# dvcompute_results_branch

This crate is a part of discrete event simulation framework DVCompute Simulator (registration
number 2021660590 of Rospatent). The `dvcompute_results_branch` crate allows returning results from
the simulation model for nested simulation, but the same code base is shared by
the `dvcompute_results_dist` crate destined for optimistic distributed simulation.

There are the following main crates: `dvcompute` (sequential simulation),
`dvcompute_dist` (optimistic distributed simulation),
`dvcompute_cons` (conservative distributed simulation) and
`dvcompute_branch` (nested simulation). All four crates are
very close. They are based on the same method.

## Documentation

* [API docs](https://docs.rs/dvcompute_results_branch/)

## Licence

Copyright 2020-2024 David Sorokin <davsor@mail.ru>, based in Yoshkar-Ola, Russia

This software is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at <http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/>.