import contextlib from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Iterator, Optional, Sequence from rust import RustHelperBackend, EXTRA_DISPLAY_TYPES, REQUIRED_NAMESPACES from stone import ir from stone.backends.helpers import split_words DERIVE_TRAITS = ['Debug', 'Clone', 'PartialEq'] def fmt_shouting_snake(name: str) -> str: return '_'.join([word.upper() for word in split_words(name)]) class RustBackend(RustHelperBackend): def __init__(self, target_folder_path: str, args: Optional[Sequence[str]]) -> None: super().__init__(target_folder_path, args) self.preserve_aliases = True self._all_types: dict[str, dict[str, ir.UserDefined]] = dict() self._current_namespace: str = '' self._error_types: set[Optional[ir.DataType]] = set() self._modules: list[str] = [] # File Generators def generate(self, api: ir.Api) -> None: self._all_types = { { typ for typ in ns.data_types} for ns in api.namespaces.values()} # All types used as an error for any route: self._error_types = set([ route.error_data_type for ns in api.namespaces.values() for route in ns.routes ]) # Also all enum types whose names end in 'Error'. These tend to be used as errors even when # not the direct error result from a route, i.e. they are inner members of other errors. self._error_types.update([ typ for ns in api.namespaces.values() for typ in ns.data_types if self.is_enum_type(typ) and'Error') ]) for namespace in api.namespaces.values(): self._emit_namespace(namespace) for d in ['async_routes', 'sync_routes', 'types']: self._generate_mod_file(f'{d}/') with self.output_to_relative_path(''): self._emit_header() self.emit('pub mod types;') self.emit() with self.block('if_feature! { "async_routes",', delim=(None, '}')): self.emit('pub mod async_routes;') self.emit() with self.block('if_feature! { "sync_routes",', delim=(None, '}')): self.emit('pub mod sync_routes;') self.emit() with self.block('pub(crate) fn eat_json_fields<\'de, V>(map: &mut V)' ' -> Result<(), V::Error>' ' where V: ::serde::de::MapAccess<\'de>'): with self.block('while map.next_entry::<&str, ::serde_json::Value>()?.is_some()'): self.emit('/* ignore */') self.emit('Ok(())') def _generate_mod_file(self, path: str) -> None: with self.output_to_relative_path(path): self._emit_header() self.emit('#![allow(missing_docs)]') self.emit() for module in self._modules: ns = self.namespace_name_raw(module) if module in REQUIRED_NAMESPACES: self.emit(f'pub mod {ns};') else: self.emit(f'if_feature! {{ "dbx_{module}", pub mod {ns}; }}') self.emit() # Type Emitters def _emit_namespace(self, namespace: ir.ApiNamespace) -> None: ns = self.namespace_name(namespace) self._current_namespace = with self.output_to_relative_path(f'types/{ns}.rs'): self._emit_header() if namespace.doc is not None: self._emit_doc(namespace.doc, prefix='//!') self.emit() for alias in namespace.aliases: self._emit_alias(alias) if namespace.aliases: self.emit() for typ in namespace.data_types: self._current_type = typ if isinstance(typ, ir.Struct): if typ.has_enumerated_subtypes(): self._emit_polymorphic_struct(typ) else: self._emit_struct(typ) elif isinstance(typ, ir.Union): self._emit_union(typ) else: raise RuntimeError(f'WARNING: unhandled type "{type(typ).__name__}" of field "{}"') with self.output_to_relative_path(f'sync_routes/{ns}.rs'): self._emit_header() self.emit('#[allow(unused_imports)]') self.emit(f'pub use crate::generated::types::{ns}::*;') self.emit() for fn in namespace.routes: self._emit_route(ns, fn) with self.output_to_relative_path(f'async_routes/{ns}.rs'): self._emit_header() self.emit('#[allow(unused_imports)]') self.emit(f'pub use crate::generated::types::{ns}::*;') self.emit() for fn in namespace.routes: self._emit_route(ns, fn, as_async=True) self._modules.append( def _emit_header(self) -> None: self.emit('// DO NOT EDIT') self.emit('// This file was @generated by Stone') self.emit() self.emit('#![allow(') self.emit(' clippy::too_many_arguments,') self.emit(' clippy::large_enum_variant,') self.emit(' clippy::result_large_err,') self.emit(' clippy::doc_markdown,') self.emit(')]') self.emit() def _emit_struct(self, struct: ir.Struct) -> None: struct_name = self.struct_name(struct) self._emit_doc(struct.doc) derive_traits = list(DERIVE_TRAITS) if self._can_derive_eq(struct): derive_traits.append('Eq') if not any(self._needs_explicit_default(field) for field in struct.all_fields): derive_traits.append('Default') self.emit(f'#[derive({", ".join(derive_traits)})]') self.emit('#[non_exhaustive] // structs may have more fields added in the future.') with self.block(f'pub struct {struct_name}'): for field in struct.all_fields: name = self.field_name(field) typ = self._rust_type(field.data_type) self._emit_doc(field.doc) self.emit(f'pub {name}: {typ},') self.emit() if not struct.all_required_fields and 'Default' not in derive_traits: self._impl_default_for_struct(struct) self.emit() if struct.all_required_fields or struct.all_optional_fields: with self._impl_struct(struct): self._emit_new_for_struct(struct) self.emit() self._impl_serde_for_struct(struct) if self._is_error_type(struct): self._impl_error(struct) elif self._rust_type(struct) in EXTRA_DISPLAY_TYPES: