use anyhow::Result; #[cfg(feature = "noble")] mod noble_transfer_example { use super::*; use anyhow::{anyhow as err, Error}; use dydx::config::ClientConfig; use dydx::indexer::Token; use dydx::noble::{NobleClient, NobleUsdc}; use dydx::node::{NodeClient, Wallet}; use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration}; const TEST_MNEMONIC: &str = "mirror actor skill push coach wait confirm orchard lunch mobile athlete gossip awake miracle matter bus reopen team ladder lazy list timber render wait"; const DYDX_SOURCE_CHANNEL: &str = "channel-0"; const NOBLE_SOURCE_CHANNEL: &str = "channel-33"; pub struct Bridger { wallet: Wallet, noble: NobleClient, node: NodeClient, } impl Bridger { pub async fn connect() -> Result { let config = ClientConfig::from_file("client/tests/testnet.toml").await?; let noble = NobleClient::connect( config .noble .ok_or_else(|| err!("Config file must contain a [noble] config!"))?, ) .await?; let node = NodeClient::connect(config.node).await?; let wallet = Wallet::from_mnemonic(TEST_MNEMONIC)?; Ok(Self { noble, wallet, node, }) } } #[tokio::main] pub async fn run() -> Result<()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt().try_init().map_err(Error::msg)?; let mut bridger = Bridger::connect().await?; let mut account_dydx = bridger.wallet.account_offline(0)?; let mut account_noble = bridger.wallet.noble().account_offline(0)?; let address_dydx = account_dydx.address().clone(); let address_noble = account_noble.address().clone(); tracing::info!( "Before transfer balance: {:?}", bridger .noble .get_account_balances(address_noble.clone()) .await? ); let tx_hash = bridger .node .send_token_ibc( &mut account_dydx, address_dydx.clone(), address_noble.clone(), Token::Usdc(1.into()), DYDX_SOURCE_CHANNEL.into(), ) .await?; tracing::info!("dYdX -> Noble Tx hash: {tx_hash}"); sleep(Duration::from_secs(30)).await; tracing::info!( "After transfer balance: {:?}", bridger .noble .get_account_balances(address_noble.clone()) .await? ); let tx_hash = bridger .noble .send_token_ibc( &mut account_noble, address_noble.clone(), address_dydx, NobleUsdc::from(1), NOBLE_SOURCE_CHANNEL.into(), ) .await?; tracing::info!("Noble -> dYdX Tx hash: {tx_hash}"); sleep(Duration::from_secs(30)).await; tracing::info!( "Undo transfer balance: {:?}", bridger .noble .get_account_balances(address_noble.clone()) .await? ); Ok(()) } } #[cfg(feature = "noble")] fn main() -> Result<()> { noble_transfer_example::run() } #[cfg(not(feature = "noble"))] fn main() { eprintln!("Feature 'noble' must be enabled to run this example!") }