDFSVF-DFSDF"] union LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError extends LegalHoldsError transient_error "Temporary infrastructure failure, please retry." inactive_legal_hold "Trying to release an inactive legal hold." legal_hold_performing_another_operation "Legal hold is currently performing another operation." invalid_members "Some members in the members list are not valid to be placed under legal hold." number_of_users_on_hold_is_greater_than_hold_limitation "You cannot add more than 5 users in a legal hold." empty_members_list "The users list must have at least one user." name_must_be_unique "The name provided is already in use by another legal hold." legal_hold_policy_not_found "Legal hold policy does not exist for :field:``." alias LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateResult = LegalHoldPolicy route legal_holds/update_policy(LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateArg, LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateResult, LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError) "Updates a legal hold. Note: Legal Holds is a paid add-on. Not all teams have the feature. Permission : Team member file access." attrs auth = "team" scope = "team_data.governance.write" # # route legal_holds/release_policy # struct LegalHoldsPolicyReleaseArg id LegalHoldId "The legal hold Id." example default id = "pid_dbhid:abcd1234" union LegalHoldsPolicyReleaseError extends LegalHoldsError legal_hold_performing_another_operation "Legal hold is currently performing another operation." legal_hold_already_releasing "Legal hold is currently performing a release or is already released." legal_hold_policy_not_found "Legal hold policy does not exist for :field:``." route legal_holds/release_policy(LegalHoldsPolicyReleaseArg, Void, LegalHoldsPolicyReleaseError) "Releases a legal hold by Id. Note: Legal Holds is a paid add-on. Not all teams have the feature. Permission : Team member file access." attrs auth = "team" scope = "team_data.governance.write"