self._impl_display(struct) if struct.parent_type: if struct.parent_type.has_enumerated_subtypes(): self._impl_from_for_polymorphic_struct(struct, struct.parent_type) else: self._impl_from_for_struct(struct, struct.parent_type) def _emit_polymorphic_struct(self, struct: ir.Struct) -> None: enum_name = self.enum_name(struct) self._emit_doc(struct.doc) derive_traits = list(DERIVE_TRAITS) if self._can_derive_eq(struct): derive_traits.append('Eq') self.emit(f'#[derive({", ".join(derive_traits)})]') if struct.is_catch_all(): self.emit('#[non_exhaustive] // variants may be added in the future') with self.block(f'pub enum {enum_name}'): for subtype in struct.get_enumerated_subtypes(): name = self.enum_variant_name(subtype) typ = self._rust_type(subtype.data_type) self.emit(f'{name}({typ}),') if struct.is_catch_all(): self._emit_other_variant() self.emit() self._impl_serde_for_polymorphic_struct(struct) def _emit_union(self, union: ir.Union) -> None: enum_name = self.enum_name(union) self._emit_doc(union.doc) derive_traits = list(DERIVE_TRAITS) if self._can_derive_eq(union): derive_traits.append('Eq') self.emit(f'#[derive({", ".join(derive_traits)})]') if not union.closed: self.emit('#[non_exhaustive] // variants may be added in the future') with self.block(f'pub enum {enum_name}'): for field in union.all_fields: if field.catch_all: # Handle the 'Other' variant at the end. continue self._emit_doc(field.doc) variant_name = self.enum_variant_name(field) if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Void): self.emit(f'{variant_name},') else: self.emit(f'{variant_name}({self._rust_type(field.data_type)}),') if not union.closed: self._emit_other_variant() self.emit() self._impl_serde_for_union(union) if self._is_error_type(union): self._impl_error(union) elif self.namespace_name_raw(self._current_namespace) + "::" + self._rust_type(union) in EXTRA_DISPLAY_TYPES: self._impl_display(union) elif == "RateLimitReason": print(self._rust_type(union)) if union.parent_type: self._impl_from_for_union(union, union.parent_type) def _emit_route(self, ns: str, fn: ir.ApiRoute, auth_trait: Optional[str] = None, as_async: bool = False) -> None: # work around lazy init messing with mypy assert fn.attrs is not None assert fn.arg_data_type is not None assert fn.result_data_type is not None assert fn.error_data_type is not None route_name = self.route_name(fn) host = fn.attrs.get('host', 'api') if host == 'api': endpoint = 'crate::client_trait_common::Endpoint::Api' elif host == 'content': endpoint = 'crate::client_trait_common::Endpoint::Content' elif host == 'notify': endpoint = 'crate::client_trait_common::Endpoint::Notify' else: raise RuntimeError(f'ERROR: unsupported endpoint: {host}') mod = 'async_client_trait' if as_async else 'client_trait' if auth_trait is None: auths_str = fn.attrs.get('auth', 'user') auths = list(map(lambda s: s.strip(), auths_str.split(','))) auths.sort() if auths == ['user']: auth_trait = f'crate::{mod}::UserAuthClient' elif auths == ['team']: auth_trait = f'crate::{mod}::TeamAuthClient' elif auths == ['app']: auth_trait = f'crate::{mod}::AppAuthClient' elif auths == ['app', 'user']: # This is kind of lame, but there's no way to have a marker trait for either User # OR App auth, so to get around this, we'll emit two functions, one for each. # Emit the User auth route with no suffix via a recursive call. self._emit_route(ns, fn, f'crate::{mod}::UserAuthClient', as_async=as_async) # Now modify the name to add a suffix, and emit the App auth version by continuing. route_name += "_app_auth" auth_trait = f'crate::{mod}::AppAuthClient' elif auths == ['noauth']: auth_trait = f'crate::{mod}::NoauthClient' else: raise Exception(f'route {ns}/{route_name}: unsupported auth type(s): {auths_str}') # This is the name of the HTTP route. Almost the same as the 'route_name', but without any # mangling to avoid Rust keywords and such. if fn.version > 1: name_with_version = f'{}_v{fn.version}' else: name_with_version = self._emit_doc(fn.doc) if fn.attrs.get('is_preview'): if fn.doc: self.emit('///') self.emit('/// # Stability') self.emit('/// *PREVIEW*: This function may change or disappear without notice.') self.emit('#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]') self.emit('#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "unstable")))]') if fn.deprecated: if self.emit(f'#[deprecated(note = "replaced by {self.route_name(}")]') else: self.emit('#[deprecated]') arg_void = isinstance(fn.arg_data_type, ir.Void) arg_type = self._rust_type(fn.arg_data_type) ret_type = self._rust_type(fn.result_data_type) style = fn.attrs.get('style', 'rpc') error_type = 'crate::NoError' if ir.is_void_type(fn.error_data_type) \ else self._rust_type(fn.error_data_type) if style == 'rpc': with self.emit_rust_function_def( route_name, [f'client: &impl {auth_trait}'] + ([] if arg_void else [f'arg: &{arg_type}']), f'Result<{ret_type}, crate::Error<{error_type}>>', access='pub', is_async=as_async): with self.conditional_wrapper(not as_async, 'crate::client_helpers::unwrap_async'): self.emit_rust_fn_call( 'crate::client_helpers::request', ['client', endpoint, 