# Requirements: # - dyn-wall-rs in /usr/local/bin # - a $HOME/.config/dyn-wall-rs.toml file # # Copy to $HOME/.config/systemd/user/dyn-wall-rs.service # (create $HOME/.config/systemd/user first if not yet existing) # # Then run # systemctl --user daemon-reload # systemctl --user enable dyn-wall-rs.service # systemctl --user start dyn-wall-rs.service # # Optionally run the below to enable the service to run # when logged out (i.e. to show dynamic wallpapers in the display manager) # loginctl enable-linger # [Unit] Description=dyn-wall-rs service [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/dyn-wall-rs ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/dyn-wall-rs --schedule PrivateTmp=1 [Install] WantedBy=default.target