// Copyright 2020 The Druid Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Usage of file open and saving. // On Windows platform, don't show a console when opening the app. #![windows_subsystem = "windows"] use druid::widget::{Align, Button, Flex, TextBox}; use druid::{ commands, AppDelegate, AppLauncher, Command, DelegateCtx, Env, FileDialogOptions, FileSpec, Handled, LocalizedString, Target, Widget, WindowDesc, }; struct Delegate; pub fn main() { let main_window = WindowDesc::new(ui_builder()) .title(LocalizedString::new("open-save-demo").with_placeholder("Opening/Saving Demo")); let data = "Type here.".to_owned(); AppLauncher::with_window(main_window) .delegate(Delegate) .log_to_console() .launch(data) .expect("launch failed"); } fn ui_builder() -> impl Widget { let rs = FileSpec::new("Rust source", &["rs"]); let txt = FileSpec::new("Text file", &["txt"]); let other = FileSpec::new("Bogus file", &["foo", "bar", "baz"]); // The options can also be generated at runtime, // so to show that off we create a String for the default save name. let default_save_name = String::from("MyFile.txt"); let save_dialog_options = FileDialogOptions::new() .allowed_types(vec![rs, txt, other]) .default_type(txt) .default_name(default_save_name) .name_label("Target") .title("Choose a target for this lovely file") .button_text("Export"); let open_dialog_options = save_dialog_options .clone() .default_name("MySavedFile.txt") .name_label("Source") .title("Where did you put that file?") .button_text("Import"); let input = TextBox::new(); let save = Button::new("Save").on_click(move |ctx, _, _| { ctx.submit_command(druid::commands::SHOW_SAVE_PANEL.with(save_dialog_options.clone())) }); let open = Button::new("Open").on_click(move |ctx, _, _| { ctx.submit_command(druid::commands::SHOW_OPEN_PANEL.with(open_dialog_options.clone())) }); let mut col = Flex::column(); col.add_child(input); col.add_spacer(8.0); col.add_child(save); col.add_child(open); Align::centered(col) } impl AppDelegate for Delegate { fn command( &mut self, _ctx: &mut DelegateCtx, _target: Target, cmd: &Command, data: &mut String, _env: &Env, ) -> Handled { if let Some(file_info) = cmd.get(commands::SAVE_FILE_AS) { if let Err(e) = std::fs::write(file_info.path(), &data[..]) { println!("Error writing file: {e}"); } return Handled::Yes; } if let Some(file_info) = cmd.get(commands::OPEN_FILE) { match std::fs::read_to_string(file_info.path()) { Ok(s) => { let first_line = s.lines().next().unwrap_or(""); *data = first_line.to_owned(); } Err(e) => { println!("Error opening file: {e}"); } } return Handled::Yes; } Handled::No } }