'crate::client_trait_common::Style::Rpc', f'"{ns}/{name_with_version}"', '&()' if arg_void else 'arg', 'None']) elif style == 'download': with self.emit_rust_function_def( route_name, [f'client: &impl {auth_trait}'] + ([] if arg_void else [f'arg: &{arg_type}']) + ['range_start: Option', 'range_end: Option'], f'Result, crate::Error<{error_type}>>', access='pub', is_async=as_async): with self.conditional_wrapper(not as_async, 'crate::client_helpers::unwrap_async_body'): self.emit_rust_fn_call( 'crate::client_helpers::request_with_body', ['client', endpoint, 'crate::client_trait_common::Style::Download', f'"{ns}/{name_with_version}"', '&()' if arg_void else 'arg', 'None', 'range_start', 'range_end'], end=None if as_async else ',') if not as_async: self.emit('client,') elif style == 'upload': with self.emit_rust_function_def( route_name, [f'client: &impl {auth_trait}'] + ([] if arg_void else [f'arg: &{arg_type}']) + ['body: bytes::Bytes' if as_async else 'body: &[u8]'], f'Result<{ret_type}, crate::Error<{error_type}>>', access='pub', is_async=as_async): with self.conditional_wrapper(not as_async, 'crate::client_helpers::unwrap_async'): self.emit_rust_fn_call( 'crate::client_helpers::request', ['client', endpoint, 'crate::client_trait_common::Style::Upload', f'"{ns}/{name_with_version}"', '&()' if arg_void else 'arg', 'Some(crate::client_helpers::Body::from(body))']) else: raise RuntimeError(f'ERROR: unknown route style: {style}') self.emit() def _emit_alias(self, alias: ir.Alias) -> None: alias_name = self.alias_name(alias) assert isinstance(alias.data_type, ir.DataType) self.emit(f'pub type {alias_name} = {self._rust_type(alias.data_type)};') def _emit_other_variant(self) -> None: self.emit_wrapped_text( 'Catch-all used for unrecognized values returned from the server.' ' Encountering this value typically indicates that this SDK version is' ' out of date.', prefix='/// ', width=100) self.emit('Other,') # Serialization def _impl_serde_for_struct(self, struct: ir.Struct) -> None: """ Emit internal_deserialize() and possibly internal_deserialize_opt(). internal_deserialize[_opt] takes a map and deserializes it into the struct. It reads the fields in whatever order; missing fields will be given their default value, or an error returned if they have no default. Errors will also be raised if a field is present more than once. The _opt deserializer returns a None if it reads exactly zero map keys, and is used for cases where the JSON has a tag, but omits all the fields to signify a null value. It is only emitted for types which have at least one required field, because if all fields are optional, there's no way to differentiate between a null value and one where all fields are default. """ type_name = self.struct_name(struct) field_list_name = f'{fmt_shouting_snake(}_FIELDS' self.generate_multiline_list( list(f'"{}"' for field in struct.all_fields), before=f'const {field_list_name}: &[&str] = &', after=';', delim=('[', ']')) # Only emit the _opt deserializer if there are required fields. optional = len(struct.all_required_fields) > 0 with self._impl_struct(struct): if optional: # Convenience wrapper around _opt for the more common case where the struct is # NOT optional. with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'internal_deserialize<\'de, V: ::serde::de::MapAccess<\'de>>', ['map: V'], f'Result<{type_name}, V::Error>', access='pub(crate)'): self.emit('Self::internal_deserialize_opt(map, false)' '.map(Option::unwrap)') self.emit() else: self.emit('// no _opt deserializer') with self.emit_rust_function_def( ('internal_deserialize_opt' if optional else 'internal_deserialize') + '<\'de, V: ::serde::de::MapAccess<\'de>>', ['mut map: V'] + (['optional: bool'] if optional else []), f'Result, V::Error>' if optional else f'Result<{type_name}, V::Error>', access='pub(crate)'): if len(struct.all_fields) == 0: self.emit('// ignore any fields found; none are presently recognized') self.emit('crate::eat_json_fields(&mut map)?;') if optional: self.emit('Ok(None)') else: self.emit(f'Ok({type_name} {{}})') else: for field in struct.all_fields: self.emit(f'let mut field_{self.field_name(field)} = None;') if optional: self.emit('let mut nothing = true;') with self.block('while let Some(key) = map.next_key::<&str>()?'): if optional: self.emit('nothing = false;') with self.block('match key'): for field in struct.all_fields: field_name = self.field_name(field) with self.block(f'"{}" =>'): with self.block(f'if field_{field_name}.is_some()'): self.emit('return Err(::serde::de::Error::duplicate_field(' f'"{}"));') self.emit(f'field_{field_name} = Some(map.next_value()?);') with self.block('_ =>'): self.emit('// unknown field allowed and ignored') self.emit('map.next_value::<::serde_json::Value>()?;') if optional: with self.block('if optional && nothing'): self.emit('return Ok(None);') with self.block(f'let result = {type_name}', delim=('{', '};')): for field in struct.all_fields: field_name = self.field_name(field) if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Nullable): # None -> field is not present # Some(None) -> field is present with null value # Some(Some(x)) -> field is present and non-null # First two are