namespace team import common # # Structures for linked_apps/list_member_linked_apps # struct ListMemberAppsArg team_member_id String "The team member id." example default team_member_id = "dbmid:AAFdgehTzw7WlXhZJsbGCLePe8RvQGYDr-I" struct ApiApp "Information on linked third party applications." app_id String "The application unique id." app_name String "The application name." publisher String? "The application publisher name." publisher_url String? "The publisher's URL." linked common.DropboxTimestamp? "The time this application was linked." is_app_folder Boolean "Whether the linked application uses a dedicated folder." example default app_id = "dbaid:AAFdgehTzw7WlXhZJsbGCLePe8RvQGYDr-I" app_name = "Notes" publisher = "Notes company" publisher_url = "" linked = "2015-05-12T15:50:38Z" is_app_folder = true struct ListMemberAppsResult linked_api_apps List(ApiApp) "List of third party applications linked by this team member." example default linked_api_apps = [default] union ListMemberAppsError "Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_member_linked_apps`." member_not_found "Member not found." # # Route: linked_apps/list_member_linked_apps # route linked_apps/list_member_linked_apps(ListMemberAppsArg, ListMemberAppsResult, ListMemberAppsError) "List all linked applications of the team member. Note, this endpoint does not list any team-linked applications." attrs auth = "team" scope = "sessions.list" # # Structs for linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps # struct ListMembersAppsArg "Arguments for :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps`." cursor String? "At the first call to the :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps` the cursor shouldn't be passed. Then, if the result of the call includes a cursor, the following requests should include the received cursors in order to receive the next sub list of the team applications." example default cursor = "AADAQO8ZWKvBkSMXb1J9dAYVvwZ0wcvfyzIBo2e1H-_N-67pfrYKTb4oN_3LG9_ilWjblZXuiR8ubjjiQQkHq-MvDjbe_6bkcJgjnTpowrRaQA" struct MemberLinkedApps "Information on linked applications of a team member." team_member_id String "The member unique Id." linked_api_apps List(ApiApp) "List of third party applications linked by this team member." example default team_member_id = "dbmid:AAFdgehTzw7WlXhZJsbGCLePe8RvQGYDr-I" linked_api_apps = [default] struct ListMembersAppsResult "Information returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps`." apps List(MemberLinkedApps) "The linked applications of each member of the team." has_more Boolean "If true, then there are more apps available. Pass the cursor to :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps` to retrieve the rest." cursor String? "Pass the cursor into :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps` to receive the next sub list of team's applications." example default apps = [default] has_more = true cursor = "AADAQO8ZWKvBkSMXb1J9dAYVvwZ0wcvfyzIBo2e1H-_N-67pfrYKTb4oN_3LG9_ilWjblZXuiR8ubjjiQQkHq-MvDjbe_6bkcJgjnTpowrRaQA" union ListMembersAppsError "Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps`." reset "Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps` again with an empty cursor to obtain a new cursor." # # Route: linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps # route linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps(ListMembersAppsArg, ListMembersAppsResult, ListMembersAppsError) "List all applications linked to the team members' accounts. Note, this endpoint does not list any team-linked applications." attrs auth = "team" scope = "sessions.list" # # Structs for linked_apps/revoke_linked_app # struct RevokeLinkedApiAppArg app_id String "The application's unique id." team_member_id String "The unique id of the member owning the device." keep_app_folder Boolean = true "This flag is not longer supported, the application dedicated folder (in case the application uses one) will be kept." example default app_id = "dbaid:AAFdgehTzw7WlXhZJsbGCLePe8RvQGYDr-I" team_member_id = "dbmid:AAFdgehTzw7WlXhZJsbGCLePe8RvQGYDr-I" union RevokeLinkedAppError "Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/revoke_linked_app`." app_not_found "Application not found." member_not_found "Member not found." app_folder_removal_not_supported "App folder removal is not supported." # # Route: linked_apps/revoke_linked_app # route linked_apps/revoke_linked_app(RevokeLinkedApiAppArg, Void, RevokeLinkedAppError) "Revoke a linked application of the team member." attrs auth = "team" scope = "sessions.modify" # # structs for linked_apps/revoke_linked_app_batch # struct RevokeLinkedApiAppBatchArg revoke_linked_app List(RevokeLinkedApiAppArg) example default revoke_linked_app = [default] struct RevokeLinkedAppStatus success Boolean "Result of the revoking request." error_type RevokeLinkedAppError? "The error cause in case of a failure." example default success = false error_type = app_not_found struct RevokeLinkedAppBatchResult revoke_linked_app_status List(RevokeLinkedAppStatus) example default revoke_linked_app_status = [default] union RevokeLinkedAppBatchError "Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/revoke_linked_app_batch`." # # Route: linked_apps/revoke_linked_app_batch # route linked_apps/revoke_linked_app_batch(RevokeLinkedApiAppBatchArg, RevokeLinkedAppBatchResult, RevokeLinkedAppBatchError) "Revoke a list of linked applications of the team members." attrs auth = "team" scope = "sessions.modify" # # Deprecated endpoints # struct ListTeamAppsArg "Arguments for :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps`." cursor String? "At the first call to the :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps` the cursor shouldn't be passed. Then, if the result of the call includes a cursor, the following requests should include the received cursors in order to receive the next sub list of the team applications." example default cursor = "AADAQO8ZWKvBkSMXb1J9dAYVvwZ0wcvfyzIBo2e1H-_N-67pfrYKTb4oN_3LG9_ilWjblZXuiR8ubjjiQQkHq-MvDjbe_6bkcJgjnTpowrRaQA" struct ListTeamAppsResult "Information returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps`." apps List(MemberLinkedApps) "The linked applications of each member of the team." has_more Boolean "If true, then there are more apps available. Pass the cursor to :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps` to retrieve the rest." cursor String? "Pass the cursor into :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps` to receive the next sub list of team's applications." example default apps = [default] has_more = true cursor = "AADAQO8ZWKvBkSMXb1J9dAYVvwZ0wcvfyzIBo2e1H-_N-67pfrYKTb4oN_3LG9_ilWjblZXuiR8ubjjiQQkHq-MvDjbe_6bkcJgjnTpowrRaQA" union ListTeamAppsError "Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps`." reset "Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps` again with an empty cursor to obtain a new cursor." route linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps(ListTeamAppsArg, ListTeamAppsResult, ListTeamAppsError) deprecated by linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps "List all applications linked to the team members' accounts. Note, this endpoint doesn't list any team-linked applications." attrs auth = "team" scope = "sessions.list"