use core::{ any::Any, borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, cmp::{Ordering, PartialEq, PartialOrd}, convert::{AsMut, AsRef}, fmt::{ self, Binary, Debug, Display, LowerExp, LowerHex, Octal, Pointer, UpperExp, UpperHex, Write, }, future::Future, hash::{self, BuildHasher, Hasher}, iter::{DoubleEndedIterator, ExactSizeIterator, FusedIterator, Iterator}, marker::{Send, Sized, Sync}, ops::{ AddAssign, BitAndAssign, BitOrAssign, BitXorAssign, Deref, DerefMut, DivAssign, Index, IndexMut, MulAssign, RemAssign, ShlAssign, ShrAssign, SubAssign, }, ptr::{DynMetadata, Pointee}, }; use crate::DynSliceMut; use super::{declare_new_fns, DynSlice}; #[allow(unused)] macro_rules! feature_availability { ( $feature:literal ) => { concat!( "(only available with the [`", $feature, "` feature](", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), "/features))" ) }; } declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] /// /// `DynSlice(Mut)`, `DynSlice(Mut)` and `DynSlice(Mut)` have a few extra methods: /// - [`DynSlice::is`] /// - [`DynSlice::downcast`] /// - [`DynSliceMut::downcast_mut`] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::any; /// let array: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 4, 8]; /// let slice = any::new(&array); /// /// // Assert that the dyn-slice is a slice of `u8`s /// assert!(; /// // Downcast the dyn-slice to a slice of `u8`s /// assert_eq!(slice.downcast::(), Some(array.as_slice())); /// ``` /// /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::any; /// let mut array: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 4, 8]; /// let mut slice = any::new_mut(&mut array); /// /// // Downcast the mutable dyn-slice to a mutable slice of `u8`s /// slice.downcast_mut::().unwrap()[1] = 255; /// assert_eq!(array, [1, 255, 4, 8]); /// ``` pub any Any ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] /// /// `DynSlice(Mut)`, `DynSlice(Mut)` and `DynSlice(Mut)` have a few extra methods: /// - [`DynSlice::is`] /// - [`DynSlice::downcast`] /// - [`DynSliceMut::downcast_mut`] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::any_send; /// let array: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 4, 8]; /// let slice = any_send::new(&array); /// /// // Assert that the dyn-slice is a slice of `u8`s /// assert!(; /// // Downcast the dyn-slice to a slice of `u8`s /// assert_eq!(slice.downcast::(), Some(array.as_slice())); /// ``` /// /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::any_send; /// let mut array: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 4, 8]; /// let mut slice = any_send::new_mut(&mut array); /// /// // Downcast the mutable dyn-slice to a mutable slice of `u8`s /// slice.downcast_mut::().unwrap()[1] = 255; /// assert_eq!(array, [1, 255, 4, 8]); /// ``` pub any_send Any + Send ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] /// /// `DynSlice(Mut)`, `DynSlice(Mut)` and `DynSlice(Mut)` have a few extra methods: /// - [`DynSlice::is`] /// - [`DynSlice::downcast`] /// - [`DynSliceMut::downcast_mut`] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::any_sync_send; /// let array: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 4, 8]; /// let slice = any_sync_send::new(&array); /// /// // Assert that the dyn-slice is a slice of `u8`s /// assert!(; /// // Downcast the dyn-slice to a slice of `u8`s /// assert_eq!(slice.downcast::(), Some(array.as_slice())); /// ``` /// /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::any_sync_send; /// let mut array: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 4, 8]; /// let mut slice = any_sync_send::new_mut(&mut array); /// /// // Downcast the mutable dyn-slice to a mutable slice of `u8`s /// slice.downcast_mut::().unwrap()[1] = 255; /// assert_eq!(array, [1, 255, 4, 8]); /// ``` pub any_sync_send Any + Sync + Send ); macro_rules! impl_any_methods { ( $( $t:ty ),* ) => { $( impl<'a> DynSlice<'a, $t> { /// Returns `true` if the underlying slice is of type `T`. #[must_use] pub fn is(&self) -> bool { self.get(0).map_or(true, <$t>::is::) } /// Returns the underlying slice as `&[T]`, or `None` if the underlying slice is not of type `T`. #[must_use] pub fn downcast(&self) -> Option<&[T]> {|| { // SAFETY: // The above line guarantees that the underlying slice is of type `T`, // so the downcast is valid. unsafe { self.downcast_unchecked() } }) } } impl<'a> DynSliceMut<'a, $t> { /// Returns the underlying slice as `&mut [T]`, or `None` if the underlying slice is not of type `T`. #[must_use] pub fn downcast_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut [T]> {|| { // SAFETY: // The above line guarantees that the underlying slice is of type `T`, // so the downcast is valid. unsafe { self.downcast_unchecked_mut() } }) } } )* }; } impl_any_methods!