equivalent here, hence Option::flatten(). self.emit(f'{field_name}: field_{field_name}.and_then(Option::flatten),') elif field.has_default: default_value = self._default_value(field) if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.String) \ and not field.default: self.emit(f'{field_name}: field_{field_name}.unwrap_or_default(),') elif (ir.is_primitive_type(ir.unwrap_aliases(field.data_type)[0]) # Also, as a rough but effective heuristic, consider values # that have no parentheses in them to be "trivial", and # don't enclose them in a closure. This avoids running # afoul of the clippy::unnecessary_lazy_evaluations lint. or not "(" in default_value): self.emit(f'{field_name}: field_{field_name}.unwrap_or({default_value}),') else: self.emit(f'{field_name}: field_{field_name}.unwrap_or_else(|| {default_value}),') else: self.emit(f'{field_name}: field_{field_name}.ok_or_else(|| ' f'::serde::de::Error::missing_field("{}"))?,') if optional: self.emit('Ok(Some(result))') else: self.emit('Ok(result)') if struct.all_fields: self.emit() with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'internal_serialize', ['&self', 's: &mut S::SerializeStruct'], 'Result<(), S::Error>', access='pub(crate)'): self.emit('use serde::ser::SerializeStruct;') for field in struct.all_fields: if ir.is_nullable_type(field.data_type): # note: Stone requires a field can't be nullable and also have a # non-null default with self.block(f'if let Some(val) = &self.{self.field_name(field)}'): self.emit(f's.serialize_field("{}", val)?;') else: fieldval = f'self.{self.field_name(field)}' ctx: contextlib.AbstractContextManager if field.has_default: if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.String) and not field.default: ctx = self.block(f'if !{fieldval}.is_empty()') elif isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Boolean): if field.default: ctx = self.block(f'if !{fieldval}') else: ctx = self.block(f'if {fieldval}') else: ctx = self.block(f'if {fieldval} != ' + str(self._default_value(field))) else: ctx = contextlib.nullcontext() with ctx: self.emit(f's.serialize_field("{}", &{fieldval})?;') self.emit('Ok(())') self.emit() with self._impl_deserialize(self.struct_name(struct)): self.emit('// struct deserializer') self.emit('use serde::de::{MapAccess, Visitor};') self.emit('struct StructVisitor;') with self.block('impl<\'de> Visitor<\'de> for StructVisitor'): self.emit(f'type Value = {type_name};') with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'expecting', ['&self', 'f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<\'_>'], '::std::fmt::Result'): self.emit(f'f.write_str("a {} struct")') with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'visit_map>', ['self', 'map: V'], 'Result'): self.emit(f'{type_name}::internal_deserialize(map)') self.emit(f'deserializer.deserialize_struct("{}", {field_list_name}, StructVisitor)') self.emit() with self._impl_serialize(type_name): self.emit('// struct serializer') self.emit('use serde::ser::SerializeStruct;') if not struct.all_fields: self.emit(f'serializer.serialize_struct("{}", 0)?.end()') else: self.emit(f'let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct("{}", {len(struct.all_fields)})?;') self.emit('self.internal_serialize::(&mut s)?;') self.emit('s.end()') self.emit() def _impl_serde_for_polymorphic_struct(self, struct: ir.Struct) -> None: type_name = self.enum_name(struct) with self._impl_deserialize(type_name): self.emit('// polymorphic struct deserializer') self.emit('use serde::de::{self, MapAccess, Visitor};') self.emit('struct EnumVisitor;') with self.block('impl<\'de> Visitor<\'de> for EnumVisitor'): self.emit(f'type Value = {type_name};') with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'expecting', ['&self', 'f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<\'_>'], '::std::fmt::Result'): self.emit(f'f.write_str("a {} structure")') with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'visit_map>', ['self', 'mut map: V'], 'Result'): with self.block('let tag = match map.next_key()?', after=';'): self.emit('Some(".tag") => map.next_value()?,') self.emit('_ => return Err(de::Error::missing_field(".tag"))') with self.block('match tag'): for subtype in struct.get_enumerated_subtypes(): variant_name = self.enum_variant_name(subtype) if isinstance(subtype.data_type, ir.Void): self.emit(f'"{}" => Ok({type_name}::{variant_name}),') elif isinstance(ir.unwrap_aliases(subtype.data_type)[0], ir.Struct) \ and not subtype.data_type.has_enumerated_subtypes(): self.emit(f'"{}" => Ok({type_name}::{variant_name}(' f'{self._rust_type(subtype.data_type)}::internal_deserialize(map)?)),') else: with self.block(f'"{}" =>'): with self.block(f'if map.next_key()? != Some("{}")'): self.emit(f'Err(de::Error::missing_field("{}"));') self.emit(f'Ok({type_name}::{variant_name}(map.next_value()?))') if struct.is_catch_all(): with self.block('_ =>'): # TODO(wfraser): it'd be cool to grab any fields in the parent, # which are common to all variants, and stick them in the # 'Other' enum vaiant. # For now, just consume them and return a nullary variant. self.emit('crate::eat_json_fields(&mut