namespace team import account import async import users import common import team_common alias TeamMemberRoleId = String(pattern="pid_dbtmr:.*", max_length=128) struct TeamMemberRole "A role which can be attached to a team member. This replaces AdminTier; each AdminTier corresponds to a new TeamMemberRole with a matching name." role_id TeamMemberRoleId "A string containing encoded role ID. For roles defined by Dropbox, this is the same across all teams." name String(max_length=32) "The role display name." description String(max_length=256) "Role description. Describes which permissions come with this role." example team_member_role_super role_id = "pid_dbtmr:2345" name = "Team admin" description = "User can do most user provisioning, de-provisioning and management." example team_member_role_user_management role_id = "pid_dbtmr:3456" name = "User management admin" description = "Add, remove, and manage member accounts." example team_member_role_support role_id = "pid_dbtmr:4567" name = "Support admin" description = "Help members with limited tasks, including password reset." example team_member_role_billing role_id = "pid_dbtmr:5678" name = "Billing admin" description = "Make payments and renew contracts." union_closed AdminTier "Describes which team-related admin permissions a user has." team_admin "User is an administrator of the team - has all permissions." user_management_admin "User can do most user provisioning, de-provisioning and management." support_admin "User can do a limited set of common support tasks for existing users. Note: Dropbox is adding new types of admin roles; these may display as support_admin." member_only "User is not an admin of the team." example default member_only = null # # Common structs # struct TeamMemberProfile extends MemberProfile "Profile of a user as a member of a team." groups List(team_common.GroupId) "List of group IDs of groups that the user belongs to." member_folder_id common.NamespaceId "The namespace id of the user's root folder." example default team_member_id = "dbmid:FDFSVF-DFSDF" account_id = "dbid:AAH4f99T0taONIb-OurWxbNQ6ywGRopQngc" external_id = "244423" email = "" email_verified = false secondary_emails = [third_sec_email, default] status = active name = default groups = ["g:e2db7665347abcd600000000001a2b3c"] membership_type = full joined_on = "2015-05-12T15:50:38Z" member_folder_id = "20" profile_photo_url = "" union_closed MemberSelectorError extends UserSelectorError user_not_in_team "The user is not a member of the team." ######################## # Member info routes ######################## # # Route: members/list # struct MembersListArg limit UInt32(min_value=1, max_value=1000) = 1000 "Number of results to return per call." include_removed Boolean = false "Whether to return removed members." example default limit = 100 include_removed = false struct TeamMemberInfoV2 "Information about a team member." profile TeamMemberProfile "Profile of a user as a member of a team." roles List(TeamMemberRole)? "The user's roles in the team." example default profile = default roles = [team_member_role_user_management] struct TeamMemberInfoV2Result "Information about a team member, after the change, like at :route:`members/set_profile:2`." member_info TeamMemberInfoV2 "Member info, after the change." example default member_info = default struct TeamMemberInfo "Information about a team member." profile TeamMemberProfile "Profile of a user as a member of a team." role AdminTier "The user's role in the team." example default profile = default role = member_only struct MembersListV2Result members List(TeamMemberInfoV2) "List of team members." cursor String "Pass the cursor into :route:`members/list/continue:2` to obtain the additional members." has_more Boolean "Is true if there are additional team members that have not been returned yet. An additional call to :route:`members/list/continue:2` can retrieve them." example default members = [default] cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" has_more = true struct MembersListResult members List(TeamMemberInfo) "List of team members." cursor String "Pass the cursor into :route:`members/list/continue` to obtain the additional members." has_more Boolean "Is true if there are additional team members that have not been returned yet. An additional call to :route:`members/list/continue` can retrieve them." example default members = [default] cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" has_more = true union MembersListError "" route members/list:2(MembersListArg, MembersListV2Result, MembersListError) "Lists members of a team. Permission : Team information." attrs auth = "team" scope = "" route members/list(MembersListArg, MembersListResult, MembersListError) "Lists members of a team. Permission : Team information." attrs auth = "team" scope = "" # # Route: members/list/continue # struct MembersListContinueArg cursor String "Indicates from what point to get the next set of members." example default cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" union MembersListContinueError invalid_cursor "The cursor is invalid." route members/list/continue:2(MembersListContinueArg, MembersListV2Result, MembersListContinueError) "Once a cursor has been retrieved from :route:`members/list:2`, use