(dyn Any, dyn Any + Send, dyn Any + Sync + Send); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub borrow Borrow ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub borrow_mut BorrowMut ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] /// /// `DynSlice(Mut)>` implements `PartialEq<[Rhs]>` /// /// # Example /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::partial_eq; /// let array: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 4, 8]; /// let slice = partial_eq::new(&array); /// /// assert!(slice == array.as_slice()); /// ``` pub partial_eq PartialEq ); impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + PartialEq + ?Sized, Rhs> PartialEq<[Rhs]> for DynSlice<'a, Dyn> { fn eq(&self, other: &[Rhs]) -> bool { if self.len() != other.len() { return false; } self.iter().zip(other.iter()).all(|(a, b)| a == b) } } impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + PartialEq + ?Sized, Rhs> PartialEq<[Rhs]> for DynSliceMut<'a, Dyn> { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &[Rhs]) -> bool { self.0.eq(other) } } impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + PartialEq + ?Sized, Rhs> PartialEq<&[Rhs]> for DynSlice<'a, Dyn> { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &&[Rhs]) -> bool { self.eq(*other) } } impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + PartialEq + ?Sized, Rhs> PartialEq<&[Rhs]> for DynSliceMut<'a, Dyn> { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &&[Rhs]) -> bool { self.0.eq(*other) } } declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] /// /// `DynSlice(Mut)>` implements `PartialOrd<[Rhs]>`. /// Slices are compared [lexicographically]( /// /// # Example /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::partial_ord; /// let array: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 4, 8]; /// let slice = partial_ord::new(&array); /// /// assert!(slice > &[1, 2, 3, 4][..]); /// assert!(slice == &array[..]); /// assert!(slice < &[1, 2, 4, 8, 16][..]); /// ``` pub partial_ord PartialOrd ); /// Implements comparison of slices [lexicographically]( impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + PartialOrd + ?Sized, Rhs> PartialOrd<[Rhs]> for DynSlice<'a, Dyn> { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &[Rhs]) -> Option { let mut i1 = self.iter(); let mut i2 = other.iter(); loop { return Some(match (, { (Some(a), Some(b)) => match a.partial_cmp(b)? { Ordering::Equal => continue, order => order, }, (Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater, (None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less, (None, None) => Ordering::Equal, }); } } } /// Implements comparison of slices [lexicographically]( impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + PartialOrd + ?Sized, Rhs> PartialOrd<[Rhs]> for DynSliceMut<'a, Dyn> { #[inline] fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &[Rhs]) -> Option { self.0.partial_cmp(other) } } /// Implements comparison of slices [lexicographically]( impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + PartialOrd + ?Sized, Rhs> PartialOrd<&[Rhs]> for DynSlice<'a, Dyn> { #[inline] fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &&[Rhs]) -> Option { self.partial_cmp(*other) } } /// Implements comparison of slices [lexicographically]( impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + PartialOrd + ?Sized, Rhs> PartialOrd<&[Rhs]> for DynSliceMut<'a, Dyn> { #[inline] fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &&[Rhs]) -> Option { self.0.partial_cmp(*other) } } declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub as_ref AsRef ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub as_mut AsMut ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub binary Binary ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] /// /// # Example /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::debug; /// let array: [u8; 4] = [1, 2, 4, 8]; /// let slice = debug::new(&array); /// /// assert_eq!