namespace team_log import async import common import team import team_common import users_common ############################### # Routes declarations ############################### struct GetTeamEventsArg limit UInt32(min_value=1, max_value=1000) = 1000 "The maximal number of results to return per call. Note that some calls may not return :field:`limit` number of events, and may even return no events, even with `has_more` set to true. In this case, callers should fetch again using :route:`get_events/continue`." account_id users_common.AccountId? "Filter the events by account ID. Return only events with this account_id as either Actor, Context, or Participants." time team_common.TimeRange? "Filter by time range." category EventCategory? "Filter the returned events to a single category. Note that category shouldn't be provided together with event_type." event_type EventTypeArg? "Filter the returned events to a single event type. Note that event_type shouldn't be provided together with category." example default limit=50 category=groups # This is used only for `json_encode` in metaserver/tests/util/ # simply because I don't know how to use the list. alias TeamEventList = List(TeamEvent) struct GetTeamEventsResult events List(TeamEvent) "List of events. Note that events are not guaranteed to be sorted by their timestamp value." cursor String "Pass the cursor into :route:`get_events/continue` to obtain additional events. The value of :field:`cursor` may change for each response from :route:`get_events/continue`, regardless of the value of :field:`has_more`; older cursor strings may expire. Thus, callers should ensure that they update their cursor based on the latest value of :field:`cursor` after each call, and poll regularly if they wish to poll for new events. Callers should handle reset exceptions for expired cursors." has_more Boolean "Is true if there may be additional events that have not been returned yet. An additional call to :route:`get_events/continue` can retrieve them. Note that :field:`has_more` may be :val:`true`, even if :field:`events` is empty." example default events = [default] cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" has_more = false union GetTeamEventsError "Errors that can be raised when calling :route:`get_events`." account_id_not_found "No user found matching the provided account_id." invalid_time_range "Invalid time range." invalid_filters "Invalid filters. Do not specify both event_type and category parameters for the same call." example default account_id_not_found = null route get_events(GetTeamEventsArg, GetTeamEventsResult, GetTeamEventsError) "Retrieves team events. If the result's :field:`GetTeamEventsResult.has_more` field is :val:`true`, call :route:`get_events/continue` with the returned cursor to retrieve more entries. If end_time is not specified in your request, you may use the returned cursor to poll :route:`get_events/continue` for new events. Many attributes note 'may be missing due to historical data gap'. Note that the file_operations category and & analogous paper events are not available on all Dropbox Business :link:`plans /business/plans-comparison`. Use :link:`features/get_values /developers/documentation/http/teams#team-features-get_values` to check for this feature. Permission : Team Auditing." attrs auth = "team" scope = "" struct GetTeamEventsContinueArg cursor String "Indicates from what point to get the next set of events." example default cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" union GetTeamEventsContinueError "Errors that can be raised when calling :route:`get_events/continue`." bad_cursor "Bad cursor." reset common.DropboxTimestamp "Cursors are intended to be used quickly. Individual cursor values are normally valid for days, but in rare cases may be reset sooner. Cursor reset errors should be handled by fetching a new cursor from :route:`get_events`. The associated value is the approximate timestamp of the most recent event returned by the cursor. This should be used as a resumption point when calling :route:`get_events` to obtain a new cursor." example default bad_cursor = null route get_events/continue(GetTeamEventsContinueArg, GetTeamEventsResult, GetTeamEventsContinueError) "Once a cursor has been retrieved from :route:`get_events`, use this to paginate through all events. Permission : Team Auditing." attrs auth = "team" scope = ""