# # GNSS navigation solution with uncertainty. # This message is deprecated. Use the newer 1063.Fix2.uavcan message. # uavcan.Timestamp timestamp # Global network-synchronized time, if available, otherwise zero # # Time solution. # Time standard (GPS, UTC, TAI, etc) is defined in the field below. # uavcan.Timestamp gnss_timestamp # # Time standard used in the GNSS timestamp field. # uint3 GNSS_TIME_STANDARD_NONE = 0 # Time is unknown uint3 GNSS_TIME_STANDARD_TAI = 1 uint3 GNSS_TIME_STANDARD_UTC = 2 uint3 GNSS_TIME_STANDARD_GPS = 3 uint3 gnss_time_standard void5 # Reserved space # # If known, the number of leap seconds allows to perform conversions between some time standards. # uint8 NUM_LEAP_SECONDS_UNKNOWN = 0 uint8 num_leap_seconds # # Position and velocity solution # int37 longitude_deg_1e8 # Longitude degrees multiplied by 1e8 (approx. 1 mm per LSB) int37 latitude_deg_1e8 # Latitude degrees multiplied by 1e8 (approx. 1 mm per LSB on equator) int27 height_ellipsoid_mm # Height above ellipsoid in millimeters int27 height_msl_mm # Height above mean sea level in millimeters float16[3] ned_velocity # NED frame (north-east-down) in meters per second # # Fix status # uint6 sats_used uint2 STATUS_NO_FIX = 0 uint2 STATUS_TIME_ONLY = 1 uint2 STATUS_2D_FIX = 2 uint2 STATUS_3D_FIX = 3 uint2 status # # Precision # float16 pdop void4 float16[<=9] position_covariance # m^2 float16[<=9] velocity_covariance # (m/s)^2