( /// format!("{slice:?}"), /// "[1, 2, 4, 8]", /// ); /// ``` pub debug Debug ); impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + Debug + ?Sized> Debug for DynSlice<'a, Dyn> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_list().entries(self.iter()).finish() } } impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + Debug + ?Sized> Debug for DynSliceMut<'a, Dyn> { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { as Debug>::fmt(&self.0, f) } } declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub display Display ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub lower_exp LowerExp ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub lower_hex LowerHex ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub octal Octal ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub pointer Pointer ); impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + ?Sized> Pointer for DynSlice<'a, Dyn> { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { <*const () as Pointer>::fmt(&, f) } } impl<'a, Dyn: Pointee> + ?Sized> Pointer for DynSliceMut<'a, Dyn> { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { <*const () as Pointer>::fmt(&, f) } } declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub upper_exp UpperExp ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub upper_hex UpperHex ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub write Write ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub future Future ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub build_hasher BuildHasher ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub hasher Hasher ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] /// /// # Example /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::double_ended_iterator; /// let mut array = [[1, 2].into_iter(), [3, 4].into_iter(), [5, 6].into_iter()]; /// let mut slice = double_ended_iterator::new_mut(&mut array); /// let mut iter = slice.iter_mut().flatten(); /// /// assert_eq!(iter.next_back().unwrap(), 6); /// assert_eq!(iter.next_back().unwrap(), 5); /// assert_eq!(iter.next_back().unwrap(), 4); /// assert_eq!(iter.next_back().unwrap(), 3); /// assert_eq!(iter.next_back().unwrap(), 2); /// assert_eq!(iter.next_back().unwrap(), 1); /// ``` pub double_ended_iterator DoubleEndedIterator ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub exact_size_iterator ExactSizeIterator ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub fused_iterator FusedIterator ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::iterator; /// let mut array = [(1..5), (2..9), (4..6)]; /// let mut slice = iterator::new_mut(&mut array); /// /// assert_eq!(slice[0].next(), Some(1)); /// assert_eq!(slice[1].next(), Some(2)); /// assert_eq!(slice[2].next(), Some(4)); /// /// assert_eq!(slice[0].next(), Some(2)); /// ``` /// /// ``` /// # use dyn_slice::standard::iterator; /// let mut array = [[1, 2].into_iter(), [3, 4].into_iter(), [5, 6].into_iter()]; /// let mut slice = iterator::new_mut(&mut array); /// let mut iter = slice.iter_mut().flatten(); /// /// assert_eq!(, 1); /// assert_eq!(, 2); /// assert_eq!(, 3); /// assert_eq!(, 4); /// assert_eq!(, 5); /// assert_eq!(, 6); /// ``` pub iterator Iterator ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub add_assign AddAssign ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub bit_and_assign BitAndAssign ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub bit_or_assign BitOrAssign ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub bit_xor_assign BitXorAssign ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub deref Deref ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub deref_mut DerefMut ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub div_assign DivAssign ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub index Index ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub index_mut IndexMut ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub mul_assign MulAssign ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub rem_assign RemAssign ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub shl_assign ShlAssign ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub shr_assign ShrAssign ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub sub_assign SubAssign ); /// A reference-to-value conversion. pub trait To { /// Converts this reference into the (usually inferred) input type. fn to(&self) -> T; } // From implies Into, so Into is used to include both traits impl + Copy> To for F { #[inline] fn to(&self) -> T { (*self).into() } } declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] pub to To ); #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] mod standard_alloc { extern crate alloc; use alloc::string::ToString; use crate::declare_new_fns; declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] #[cfg_attr(doc, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))] #[doc = feature_availability!("alloc")] pub to_string ToString ); } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] pub use standard_alloc::*; #[cfg(feature = "std")] mod standard_std { use std::{ error::Error, io::{BufRead, IsTerminal, Read, Seek, Write}, net::ToSocketAddrs, }; use crate::declare_new_fns; declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] #[cfg_attr(doc, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))] #[doc = feature_availability!("std")] pub error Error ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] #[cfg_attr(doc, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))] #[doc = feature_availability!("std")] pub buf_read BufRead ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] #[cfg_attr(doc, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))] #[doc = feature_availability!("std")] pub is_terminal IsTerminal ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] #[cfg_attr(doc, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))] #[doc = feature_availability!("std")] pub io_read Read ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] #[cfg_attr(doc, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))] #[doc = feature_availability!("std")] pub seek Seek ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] #[cfg_attr(doc, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))] #[doc = feature_availability!("std")] pub io_write Write ); declare_new_fns!( #[crate = crate] #[cfg_attr(doc, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))] #[doc = feature_availability!("std")] pub to_socket_addrs> ToSocketAddrs ); } #[cfg(feature = "std")] pub use standard_std::*; #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn test_any() { #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct A; let array = [A, A]; let slice = any::new(&array); assert!(; assert!(!; assert_eq!(slice.downcast::(), Some(&array[..])); assert_eq!(slice.downcast::(), None); // Using for loop rather than iter to make sure exactly 2 elements are // checked, without trusting iter for i in 0..array.len() { assert!(slice.get(i).expect("expected an element").is::()); } // Make sure the slice can be downcast to anything when empty let array: [A; 0] = []; let slice = any::new(&array); assert!(; assert!(; assert_eq!(slice.downcast::(), Some(&array[..])); assert_eq!(slice.downcast::(), Some(&[][..])); } #[test] fn test_borrow() { let a: Box = Box::new(5); let b: Box = Box::new(7); let array = [a, b]; let slice = borrow::new::(&array); for (i, y) in array.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!(slice.get(i).expect("expected an element").borrow(), &**y); } } #[test] fn test_partial_eq() { let array: [u8; 2] = [5, 7]; let slice = partial_eq::new::(&array); for (i, y) in array.iter().enumerate() { let element = slice.get(i).expect("expected an element"); assert!(element == y); assert!(element != &200); } } #[test] fn test_partial_eq_impl() { let s: &[u8] = &[10, 11, 12]; let slice = partial_eq::new::(s); let ne1: &[u8] = &[10, 11, 22]; let ne2: &[u8] = &[10, 21, 12]; let ne3: &[u8] = &[20, 11, 12]; let ne4: &[u8] = &[10, 11, 12, 13]; let ne5: &[u8] = &[10, 11]; let ne6: &[u8] = &[10]; let ne7: &[u8] = &[]; assert!(slice == s); assert!(slice != ne1); assert!(slice != ne2); assert!(slice != ne3); assert!(slice != ne4); assert!(slice != ne5); assert!(slice != ne6); assert!