- This provides an initial Rust interface to the C++ ducc code - The detailed README on ducc can be found [here](https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/mtr/ducc) - The Rust wrapper currently supports - FFT: c2c - For the C++ functions that support inplace operations (e.g., the `c2c` FFT), two rust functions are exposed: `ducc0::fft_c2c` and `ducc0::fft_c2c_inplace`. - Rust wrapper currently *does not* support - FFT: c2r, r2c, hartley transforms, ... - NuFFT - Healpix - SHTs - Radio response - etc. This wrapper is currently highly experimental. If you encounter problems or need not yet supported components, please reach out to `c@philipp-arras.de`. This is my first C++ wrapper for Rust. Feel free to give advice and feedback.