# dyn-cache The [dyn-cache](https://docs.rs/dyn-cache) crate provides incremental caching for Rust function invocations. ## [0.12.2] - 2021-04-25 ### Fixed - Cached values no longer inherit liveness from their dependents if those dependents were initialized in the current GC revision. This prevented some values from being GC'd at the correct time. See [#238](https://github.com/anp/moxie/issues/238). ## [0.12.1] - 2020-12-28 ### Added - `wasm-bindgen` cargo feature which enables correct usage of parking_lot on wasm32 targets. ## [0.12.0] - 2020-08-09 ### Changed - `CacheMiss` handles initialization of borrowed inputs for storage, this removes arguments from some lower-level functions. ## [0.11.0] - 2020-08-08 ### Fixed - Nested queries to `SharedLocalCache`/``SharedSendCache` have their intermediate dependencies retained as long as a transitive dependent is used in a revision. ## [0.10.0] - 2020-07-19 ### Added - Crate extracted from `topo::cache` module. - `{LocalCache,SendCache}::cache` wraps `cache_with` for types that impl `Clone`. - `{LocalCache,SendCache}::hold` wraps `cache_with` for queries that don't need returns. - `CacheMiss` struct is used to ensure storage happens where the failed lookup happened. ### Changed - Rename `Cache`/`SharedCache` to `SendCache`/`SharedSendCache`.