(slice != ne7); } #[test] fn test_partial_ord() { let array: [u8; 2] = [5, 7]; let slice = partial_ord::new::(&array); for (i, y) in array.iter().enumerate() { let element = slice.get(i).expect("expected an element"); assert!(element > &3); assert!(element == y); assert!(element < &10); } } #[test] fn test_partial_ord_impl() { let s: &[u8] = &[10, 11, 12]; let slice = partial_ord::new::(s); let l1: &[u8] = &[10, 11, 2]; let l2: &[u8] = &[10, 1, 12]; let l3: &[u8] = &[0, 11, 12]; let l4: &[u8] = &[10, 11, 2, 3]; let l5: &[u8] = &[10, 1, 12, 3]; let l6: &[u8] = &[0, 11, 12, 3]; let l7: &[u8] = &[10, 11]; let l8: &[u8] = &[10]; let l9: &[u8] = &[]; let g1: &[u8] = &[10, 11, 22]; let g2: &[u8] = &[10, 21, 12]; let g3: &[u8] = &[20, 11, 12]; let g4: &[u8] = &[10, 21]; let g5: &[u8] = &[20]; let g6: &[u8] = &[10, 11, 12, 3]; assert_eq!(slice.partial_cmp(s), Some(Ordering::Equal)); assert!(s > l1); assert!(s > l2); assert!(s > l3); assert!(s > l4); assert!(s > l5); assert!(s > l6); assert!(s > l7); assert!(s > l8); assert!(s > l9); assert!(s < g1); assert!(s < g2); assert!(s < g3); assert!(s < g4); assert!(s < g5); assert!(s < g6); } #[test] fn test_as_ref() { let a: Box = Box::new(5); let b: Box = Box::new(7); let array = [a, b]; let slice = as_ref::new::(&array); for (i, y) in array.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!(slice.get(i).expect("expected an element").as_ref(), &**y); } } #[test] fn test_debug() { #[derive(Debug)] struct A; let debugged = format!("{A:?}"); let array = [A, A]; let slice = debug::new(&array); for i in 0..array.len() { let element = slice.get(i).expect("expected an element"); assert_eq!(format!("{element:?}"), debugged); } assert_eq!(format!("{slice:?}"), format!("{array:?}")); let slice = debug::new::(&[]); assert_eq!(format!("{slice:?}"), "[]"); let array = [A]; let slice = debug::new(&array); assert_eq!(format!("{slice:?}"), format!("{array:?}")); } #[test] fn test_display() { struct A; impl fmt::Display for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "A displayed") } } let displayed = format!("{A}"); let array = [A, A]; let slice = display::new(&array); for i in 0..array.len() { let element = slice.get(i).expect("expected an element"); assert_eq!(format!("{element}"), displayed); } } #[test] fn test_hasher() { use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; const TEST_DATA: &[u8] = b"test hash data"; let mut reference = DefaultHasher::new(); reference.write(TEST_DATA); let reference = reference.finish(); let mut array = [DefaultHasher::new(), DefaultHasher::new()]; let mut slice = hasher::new_mut(&mut array); for hasher in &mut slice { hasher.write(TEST_DATA); assert_eq!(hasher.finish(), reference); } } #[test] fn test_iterator() { let mut array = [(0..5), (10..15), (-30..-25)]; let mut slice = iterator::new_mut(&mut array); for (range, expected) in slice.iter_mut().zip([0, 10, -30]) { assert_eq!(, Some(expected)); } for (range, expected) in slice.iter_mut().zip([1, 11, -29]) { assert_eq!(, Some(expected)); } } #[test] fn test_to() { use core::num::NonZeroU8; let a: u8 = 5; let b: u8 = >::to(&a); assert_eq!(a, b); let b: u16 = >::to(&a); let a: u16 = a.into(); assert_eq!(a, b); let array: [NonZeroU8; 2] = { // SAFETY: // NonZeroU8 has the same layout as u8, and can therefore be transmuted. unsafe { [NonZeroU8::new_unchecked(5), NonZeroU8::new_unchecked(7)] } }; let slice = to::new::(&array); for (i, y) in array.iter().enumerate() { let element = slice.get(i).expect("expected an element"); assert_eq!(, y.get()); } } #[test] fn test_to_string() { struct A; impl core::fmt::Display for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "A displayed") } } let displayed = A.to_string(); let array = [A, A]; let slice = to_string::new(&array); for i in 0..array.len() { let element = slice.get(i).expect("expected an element"); assert_eq!(element.to_string(), displayed); } } #[test] fn test_error() { #[derive(Debug)] struct A; impl fmt::Display for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "A displayed") } } impl std::error::Error for A {} let displayed = format!("{A}"); let array = [A, A]; let slice = error::new(&array); for i in 0..array.len() { let element = slice.get(i).expect("expected an element"); assert_eq!(format!("{element}"), displayed); } assert_eq!(format!("{slice:?}"), format!("{array:?}")); } }