# Development Guide ## Adding New Snippet Visit the previous version of [30-seconds][30-seconds-previous] repository. It is more readable and easier to find things. Then find missing function to implement. Frequently used documentations: - [Iterator in std::iter][iter] ## Release Checklist - Run `just check`. - Run the release task: `just release v`. Such `just release v0.1.7`. - Check if [Continuous Integration][ci] workflow is completed successfully. - Push the tags: `git push --tags` [30-seconds-previous]: https://github.com/30-seconds/30-seconds-of-python/tree/e6064b1236bbe64f0a7f4e1127223b75848b92e8 [iter]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html [ci]: https://github.com/azzamsa/dryip-of-rust/actions/workflows/ci.yml [cd]: https://github.com/azzamsa/dryip-of-rust/actions/workflows/cd.yml