# dsm ## 1.0.2 ### Patch Changes - aa9d43b: use macos for platform name in url schemes ## 1.0.1 ### Patch Changes - e206502: fix issues with paths not showing correctly on bash like terminal on windows (?) - a4b43b7: Remove default alias - a4b43b7: Support aliases and latest format in uninstall ## 1.0.0 ### Major Changes - 490ac52: First stable release (v1.0.0) ### Patch Changes - dfbce19: handle ensuring dsm dir better. print which dir actually throwed the error - dfbce19: Support sdk channels in latest. latest/dev or latest-beta patterns are now supported. - ef86c8a: clean up aliases after uninstalling - 7cc2504: Print necessary config envs of dsm when `dsm env` is used alongside bin path - 53fca11: create subcommand for checking new available versions of the app from gh - 4130af5: Shell script to install dsm - 0085fba: Generate completion scripts in runtime via the completions subcommand ## 0.1.2 ### Patch Changes - 88f1e27: Handle unexpected panics - 88f1e27: Better list command. print associated aliases alongside versions - 88f1e27: Default subcommand for setting and viewing default versions. automatically set new installation as default if no prior one exists - 88f1e27: Support aliases. aliases ca now be created and removed using the `alias` and `unalias` commands - 88f1e27: Better version handling. Take aliases as well semvers as inputs ## 0.1.1 - More updates ## 0.1.0 - Inital version