# Duri # ![made-in-vietnam](https://madewithlove.vercel.app/vn?heart=true&colorA=%23ffcd00&colorB=%23da251d) [![registry](https://badgen.net/crates/v/duri)](https://crates.io/crates/duri) CLI tool to get data URI of a file. ![Logo](data/durian.svg) ## Install Duri is written in [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/), so you can install it from [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/duri): ```console cargo install duri ``` ## Usage - Read from file path: ```console duri image.png ``` - Read from standard input: ```console echo image.png | duri - ``` - To see more option, run with `--help`: ```console duri --help ``` ## Use cases Assume that you need to upload file to a RESTful HTTP API. The HTTP API may require posted data to be JSON string and the file content to be in form of base64-encoded [data URI](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Data_URIs). You can combine Duri with [jo](https://github.com/jpmens/jo) to build JSON, like: ```console jo -d. file.name=image.png file.content=$(duri image.png) ``` then pass to a CLI HTTP client, like [HTTPie](https://httpie.io/): ```console jo -d. file.name=image.png file.content=$(duri image.png) | http example-api.vn/ekyc/ ``` The `duri` + `jo` combo will generate a JSON like ```json { "file": { "name": "image.png", "content": "..." } } ``` The string is passed to HTTPie via standard input and HTTPie will build a POST request with that JSON data. Note that, if your HTTP API requires file to be in plain base64 string, not beginning with `data:xxx`, you don't need Duri. In that case, just use `jo` alone, with its `%` modifier: ```console jo -d. file.name=image.png file.content=%image.png | http example-api.vn/ekyc/ ``` Credit ------ - Brought to you by [Nguyễn Hồng Quân](https://quan.hoabinh.vn). - Icon is from [Freepik](https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/durian_765534).