map)?;') self.emit(f'Ok({type_name}::Other)') else: self.emit('_ => Err(de::Error::unknown_variant(tag, VARIANTS))') self.generate_multiline_list( list(f'"{}"' for field in struct.get_enumerated_subtypes()), before='const VARIANTS: &[&str] = &', after=';', delim=('[', ']')) self.emit(f'deserializer.deserialize_struct("{}", VARIANTS, EnumVisitor)') self.emit() with self._impl_serialize(type_name): self.emit('// polymorphic struct serializer') self.emit('use serde::ser::SerializeStruct;') with self.block('match *self'): for subtype in struct.get_enumerated_subtypes(): variant_name = self.enum_variant_name(subtype) with self.block(f'{type_name}::{variant_name}(ref x) =>'): self.emit('let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct(' f'"{type_name}", {len(subtype.data_type.all_fields) + 1})?;') self.emit(f's.serialize_field(".tag", "{}")?;') self.emit('x.internal_serialize::(&mut s)?;') self.emit('s.end()') if struct.is_catch_all(): self.emit(f'{type_name}::Other => Err(::serde::ser::Error::custom(' '"cannot serialize unknown variant"))') self.emit() def _impl_serde_for_union(self, union: ir.Union) -> None: type_name = self.enum_name(union) with self._impl_deserialize(type_name): self.emit('// union deserializer') self.emit('use serde::de::{self, MapAccess, Visitor};') self.emit('struct EnumVisitor;') with self.block('impl<\'de> Visitor<\'de> for EnumVisitor'): self.emit(f'type Value = {type_name};') with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'expecting', ['&self', 'f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<\'_>'], '::std::fmt::Result'): self.emit(f'f.write_str("a {} structure")') with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'visit_map>', ['self', 'mut map: V'], 'Result'): with self.block('let tag: &str = match map.next_key()?', after=';'): self.emit('Some(".tag") => map.next_value()?,') self.emit('_ => return Err(de::Error::missing_field(".tag"))') if len(union.all_fields) == 1 and union.all_fields[0].catch_all: self.emit('// open enum with no defined variants') self.emit('let _ = tag;') # hax self.emit('crate::eat_json_fields(&mut map)?;') self.emit(f'Ok({type_name}::Other)') else: with self.block('let value = match tag', after=';'): for field in union.all_fields: if field.catch_all: # Handle the 'Other' variant at the end. continue variant_name = self.enum_variant_name(field) ultimate_type = ir.unwrap(field.data_type)[0] if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Void): self.emit(f'"{}" => {type_name}::{variant_name},') elif isinstance(ultimate_type, ir.Struct) \ and not ultimate_type.has_enumerated_subtypes(): if isinstance(ir.unwrap_aliases(field.data_type)[0], ir.Nullable): # A nullable here means we might have more fields that can be # deserialized into the inner type, or we might have nothing, # meaning None. if not ultimate_type.all_required_fields: raise RuntimeError(f'{}.{}:' ' an optional struct with no required fields is' ' ambiguous') self.emit(f'"{}" => {type_name}::{variant_name}(' f'{self._rust_type(ultimate_type)}::internal_deserialize_opt(' '&mut map, true)?),') else: self.emit(f'"{}" => {type_name}::{variant_name}(' f'{self._rust_type(field.data_type)}::internal_deserialize(' '&mut map)?),') else: with self.block(f'"{}" =>'): with self.block('match map.next_key()?'): self.emit(f'Some("{}") => {type_name}::{variant_name}(' 'map.next_value()?),') if isinstance(ir.unwrap_aliases(field.data_type)[0], ir.Nullable): # if it's null, the field can be omitted entirely self.emit(f'None => {type_name}::{variant_name}(None),') else: self.emit('None => return Err(' f'de::Error::missing_field("{}")),') self.emit('_ => return Err(de::Error::unknown_field(' 'tag, VARIANTS))') if not union.closed: self.emit(f'_ => {type_name}::Other,') else: self.emit('_ => return Err(de::Error::unknown_variant(tag, VARIANTS))') self.emit('crate::eat_json_fields(&mut map)?;') self.emit('Ok(value)') self.generate_multiline_list( list(f'"{}"' for field in union.all_fields), before='const VARIANTS: &[&str] = &', after=';', delim=('[', ']'),) self.emit(f'deserializer.deserialize_struct("{}", VARIANTS, EnumVisitor)') self.emit() with self._impl_serialize(type_name): self.emit('// union serializer') if len(union.all_fields) == 1 and union.all_fields[0].catch_all: # special case: an open union with no variants defined. self.emit('#![allow(unused_variables)]') self.emit('Err(::serde::ser::Error::custom("cannot serialize an open union with ' 'no defined variants"))') else: self.emit('use serde::ser::SerializeStruct;') with self.block('match *self'): for field in union.all_fields: if field.catch_all: # Handle the 'Other' variant at the end. continue variant_name = self.enum_variant_name(field) if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Void): with self.block(f'{type_name}::{variant_name} =>'): self.emit('// unit') self.emit(f'let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct("{}", 1)?;') self.emit(f's.serialize_field(".tag", "{}")?;') self.emit('s.end()') else: ultimate_type = ir.unwrap(field.data_type)[0] needs_x = not (isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Struct) and not field.data_type.all_fields) ref_x = 'ref