# About This is my imitation of an AI It doesn't work that well (I think) For the moment it isn't even a library, just me doing stuff around. Maybe I'll make it a library someday # Install Just use `cargo add dumb_ai` to add it to your project # Documentation Train your ai with the `train_ai()` function. I recommend 0.01 (or 0.1 at most) for the `precision` field. To test your ai, use the `test_ai()` function with two more vectors to get the accuracy of the ai. If you want to have only one element per vector (inside a vector), you can use the `to_vector_of_vector()` function. In the two cases, the two vectors need to have the same length, and the vectors inside of them also needs to always have the same length. To predict a value, use `AI::predict()` on your AI struct to get a value. You can save an AI struct to the disk and read from the disk with the associated functions. `vector_tools` is also avaiable to use alongside the AI part, and the name of the functions are for most self-explanatory. For those who are not self-explanatory, here's some explications: - `to_correct_amount()` is a function that takes a vector of vector of f64s, with only one element per small vector, to a vector of vector of f64s, but with multiple times the same item. That allows for difference in length of small vectors between the input and the output.