this to paginate through all team members. Permission : Team information." attrs auth = "team" scope = "" route members/list/continue(MembersListContinueArg, MembersListResult, MembersListContinueError) "Once a cursor has been retrieved from :route:`members/list`, use this to paginate through all team members. Permission : Team information." attrs auth = "team" scope = "" # # Route: members/get_info # struct MembersGetInfoV2Arg members List(UserSelectorArg) "List of team members." example default members = [default] struct MembersGetInfoArgs members List(UserSelectorArg) "List of team members." example default members = [default] union_closed MembersGetInfoItemBase id_not_found String "An ID that was provided as a parameter to :route:`members/get_info` or :route:`members/get_info:2`, and did not match a corresponding user. This might be a team_member_id, an email, or an external ID, depending on how the method was called." union MembersGetInfoItemV2 extends MembersGetInfoItemBase "Describes a result obtained for a single user whose id was specified in the parameter of :route:`members/get_info:2`." member_info TeamMemberInfoV2 "Info about a team member." example default member_info = default union_closed MembersGetInfoItem extends MembersGetInfoItemBase "Describes a result obtained for a single user whose id was specified in the parameter of :route:`members/get_info`." member_info TeamMemberInfo "Info about a team member." example default member_info = default # Information returned by :route:`members/get_info`. # describing multiple team members." alias MembersGetInfoResult = List(MembersGetInfoItem) struct MembersGetInfoV2Result members_info List(MembersGetInfoItemV2) "List of team members info." example default members_info = [default] union MembersGetInfoError "" route members/get_info:2(MembersGetInfoV2Arg, MembersGetInfoV2Result, MembersGetInfoError) "Returns information about multiple team members. Permission : Team information This endpoint will return :field:`MembersGetInfoItem.id_not_found`, for IDs (or emails) that cannot be matched to a valid team member." attrs auth = "team" scope = "" route members/get_info(MembersGetInfoArgs, MembersGetInfoResult, MembersGetInfoError) "Returns information about multiple team members. Permission : Team information This endpoint will return :field:`MembersGetInfoItem.id_not_found`, for IDs (or emails) that cannot be matched to a valid team member." attrs auth = "team" scope = "" ########################## # Member management routes ########################## # # Route members/add # struct MemberAddArgBase member_email common.EmailAddress member_given_name common.OptionalNamePart? "Member's first name." member_surname common.OptionalNamePart? "Member's last name." member_external_id team_common.MemberExternalId? "External ID for member." member_persistent_id String? "Persistent ID for member. This field is only available to teams using persistent ID SAML configuration." send_welcome_email Boolean = true "Whether to send a welcome email to the member. If send_welcome_email is false, no email invitation will be sent to the user. This may be useful for apps using single sign-on (SSO) flows for onboarding that want to handle announcements themselves." is_directory_restricted Boolean? "Whether a user is directory restricted." example default member_email = "" member_given_name = "Tom" member_surname = "Silverstone" member_external_id = "company_id:342432" struct MemberAddArg extends MemberAddArgBase role AdminTier = member_only example default member_email = "" member_given_name = "Tom" member_surname = "Silverstone" member_external_id = "company_id:342432" role = default struct MemberAddV2Arg extends MemberAddArgBase role_ids List(TeamMemberRoleId, max_items=1)? example default member_email = "" member_given_name = "Tom" member_surname = "Silverstone" member_external_id = "company_id:342432" role_ids = ["pid_dbtmr:2345"] struct MembersAddArgBase force_async Boolean = false "Whether to force the add to happen asynchronously." example default force_async = true struct MembersAddV2Arg extends MembersAddArgBase new_members List(MemberAddV2Arg) "Details of new members to be added to the team." example default new_members = [default] struct MembersAddArg extends MembersAddArgBase new_members List(MemberAddArg) "Details of new members to be added to the team." example default new_members = [default] union_closed MemberAddResultBase team_license_limit common.EmailAddress "Team is already full. The organization has no available licenses." free_team_member_limit_reached common.EmailAddress "Team is already full. The free team member limit has been reached." user_already_on_team common.EmailAddress "User is already on this team. The provided email address is associated with a user who is already a member of (including in recoverable state) or invited to the team." user_on_another_team common.EmailAddress "User is already on another team. The provided email address is associated with a user that is already a member or invited to another team." user_already_paired common.EmailAddress "User is already paired." user_migration_failed common.EmailAddress "User migration has failed." duplicate_external_member_id common.EmailAddress "A user with the given external member ID already exists on the team (including in recoverable state)." duplicate_member_persistent_id common.EmailAddress "A user with the given persistent ID already exists on the team (including in recoverable state)." persistent_id_disabled common.EmailAddress "Persistent ID is only available to teams with persistent ID SAML configuration. Please contact Dropbox for more information." user_creation_failed common.EmailAddress "User creation has failed." example default team_license_limit = "" union MemberAddV2Result extends MemberAddResultBase "Describes the result of attempting to add a single user to the team. 