x' if needs_x else '_' with self.block(f'{type_name}::{variant_name}({ref_x}) =>'): if self.is_enum_type(ultimate_type): # Inner type is a union or polymorphic struct; need to always # emit another nesting level. self.emit('// union or polymporphic struct') self.emit(f'let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct("{}", 2)?;') self.emit(f's.serialize_field(".tag", "{}")?;') self.emit(f's.serialize_field("{}", x)?;') self.emit('s.end()') elif isinstance(ir.unwrap_aliases(field.data_type)[0], ir.Nullable): self.emit('// nullable (struct or primitive)') # If it's nullable and the value is None, just emit the tag and # nothing else, otherwise emit the fields directly at the same # level. num_fields = 1 if ir.is_primitive_type(ultimate_type) \ else len(ultimate_type.all_fields) + 1 self.emit(f'let n = if x.is_some() {{ {num_fields + 1} }} else {{ 1 }};') self.emit(f'let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct("{}", n)?;') self.emit(f's.serialize_field(".tag", "{}")?;') with self.block('if let Some(ref x) = x'): if ir.is_primitive_type(ultimate_type): self.emit(f's.serialize_field("{}", &x)?;') else: self.emit('x.internal_serialize::(&mut s)?;') self.emit('s.end()') elif isinstance(ultimate_type, ir.Struct): self.emit('// struct') self.emit('let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct(' f'"{}", {len(ultimate_type.all_fields) + 1})?;') self.emit(f's.serialize_field(".tag", "{}")?;') if ultimate_type.all_fields: self.emit('x.internal_serialize::(&mut s)?;') self.emit('s.end()') else: self.emit('// primitive') self.emit(f'let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct("{}", 2)?;') self.emit(f's.serialize_field(".tag", "{}")?;') self.emit(f's.serialize_field("{}", x)?;') self.emit('s.end()') if not union.closed: self.emit(f'{type_name}::Other => Err(::serde::ser::Error::custom(' '"cannot serialize \'Other\' variant"))') self.emit() # "extends" for structs means the subtype adds additional fields to the supertype, so we can # convert from the subtype to the supertype def _impl_from_for_struct(self, struct: ir.Struct, parent: ir.Struct) -> None: subtype = self._rust_type(struct) supertype = self._rust_type(parent) self.emit(f'// struct extends {supertype}') with self.block(f'impl From<{subtype}> for {supertype}'): if not parent.all_fields: with self.block(f'fn from(_: {subtype}) -> Self'): return self.emit('Self {}') with self.block(f'fn from(subtype: {subtype}) -> Self'): with self.block('Self'): for field in parent.all_fields: field_name = self.field_name(field) self.emit(f'{field_name}: subtype.{field_name},') # "extends" for polymorphic structs means it's one of the supertype's variants, so we can # convert from the subtype to the supertype. def _impl_from_for_polymorphic_struct(self, struct: ir.Struct, parent: ir.Struct) -> None: thistype = self._rust_type(struct) supertype = self._rust_type(parent) self.emit(f'// struct extends polymorphic struct {supertype}') with self.block(f'impl From<{thistype}> for {supertype}'): with self.block(f'fn from(subtype: {thistype}) -> Self'): for subtype in parent.get_enumerated_subtypes(): assert isinstance(subtype, ir.UnionField) if subtype.data_type != struct: continue variant_name = self.enum_variant_name(subtype) self.emit(f'{supertype}::{variant_name}(subtype)') # "extends" for unions means the subtype adds additional variants, so we can convert from the # supertype to the subtype. def _impl_from_for_union(self, union: ir.Union, parent: ir.Union) -> None: subtype = self._rust_type(union) supertype = self._rust_type(parent) self.emit(f'// union extends {supertype}') with self.block(f'impl From<{supertype}> for {subtype}'): with self.block(f'fn from(parent: {supertype}) -> Self'): with self.block(f'match parent'): for field in parent.all_fields: variant_name = self.enum_variant_name(field) x = "" if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Void) else "(x)" self.emit(f'{supertype}::{variant_name}{x} => {subtype}::{variant_name}{x},') # Helpers def _emit_doc(self, doc_string: Optional[str], prefix: str = '///') -> None: if doc_string is not None: for idx, chunk in enumerate(doc_string.split('\n\n')): if idx != 0: self.emit(prefix) docf = lambda tag, val: self._docf(tag, val) self.emit_wrapped_text( self.process_doc(chunk, docf), prefix=prefix + ' ', width=100) def _docf(self, tag: str, val: str) -> str: if tag == 'route': if ':' in val: val, vstr = val.split(':') version = int(vstr) else: version = 1 if '.' in val: ns, route = val.split('.') else: route = val ns = self._current_namespace rust_fn = self.route_name_raw(route, version) if ns != self._current_namespace: label = ns + '::' + rust_fn else: label = rust_fn target = f'crate::{ns}::{rust_fn}' return f'[`{label}()`]({target})' elif tag == 'field': if '.' in val: cls_name, field = val.rsplit('.', 1) assert '.' not in cls_name # dunno if this is even allowed, but we don't handle it typ = self._all_types[self._current_namespace][cls_name] type_name = self._rust_type(typ) if self.is_enum_type(typ): if isinstance(typ, ir.Struct) and typ.has_enumerated_subtypes() \ and typ.fields and field in ( for field in typ.fields): # This