# Dumb pipe This is an example to use [iroh-net](https://crates.io/crates/iroh-net) to create a dumb pipe to connect two machines with a QUIC connection. Iroh-net will take case of hole punching and NAT traversal whenever possible, and fall back to a relay if hole punching does not succeed. It is also useful as a standalone tool for quick copy jobs. This is inspired by the unix tool [netcat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netcat). While netcat works with IP addresses, dumbpipe works with 256 bit node ids and therefore is somewhat location transparent. In addition, connections are encrypted using TLS. # Installation ``` cargo install dumbpipe ``` # Examples ## Use dumbpipe to stream video using [ffmpeg / ffplay](https://ffmpeg.org/): This is using standard input and output. ### Sender side On Mac OS: ``` ffmpeg -f avfoundation -r 30 -i "0" -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mpegts - | dumbpipe listen ``` On Linux: ``` ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 -r 30 -preset ultrafast -vcodec libx264 -tune zerolatency -f mpegts - | dumbpipe listen ``` outputs ticket ### Receiver side ``` dumbpipe connect nodeealvvv4nwa522qhznqrblv6jxcrgnvpapvakxw5i6mwltmm6ps2r4aicamaakdu5wtjasadei2qdfuqjadakqk3t2ieq | ffplay -f mpegts -fflags nobuffer -framedrop - ``` - Adjust the ffmpeg options according to your local platform and video capture devices. - Use ticket from sender side ## Forward development web server You have a development webserver running on port 3000, and want to share it with a colleague in another office or on the other side of the world. ### The web server ``` npm run dev > - Local: http://localhost:3000 ``` ### The dumbpipe listener *Listens* on a magic endpoint and forwards all incoming requests to the dev web server that is listening on localhost on port 3000. Any number of connections can flow through a single dumb pipe, but they will be separate local tcp connections. ``` dumbpipe listen-tcp --host localhost:3000 ``` This command will output a ticket that can be used to connect. ### The dumbpipe connector *Listens* on a tcp interface and port on the local machine. In this case on port 3001. Forwards all incoming connections to the magic endpoint given in the ticket. ``` dumbpipe connect-tcp --addr ``` ### Testing it You can now browse the website on port 3001. # Advanced features ## Custom ALPNs Dumbpipe has an expert feature to specify a custom [ALPN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application-Layer_Protocol_Negotiation) string. You can use it to interact with existing iroh-net services. E.g. here is how to interact with the iroh-bytes protocol: ``` echo request1.bin | dumbpipe connect --custom-alpn utf8:/iroh-bytes/2 > response1.bin ``` if request1.bin contained a valid request for the `/iroh-bytes/2` protocol, response1.bin will now contain the response.