'success' is the only value indicating that a user was indeed added to the team - the other values explain the type of failure that occurred, and include the email of the user for which the operation has failed." success TeamMemberInfoV2 "Describes a user that was successfully added to the team." example default success = default union_closed MemberAddResult extends MemberAddResultBase "Describes the result of attempting to add a single user to the team. 'success' is the only value indicating that a user was indeed added to the team - the other values explain the type of failure that occurred, and include the email of the user for which the operation has failed." success TeamMemberInfo "Describes a user that was successfully added to the team." example default success = default union MembersAddLaunchV2Result extends async.LaunchResultBase complete List(MemberAddV2Result) example default complete = [default] union_closed MembersAddLaunch extends async.LaunchResultBase complete List(MemberAddResult) example default complete = [default] route members/add:2(MembersAddV2Arg, MembersAddLaunchV2Result, Void) "Adds members to a team. Permission : Team member management A maximum of 20 members can be specified in a single call. If no Dropbox account exists with the email address specified, a new Dropbox account will be created with the given email address, and that account will be invited to the team. If a personal Dropbox account exists with the email address specified in the call, this call will create a placeholder Dropbox account for the user on the team and send an email inviting the user to migrate their existing personal account onto the team. Team member management apps are required to set an initial given_name and surname for a user to use in the team invitation and for 'Perform as team member' actions taken on the user before they become 'active'." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" route members/add(MembersAddArg, MembersAddLaunch, Void) "Adds members to a team. Permission : Team member management A maximum of 20 members can be specified in a single call. If no Dropbox account exists with the email address specified, a new Dropbox account will be created with the given email address, and that account will be invited to the team. If a personal Dropbox account exists with the email address specified in the call, this call will create a placeholder Dropbox account for the user on the team and send an email inviting the user to migrate their existing personal account onto the team. Team member management apps are required to set an initial given_name and surname for a user to use in the team invitation and for 'Perform as team member' actions taken on the user before they become 'active'." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/add/job_status/get # union MembersAddJobStatusV2Result extends async.PollResultBase complete List(MemberAddV2Result) "The asynchronous job has finished. For each member that was specified in the parameter :type:`MembersAddArg` that was provided to :route:`members/add:2`, a corresponding item is returned in this list." failed String "The asynchronous job returned an error. The string contains an error message." example default complete = [default] union_closed MembersAddJobStatus extends async.PollResultBase complete List(MemberAddResult) "The asynchronous job has finished. For each member that was specified in the parameter :type:`MembersAddArg` that was provided to :route:`members/add`, a corresponding item is returned in this list." failed String "The asynchronous job returned an error. The string contains an error message." example default complete = [default] route members/add/job_status/get:2(async.PollArg, MembersAddJobStatusV2Result, async.PollError) "Once an async_job_id is returned from :route:`members/add:2` , use this to poll the status of the asynchronous request. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" route members/add/job_status/get(async.PollArg, MembersAddJobStatus, async.PollError) "Once an async_job_id is returned from :route:`members/add` , use this to poll the status of the asynchronous request. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/set_profile # # Note that we do not allow changing 'familiar_name' and 'display_name from users.Name, since they # are derived from the given_name, surname and locale. struct MembersSetProfileArg "Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account. At least one of new_email, new_external_id, new_given_name, and/or new_surname must be provided." user UserSelectorArg "Identity of user whose profile will be set." new_email common.EmailAddress? "New email for member." new_external_id team_common.MemberExternalId? "New external ID for member." new_given_name common.OptionalNamePart? "New given name for member." new_surname common.OptionalNamePart? "New surname for member." new_persistent_id String? "New persistent ID. This field only available to teams using persistent ID SAML configuration." new_is_directory_restricted Boolean? "New value for whether the user is a directory restricted user." example default user = default new_email = "" new_surname = "Smith" union MembersSetProfileError extends MemberSelectorError external_id_and_new_external_id_unsafe "It is unsafe to use both external_id and new_external_id." no_new_data_specified "None of new_email, new_given_name, new_surname, or new_external_id are specified." email_reserved_for_other_user "Email is already reserved for another user." external_id_used_by_other_user "The external ID is already in use by another team member." set_profile_disallowed "Modifying deleted users is not allowed." param_cannot_be_empty "Parameter new_email cannot be empty." persistent_id_disabled "Persistent ID is only available to teams with persistent ID SAML configuration. Please contact Dropbox for more information." persistent_id_used_by_other_user "The persistent ID is already in use by another team member." directory_restricted_off "Directory Restrictions option is not available." route members/set_profile:2(MembersSetProfileArg, TeamMemberInfoV2Result, MembersSetProfileError) "Updates a team member's profile. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" route members/set_profile(MembersSetProfileArg, TeamMemberInfo, MembersSetProfileError) "Updates a team member's profile. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/set_profile_photo # struct MembersSetProfilePhotoArg user UserSelectorArg "Identity of the user whose profile photo will be set." photo account.PhotoSourceArg "Image to set as the member's new profile photo." example default user = default photo = default union MembersSetProfilePhotoError extends MemberSelectorError set_profile_disallowed "Modifying deleted users is not allowed." photo_error account.SetProfilePhotoError route members/set_profile_photo:2(MembersSetProfilePhotoArg, TeamMemberInfoV2Result, MembersSetProfilePhotoError) "Updates a team member's profile photo. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" route members/set_profile_photo(MembersSetProfilePhotoArg, TeamMemberInfo, MembersSetProfilePhotoError) "Updates a team member's profile photo. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/delete_profile_photo # struct MembersDeleteProfilePhotoArg user UserSelectorArg "Identity of the user whose profile photo will be deleted." example default user = default union MembersDeleteProfilePhotoError extends MemberSelectorError set_profile_disallowed "Modifying deleted users is not allowed." route members/delete_profile_photo:2(MembersDeleteProfilePhotoArg, TeamMemberInfoV2Result, MembersDeleteProfilePhotoError) "Deletes a team member's profile photo. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" route members/delete_profile_photo(MembersDeleteProfilePhotoArg, TeamMemberInfo, MembersDeleteProfilePhotoError) "Deletes a team member's profile photo. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/get_available_team_member_roles # struct MembersGetAvailableTeamMemberRolesResult "Available TeamMemberRole for the connected team. To be used with :route:`members/set_admin_permissions:2`." roles List(TeamMemberRole) "Available roles." example default roles = [team_member_role_super, team_member_role_billing, team_member_role_user_management, team_member_role_support] route members/get_available_team_member_roles(Void, MembersGetAvailableTeamMemberRolesResult, Void) "Get available TeamMemberRoles for the connected team. To be used with :route:`members/set_admin_permissions:2`. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "" # # Route members/set_admin_permissions:2 # struct MembersSetPermissions2Arg "Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account." user UserSelectorArg "Identity of user whose role will be set." new_roles List(TeamMemberRoleId, max_items=1)? "The new roles for the member. Send empty list to make user member only. For now, only up to one role is allowed." example default user = default new_roles = ["pid_dbtmr:1234"] struct MembersSetPermissions2Result team_member_id team_common.TeamMemberId "The member ID of the user to which the change was applied." roles List(TeamMemberRole)? "The roles after the change. Empty in case the user become a non-admin." example default team_member_id = "dbmid:9978889" roles = [team_member_role_user_management] union MembersSetPermissions2Error extends UserSelectorError last_admin "Cannot remove the admin setting of the last admin." user_not_in_team "The user is not a member of the team." cannot_set_permissions "Cannot remove/grant permissions. This can happen if the team member is suspended." role_not_found "No matching role found. At least one of the provided new_roles does not exist on this team." route members/set_admin_permissions:2(MembersSetPermissions2Arg, MembersSetPermissions2Result, MembersSetPermissions2Error) "Updates a team member's permissions. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/set_admin_permissions # struct MembersSetPermissionsArg "Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account." user UserSelectorArg "Identity of user whose role will be set." new_role AdminTier "The new role of the member." example default user = default new_role = default struct MembersSetPermissionsResult team_member_id team_common.TeamMemberId "The member ID of the user to which the change was applied." role AdminTier "The role after the change." example default team_member_id = "dbmid:9978889" role = default union MembersSetPermissionsError extends UserSelectorError last_admin "Cannot remove the admin setting of the last admin." user_not_in_team "The user is not a member of the team." cannot_set_permissions "Cannot remove/grant permissions." team_license_limit "Team is full. The organization has no available licenses." route members/set_admin_permissions(MembersSetPermissionsArg, MembersSetPermissionsResult, MembersSetPermissionsError) "Updates a team member's permissions. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/send_welcome_email # union MembersSendWelcomeError extends MemberSelectorError "" route members/send_welcome_email(UserSelectorArg, Void, MembersSendWelcomeError) "Sends welcome email to pending team member. Permission : Team member management Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account. No-op if team member is not pending." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/remove # struct MembersDeactivateBaseArg "Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account." user UserSelectorArg "Identity of user to remove/suspend/have their files moved." struct MembersDeactivateArg extends MembersDeactivateBaseArg wipe_data Boolean = true "If provided, controls if the user's data will be deleted on their linked devices." example default user = default wipe_data = false struct MembersRemoveArg extends MembersDeactivateArg transfer_dest_id UserSelectorArg? "If provided, files from the deleted member account will be transferred to this user." transfer_admin_id UserSelectorArg? "If provided, errors during the transfer process will be sent via email to this user. If the transfer_dest_id argument was provided, then this argument must be provided as well." keep_account Boolean = false "Downgrade the member to a Basic account. The user will retain the email address associated with their Dropbox account and data in their account that is not restricted to team members. In order to keep the account the argument :field:`wipe_data` should be set to :val:`false`." retain_team_shares Boolean = false "If provided, allows removed users to keep access to Dropbox folders (not Dropbox Paper folders) already explicitly shared with them (not via a group) when they are downgraded to a Basic account. Users will not retain access to folders that do not allow external sharing. In order to keep the sharing relationships, the arguments :field:`wipe_data` should be set to :val:`false` and :field:`keep_account` should be set to :val:`true`." example default user = default wipe_data = true transfer_dest_id = default transfer_admin_id = default keep_account = false retain_team_shares = false union MembersDeactivateError extends UserSelectorError user_not_in_team "The user is not a member of the team." union MembersTransferFilesError extends MembersDeactivateError removed_and_transfer_dest_should_differ "Expected removed user and transfer_dest user to be different." removed_and_transfer_admin_should_differ "Expected removed user and transfer_admin user to be different." transfer_dest_user_not_found "No matching user found for the argument transfer_dest_id." transfer_dest_user_not_in_team "The provided transfer_dest_id does not exist on this team." transfer_admin_user_not_in_team "The provided transfer_admin_id does not exist on this team." transfer_admin_user_not_found "No matching user found for the argument transfer_admin_id." unspecified_transfer_admin_id "The transfer_admin_id argument must be provided when file transfer is requested." transfer_admin_is_not_admin "Specified transfer_admin user is not a team admin." recipient_not_verified "The recipient user's email is not verified." union MembersRemoveError extends MembersTransferFilesError remove_last_admin "The user is the last admin of the team, so it cannot be removed from it." cannot_keep_account_and_transfer "Cannot keep account and transfer the data to another user at the same time." cannot_keep_account_and_delete_data "Cannot keep account and delete the data at the same time. To keep the account the argument wipe_data should be set to :val:`false`." email_address_too_long_to_be_disabled # Added value in order to handle task T82902. "The email address of the user is too long to be disabled." cannot_keep_invited_user_account "Cannot keep account of an invited user." cannot_retain_shares_when_data_wiped "Cannot retain team shares when the user's data is marked for deletion on their linked devices. The argument wipe_data should be set to :val:`false`." cannot_retain_shares_when_no_account_kept "The user's account must be kept in order to retain team shares. The argument keep_account should be set to :val:`true`." cannot_retain_shares_when_team_external_sharing_off "Externally sharing files, folders, and links must be enabled in team settings in order to retain team shares for the user." cannot_keep_account "Only a team admin, can convert this account to a Basic account." cannot_keep_account_under_legal_hold "This user content is currently being held. To convert this member's account to a Basic account, you'll first need to remove them from the hold." cannot_keep_account_required_to_sign_tos "To convert this member to a Basic account, they'll first need to sign in to Dropbox and agree to the terms of service." route members/remove(MembersRemoveArg, async.LaunchEmptyResult, MembersRemoveError) "Removes a member from a team. Permission : Team member management Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account. Accounts can be recovered via :route:`members/recover` for a 7 day period or until the account has been permanently deleted or transferred to another account (whichever comes first). Calling :route:`members/add` while a user is still recoverable on your team will return with :field:`MemberAddResult.user_already_on_team`. Accounts can have their files transferred via the admin console for a limited time, based on the version history length associated with the team (180 days for most teams). This endpoint may initiate an asynchronous job. To obtain the final result of the job, the client should periodically poll :route:`members/remove/job_status/get`." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.delete" # # Route members/remove/job_status/get # route members/remove/job_status/get(async.PollArg, async.PollEmptyResult, async.PollError) "Once an async_job_id is returned from :route:`members/remove` , use this to poll the status of the asynchronous request. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.delete" # # Route members/suspend # union MembersSuspendError extends MembersDeactivateError suspend_inactive_user "The user is not active, so it cannot be suspended." suspend_last_admin "The user is the last admin of the team, so it cannot be suspended." team_license_limit "Team is full. The organization has no available licenses." route members/suspend(MembersDeactivateArg, Void, MembersSuspendError) "Suspend a member from a team. Permission : Team member management Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/unsuspend # struct MembersUnsuspendArg "Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account." user UserSelectorArg "Identity of user to unsuspend." example default user = default union MembersUnsuspendError extends MembersDeactivateError unsuspend_non_suspended_member "The user is unsuspended, so it cannot be unsuspended again." team_license_limit "Team is full. The organization has no available licenses." route members/unsuspend(MembersUnsuspendArg, Void, MembersUnsuspendError) "Unsuspend a member from a team. Permission : Team member management Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # Route members/recover # struct MembersRecoverArg "Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account." user UserSelectorArg "Identity of user to recover." example default user = default union MembersRecoverError extends UserSelectorError user_unrecoverable "The user is not recoverable." user_not_in_team "The user is not a member of the team." team_license_limit "Team is full. The organization has no available licenses." route members/recover(MembersRecoverArg, Void, MembersRecoverError) "Recover a deleted member. Permission : Team member management Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the user account." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.delete" # manage_former_member_files union MembersTransferFormerMembersFilesError extends MembersTransferFilesError user_data_is_being_transferred "The user's data is being transferred. Please wait some time before retrying." user_not_removed "No matching removed user found for the argument user." user_data_cannot_be_transferred "User files aren't transferable anymore." user_data_already_transferred "User's data has already been transferred to another user." struct MembersDataTransferArg extends MembersDeactivateBaseArg transfer_dest_id UserSelectorArg "Files from the deleted member account will be transferred to this user." transfer_admin_id UserSelectorArg "Errors during the transfer process will be sent via email to this user." example default user = default transfer_dest_id = default transfer_admin_id = default # Routes - moving removed user's files route members/move_former_member_files(MembersDataTransferArg, async.LaunchEmptyResult, MembersTransferFormerMembersFilesError) "Moves removed member's files to a different member. This endpoint initiates an asynchronous job. To obtain the final result of the job, the client should periodically poll :route:`members/move_former_member_files/job_status/check`. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # This is a duplicate of route members/remove/job_status/get route members/move_former_member_files/job_status/check(async.PollArg, async.PollEmptyResult, async.PollError) "Once an async_job_id is returned from :route:`members/move_former_member_files` , use this to poll the status of the asynchronous request. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write"