is actually a link to a field in a polymorphic struct, not a enum # variant. Because Rust doesn't have polymorphism, we make the fields be # present on all enum variants, so this is a link to a field in the current # type. Rustdoc doesn't let you link to a field, just the type, but we're # already at that page, so don't bother with emitting an actual link. # Hopefully we're documenting one of the variants right now, or else this # is going to look weird. field = self.field_name_raw(field) return f'`{field}`' field = self.enum_variant_name_raw(field) return f'[`{type_name}::{field}`]({type_name}::{field})' else: field = self.field_name_raw(field) # we can't link to the field itself, so just link to the struct return f'[`{type_name}::{field}`]({type_name})' else: # link is relative to the current type type_name = self._rust_type(self._current_type) if self.is_enum_type(self._current_type): variant_name = self.enum_variant_name_raw(val) return f'[`{variant_name}`]({type_name}::{variant_name})' else: field_name = self.field_name_raw(val) # we could, but don't bother linking to the struct because we're already there. # return f'[`{field_name}`]({current_rust_type})' return f'`{field_name}`' elif tag == 'type': if '.' in val: ns, typ_name = val.split('.') typ = self._all_types[ns][typ_name] rust_name = self._rust_type(typ, no_qualify=True) full_rust_name = self._rust_type(typ) return f'[`{ns}::{rust_name}`]({full_rust_name})' else: typ = self._all_types[self._current_namespace][val] rust_name = self._rust_type(typ) return f'[`{rust_name}`]({rust_name})' elif tag == 'link': title, url = val.rsplit(' ', 1) return f'[{title}]({url})' elif tag == 'val': if val == 'null': return '`None`' else: return f'`{val}`' else: print(f"WARNING: unrecognized link tag '{tag}'") return f'`{val}`' @contextmanager def _impl_deserialize(self, type_name: str) -> Iterator[None]: with self.block(f'impl<\'de> ::serde::de::Deserialize<\'de> for {type_name}'), \ self.emit_rust_function_def( 'deserialize>', ['deserializer: D'], 'Result'): yield @contextmanager def _impl_serialize(self, type_name: str) -> Iterator[None]: with self.block(f'impl ::serde::ser::Serialize for {type_name}'), \ self.emit_rust_function_def( 'serialize', ['&self', 'serializer: S'], 'Result'): yield def _impl_default_for_struct(self, struct: ir.Struct) -> None: struct_name = self.struct_name(struct) with self.block(f'impl Default for {struct_name}'): with self.emit_rust_function_def('default', [], 'Self'): with self.block(struct_name): for field in struct.all_fields: name = self.field_name(field) value = self._default_value(field) self.emit(f'{name}: {value},') @contextmanager def _impl_struct(self, struct: ir.Struct) -> Iterator[None]: with self.block(f'impl {self.struct_name(struct)}'): yield def _emit_new_for_struct(self, struct: ir.Struct) -> None: struct_name = self.struct_name(struct) first = True if struct.all_required_fields: with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'new', [f'{self.field_name(field)}: {self._rust_type(field.data_type)}' for field in struct.all_required_fields], 'Self', access='pub'): with self.block(struct_name): for field in struct.all_required_fields: # shorthand assignment self.emit(f'{self.field_name(field)},') for field in struct.all_optional_fields: name = self.field_name(field) value = self._default_value(field) self.emit(f'{name}: {value},') first = False for field in struct.all_optional_fields: if first: first = False else: self.emit() field_name = self.field_name(field) if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Nullable): # If it's a nullable type, the default is always None. Change the argument type to # the inner type, because if the user is using builder methods it means they don't # want the default, so making them type 'Some(...)' is redundant. field_type = field.data_type.data_type value = 'Some(value)' else: field_type = field.data_type value = 'value' with self.emit_rust_function_def( f'with_{field_name}', ['mut self', f'value: {self._rust_type(field_type)}'], 'Self', access='pub'): self.emit(f'self.{field_name} = {value};') self.emit('self') def _default_value(self, field: ir.StructField) -> str: if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Nullable): return 'None' elif ir.is_numeric_type(ir.unwrap_aliases(field.data_type)[0]): return str(field.default) elif isinstance(field.default, ir.TagRef): default_variant = None for variant in field.default.union_data_type.all_fields: if == field.default.tag_name: default_variant = variant if default_variant is None: raise RuntimeError(f'ERROR: didn\'t find matching variant of {}:' f' {field.default.tag_name}') typ = self._rust_type(field.default.union_data_type) variant = self.enum_variant_name(default_variant) return f'{typ}::{variant}' elif isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Boolean): if field.default: return 'true' else: return 'false' elif isinstance(field.data_type, ir.String): if not field.default: return 'String::new()' else: return f'"{field.default}".to_owned()' else: print(f'WARNING: unhandled default value {field.default}') print(f' in field: {field}') if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Alias): print(' unwrapped alias:', ir.unwrap_aliases(field.data_type)[0]) return str(field.default) def _can_derive_eq(self, typ: ir.DataType) -> bool: if isinstance(typ, ir.Float32) or isinstance(typ, ir.Float64): # These are the only primitive types that don't have strict equality. return False # Check for various kinds of compound types and check all fields: if hasattr(typ, "data_type"): return self._can_derive_eq(typ.data_type) if isinstance(typ, ir.Struct) and typ.has_enumerated_subtypes(): for styp in typ.get_enumerated_subtypes(): if not self._can_derive_eq(styp): return False return True if hasattr(typ, "all_fields"): for field in typ.all_fields: if not self._can_derive_eq(field.data_type): return False return True # All other primitive types are strict-comparable. return True def _needs_explicit_default(self, field: ir.StructField) -> bool: if isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Nullable): # default is always None return False elif not field.has_default or isinstance(field.default, ir.TagRef): return True elif ir.is_numeric_type(ir.unwrap_aliases(field.data_type)[0]): return field.default != 0 elif isinstance(field.data_type, ir.Boolean): return bool(field.default) elif isinstance(field.data_type, ir.String): return len(field.default) != 0 else: print(f'WARNING: don\'t know if field {field} can have derived Default trait') print('its data type is', field.data_type) print('its default is', field.default) return True def _is_error_type(self, typ: ir.DataType) -> bool: return typ in self._error_types def _impl_error(self, typ: ir.DataType) -> None: type_name = self.enum_name(typ) # N.B.: error types SHOULD always be enums, but there's at least one type used as the error # return type of a route that's actually a struct, so this function needs to be able to # handle those as well. Passing a struct to get_enum_variants() will result in an empty # list, so this will just fall through to the end where we spit out a Debug repr for # Display, which is fine. variants = self.get_enum_variants(typ) with self.block(f'impl ::std::error::Error for {type_name}'): has_inner = list(v for v in variants if self._is_error_type(v.data_type)) if has_inner: with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'source', ['&self'], 'Option<&(dyn ::std::error::Error + \'static)>'): with self.block('match self'): for variant in has_inner: variant_name = self.enum_variant_name(variant) self.emit(f'{type_name}::{variant_name}(inner) => Some(inner),') if not self.is_closed_union(typ) or has_inner != variants: self.emit('_ => None,') self.emit() self._impl_display(typ) def _impl_display(self, typ: ir.DataType) -> None: type_name = self.enum_name(typ) variants = self.get_enum_variants(typ) with self.block(f'impl ::std::fmt::Display for {type_name}'): with self.emit_rust_function_def( 'fmt', ['&self', 'f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<\'_>'], '::std::fmt::Result'): # Find variants that have documentation and/or an inner value, and use that for the # Display representation of the error. doc_variants = [] any_skipped = False for variant in variants: variant_name = self.enum_variant_name(variant) var_exp = f'{type_name}::{variant_name}' msg = '' args = '' if variant.doc: # Use the first line of documentation. msg = variant.doc.split('\n')[0] # If the line has doc references, it's not going to make a good display # string, so only include it if it has none: if msg != self.process_doc(msg, lambda tag, value: ''): msg = "" inner_fmt = '' if self._is_error_type(variant.data_type): # include the Display representation of the inner error. inner_fmt = '{}' elif not ir.is_void_type(variant.data_type): # Include the Debug representation of the inner value. inner_fmt = '{:?}' if not msg: # But if there's no message here already, prefix it with the name of the # variant so there's some context. msg = if inner_fmt: # Special case: if the inner value is an Option, spit out two match cases, # one for if it's Some, and one for None. # This is to avoid printing something like "foobar: None" if we're using # the Debug repr, which looks confusing and adds nothing of value to the # message. if ir.is_nullable_type(variant.data_type): doc_variants.append(f'{var_exp}(None) => f.write_str("{msg}"),') var_exp += '(Some(inner))' else: var_exp += '(inner)' if msg.endswith('.'): msg = msg[:-1] if msg: msg += ': ' msg += inner_fmt args = 'inner' if msg: if not args: doc_variants.append(f'{var_exp} => f.write_str("{msg}"),') else: doc_variants.append(f'{var_exp} => write!(f, "{msg}", {args}),') else: any_skipped = True # for variant in variants if doc_variants: with self.block('match self'): for match_case in doc_variants: self.emit(match_case) if not self.is_closed_union(typ) or any_skipped: # fall back on the Debug representation self.emit('_ => write!(f, "{:?}", *self),') else: # skip the whole match block and just use the Debug representation self.emit('write!(f, "{:?}", *self)') self.emit() # Naming Rules def _rust_type(self, typ: ir.DataType, no_qualify: bool = False) -> str: return self.rust_type(typ, self._current_namespace, no_qualify)