namespace team import common import secondary_emails alias SecondaryEmail = secondary_emails.SecondaryEmail struct UserSecondaryEmailsArg "User and a list of secondary emails." user UserSelectorArg secondary_emails List(common.EmailAddress) example default user = default secondary_emails = ["", ""] # # add secondary emails # union AddSecondaryEmailResult "Result of trying to add a secondary email to a user. 'success' is the only value indicating that a secondary email was successfully added to a user. The other values explain the type of error that occurred, and include the email for which the error occurred." success SecondaryEmail "Describes a secondary email that was successfully added to a user." unavailable common.EmailAddress "Secondary email is not available to be claimed by the user." already_pending common.EmailAddress "Secondary email is already a pending email for the user." already_owned_by_user common.EmailAddress "Secondary email is already a verified email for the user." reached_limit common.EmailAddress "User already has the maximum number of secondary emails allowed." transient_error common.EmailAddress "A transient error occurred. Please try again later." too_many_updates common.EmailAddress "An error occurred due to conflicting updates. Please try again later." unknown_error common.EmailAddress "An unknown error occurred." rate_limited common.EmailAddress "Too many emails are being sent to this email address. Please try again later." example default success = default example unavailable unavailable = "" struct UserSecondaryEmailsResult user UserSelectorArg results List(AddSecondaryEmailResult) example default user = default results = [default, unavailable] union UserAddResult "Result of trying to add secondary emails to a user. 'success' is the only value indicating that a user was successfully retrieved for adding secondary emails. The other values explain the type of error that occurred, and include the user for which the error occurred." success UserSecondaryEmailsResult "Describes a user and the results for each attempt to add a secondary email." invalid_user UserSelectorArg "Specified user is not a valid target for adding secondary emails." unverified UserSelectorArg "Secondary emails can only be added to verified users." placeholder_user UserSelectorArg "Secondary emails cannot be added to placeholder users." example default success = default example invalid invalid_user = default struct AddSecondaryEmailsArg new_secondary_emails List(UserSecondaryEmailsArg) "List of users and secondary emails to add." example default new_secondary_emails = [default] struct AddSecondaryEmailsResult results List(UserAddResult) "List of users and secondary email results." example default results = [default, invalid] union AddSecondaryEmailsError "Error returned when adding secondary emails fails." secondary_emails_disabled "Secondary emails are disabled for the team." too_many_emails "A maximum of 20 secondary emails can be added in a single call." route members/secondary_emails/add(AddSecondaryEmailsArg, AddSecondaryEmailsResult, AddSecondaryEmailsError) "Add secondary emails to users. Permission : Team member management. Emails that are on verified domains will be verified automatically. For each email address not on a verified domain a verification email will be sent." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # resend verification emails # struct ResendVerificationEmailArg emails_to_resend List(UserSecondaryEmailsArg) "List of users and secondary emails to resend verification emails to." example default emails_to_resend = [default] union ResendSecondaryEmailResult "Result of trying to resend verification email to a secondary email address. 'success' is the only value indicating that a verification email was successfully sent. The other values explain the type of error that occurred, and include the email for which the error occurred." success common.EmailAddress "A verification email was successfully sent to the secondary email address." not_pending common.EmailAddress "This secondary email address is not pending for the user." rate_limited common.EmailAddress "Too many emails are being sent to this email address. Please try again later." example default success = "" struct UserResendEmailsResult user UserSelectorArg results List(ResendSecondaryEmailResult) example default user = default results = [default] union UserResendResult "Result of trying to resend verification emails to a user. 'success' is the only value indicating that a user was successfully retrieved for sending verification emails. The other values explain the type of error that occurred, and include the user for which the error occurred." success UserResendEmailsResult "Describes a user and the results for each attempt to resend verification emails." invalid_user UserSelectorArg "Specified user is not a valid target for resending verification emails." example default success = default example invalid invalid_user = default struct ResendVerificationEmailResult "List of users and resend results." results List(UserResendResult) example default results = [default] route members/secondary_emails/resend_verification_emails(ResendVerificationEmailArg, ResendVerificationEmailResult, Void) "Resend secondary email verification emails. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write" # # delete secondary emails # struct DeleteSecondaryEmailsArg emails_to_delete List(UserSecondaryEmailsArg) "List of users and their secondary emails to delete." example default emails_to_delete = [default] union DeleteSecondaryEmailResult "Result of trying to delete a secondary email address. 'success' is the only value indicating that a secondary email was successfully deleted. The other values explain the type of error that occurred, and include the email for which the error occurred." success common.EmailAddress "The secondary email was successfully deleted." not_found common.EmailAddress "The email address was not found for the user." cannot_remove_primary common.EmailAddress "The email address is the primary email address of the user, and cannot be removed." example default success = "" example not_found not_found = "" struct UserDeleteEmailsResult user UserSelectorArg results List(DeleteSecondaryEmailResult) example default user = default results = [default, not_found] union UserDeleteResult "Result of trying to delete a user's secondary emails. 'success' is the only value indicating that a user was successfully retrieved for deleting secondary emails. The other values explain the type of error that occurred, and include the user for which the error occurred." success UserDeleteEmailsResult "Describes a user and the results for each attempt to delete a secondary email." invalid_user UserSelectorArg "Specified user is not a valid target for deleting secondary emails." example default success = default example invalid_user invalid_user = default struct DeleteSecondaryEmailsResult results List(UserDeleteResult) example default results = [default] route members/secondary_emails/delete(DeleteSecondaryEmailsArg, DeleteSecondaryEmailsResult, Void) "Delete secondary emails from users Permission : Team member management. Users will be notified of deletions of verified secondary emails at both the secondary email and their primary email." attrs auth = "team" scope = "members.write"