namespace team_policies struct TeamMemberPolicies "Policies governing team members." sharing TeamSharingPolicies "Policies governing sharing." emm_state EmmState "This describes the Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) state for this team. This information can be used to understand if an organization is integrating with a third-party EMM vendor to further manage and apply restrictions upon the team's Dropbox usage on mobile devices. This is a new feature and in the future we'll be adding more new fields and additional documentation." office_addin OfficeAddInPolicy "The admin policy around the Dropbox Office Add-In for this team." suggest_members_policy SuggestMembersPolicy "The team policy on if teammembers are allowed to suggest users for admins to invite to the team." example default sharing = default emm_state = disabled office_addin = disabled suggest_members_policy = enabled struct TeamSharingPolicies "Policies governing sharing within and outside of the team." shared_folder_member_policy SharedFolderMemberPolicy "Who can join folders shared by team members." shared_folder_join_policy SharedFolderJoinPolicy "Which shared folders team members can join." shared_link_create_policy SharedLinkCreatePolicy "Who can view shared links owned by team members." group_creation_policy GroupCreation "Who can create groups." shared_folder_link_restriction_policy SharedFolderBlanketLinkRestrictionPolicy "Who can view links to content in shared folders." example default shared_folder_member_policy = team shared_folder_join_policy = from_anyone shared_link_create_policy = team_only group_creation_policy = admins_only shared_folder_link_restriction_policy = anyone # NOTE: we do not reuse sharing.MemberPolicy here since we may want to enable folder-specific member # policies that work on top of the broader team policies. union SharedFolderMemberPolicy "Policy governing who can be a member of a folder shared by a team member." team "Only a teammate can be a member of a folder shared by a team member." anyone "Anyone can be a member of a folder shared by a team member." union SharedFolderJoinPolicy "Policy governing which shared folders a team member can join." from_team_only "Team members can only join folders shared by teammates." from_anyone "Team members can join any shared folder, including those shared by users outside the team." union SharedLinkCreatePolicy "Policy governing the visibility of shared links. This policy can apply to newly created shared links, or all shared links." default_public "By default, anyone can access newly created shared links. No login will be required to access the shared links unless overridden." default_team_only "By default, only members of the same team can access newly created shared links. Login will be required to access the shared links unless overridden." team_only "Only members of the same team can access all shared links. Login will be required to access all shared links." default_no_one "Only people invited can access newly created links. Login will be required to access the shared links unless overridden." union SharedFolderBlanketLinkRestrictionPolicy "Policy governing whether shared folder membership is required to access shared links." members "Only members of shared folders can access folder content via shared link." anyone "Anyone can access folder content via shared link." union EmmState disabled "Emm token is disabled." optional "Emm token is optional." required "Emm token is required." union OfficeAddInPolicy disabled "Office Add-In is disabled." enabled "Office Add-In is enabled." union SsoPolicy disabled "Users will be able to sign in with their Dropbox credentials." optional "Users will be able to sign in with either their Dropbox or single sign-on credentials." required "Users will be required to sign in with their single sign-on credentials." union PaperDeploymentPolicy full "All team members have access to Paper." partial "Only whitelisted team members can access Paper. To see which user is whitelisted, check 'is_paper_whitelisted' on 'account/info'." union_closed RolloutMethod unlink_all "Unlink all." unlink_most_inactive "Unlink devices with the most inactivity." add_member_to_exceptions "Add member to Exceptions." union PaperEnabledPolicy disabled "Paper is disabled." enabled "Paper is enabled." unspecified "Unspecified policy." union PasswordControlMode disabled "Password is disabled." enabled "Password is enabled." union PasswordStrengthPolicy minimal_requirements "User passwords will adhere to the minimal password strength policy." moderate_password "User passwords will adhere to the moderate password strength policy." strong_password "User passwords will adhere to the very strong password strength policy." union TwoStepVerificationPolicy require_tfa_enable "Enabled require two factor authorization." require_tfa_disable "Disabled require two factor authorization." union TwoStepVerificationState required "Enabled require two factor authorization." optional "Optional require two factor authorization." disabled "Disabled require two factor authorization." union SmartSyncPolicy local "The specified content will be synced as local files by default." on_demand "The specified content will be synced as on-demand files by default." union_closed GroupCreation admins_and_members "Team admins and members can create groups." admins_only "Only team admins can create groups." union ShowcaseEnabledPolicy disabled "Showcase is disabled." enabled "Showcase is enabled." union ShowcaseDownloadPolicy disabled "Do not allow files to be downloaded from Showcases." enabled "Allow files to be downloaded from Showcases." union ShowcaseExternalSharingPolicy disabled "Do not allow showcases to be shared with people not on the team." enabled "Allow showcases to be shared with people not on the team." union CameraUploadsPolicyState disabled "Background camera uploads are disabled." enabled "Background camera uploads are allowed." union SmarterSmartSyncPolicyState disabled "Smarter Smart Sync feature is disabled." enabled "Smarter Smart Sync feature is enabled." union FileLockingPolicyState disabled "File locking feature is disabled." enabled "File locking feature is allowed." union PaperDefaultFolderPolicy everyone_in_team "Everyone in team will be the default option when creating a folder in Paper." invite_only "Invite only will be the default option when creating a folder in Paper." union PaperDesktopPolicy disabled "Do not allow team members to use Paper Desktop." enabled "Allow team members to use Paper Desktop." union SuggestMembersPolicy disabled "Suggest members is disabled." enabled "Suggest members is enabled." union ComputerBackupPolicyState disabled "Computer Backup feature is disabled." enabled "Computer Backup feature is enabled." default "Computer Backup defaults to ON for SSB teams, and OFF for Enterprise teams." union ExternalDriveBackupPolicyState disabled "External Drive Backup feature is disabled." enabled "External Drive Backup feature is enabled." default "External Drive Backup default value based on team tier." union FileProviderMigrationPolicyState disabled "Team admin has opted out of File Provider Migration for team members." enabled "Team admin has not opted out of File Provider Migration for team members." default "Team admin has default value based on team tier."