use dynamic_graphql::dynamic::DynamicRequestExt; use dynamic_graphql::App; use dynamic_graphql::Context; use dynamic_graphql::FieldValue; use dynamic_graphql::MaybeUndefined; use dynamic_graphql::ResolvedObject; use dynamic_graphql::ResolvedObjectFields; use dynamic_graphql::Result; use dynamic_graphql::Variables; use crate::schema_utils::normalize_schema; #[test] fn test_schema() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query; #[ResolvedObjectFields] impl Query { fn without_self() -> String { "Hello".to_string() } fn with_self(&self) -> String { "Hello".to_string() } fn with_arg(&self, name: String) -> String { format!("Hello {}", name) } fn without_self_with_args(name: String) -> String { format!("Hello {}", name) } fn unused_arg(&self, _name: String) -> String { "Hello".to_string() } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let sdl = schema.sdl(); insta::assert_snapshot!(normalize_schema(&sdl), @r###" type Query { withoutSelf: String! withSelf: String! withArg(name: String!): String! withoutSelfWithArgs(name: String!): String! unusedArg(name: String!): String! } directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT schema { query: Query } "###); } #[test] fn test_schema_with_ctx() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query; #[ResolvedObjectFields] impl Query { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn without_underline(ctx: &Context) -> String { "Hello".to_string() } fn without_self(_ctx: &Context) -> String { "Hello".to_string() } fn with_self(&self, _ctx: &Context) -> String { "Hello".to_string() } fn renamed(&self, #[graphql(ctx)] _context: &Context) -> String { "Hello".to_string() } fn with_arg(name: String, _ctx: &Context) -> String { format!("Hello {}", name) } fn with_ctx_arg(#[graphql(name = "ctx")] my_ctx: String) -> String { format!("Hello {}", my_ctx) } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let sdl = schema.sdl(); insta::assert_snapshot!(normalize_schema(&sdl), @r###" type Query { withoutUnderline: String! withoutSelf: String! withSelf: String! renamed: String! withArg(name: String!): String! withCtxArg(ctx: String!): String! } directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT schema { query: Query } "###); } #[test] fn test_schema_rename_args() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query; #[ResolvedObjectFields] #[graphql(rename_args = "UPPERCASE")] impl Query { fn with_arg(the_name: String, #[graphql(name = "foo")] _other: String) -> String { format!("Hello {}", the_name) } #[graphql(rename_args = "snake_case")] fn with_field_rename(the_name: String, #[graphql(name = "foo")] _other: String) -> String { format!("Hello {}", the_name) } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let sdl = schema.sdl(); insta::assert_snapshot!(normalize_schema(&sdl), @r###" type Query { withArg(THE_NAME: String!, foo: String!): String! withFieldRename(the_name: String!, foo: String!): String! } directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT schema { query: Query } "###); } #[test] fn test_schema_with_arg_ref() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query; #[ResolvedObjectFields] impl Query { fn without_string_ref(name: &String) -> String { format!("Hello {}", name) } fn with_str(name: &str) -> String { format!("Hello {}", name) } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let sdl = schema.sdl(); insta::assert_snapshot!(normalize_schema(&sdl), @r###" type Query { withoutStringRef(name: String!): String! withStr(name: String!): String! } directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT schema { query: Query } "###); } #[test] fn test_schema_with_arg_option() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query; #[ResolvedObjectFields] impl Query { fn without_option(name: String) -> String { format!("Hello {}", name) } fn with_option(name: Option) -> String { format!("Hello {}", name.unwrap_or_default()) } fn with_option_ref(name: &Option) -> String { format!("Hello {}", name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&"".to_string())) } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let sdl = schema.sdl(); insta::assert_snapshot!(normalize_schema(&sdl), @r###" type Query { withoutOption(name: String!): String! withOption(name: String): String! withOptionRef(name: String): String! } directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT schema { query: Query } "###); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_query() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query { greeting: String, } #[ResolvedObjectFields] impl Query { fn hello(name: String) -> String { format!("Hello {}", name) } fn self_hello(&self, name: String) -> String { format!("{} {}", self.greeting, name) } fn with_ctx(ctx: &Context, name: String) -> String { let greeter =; format!("{} {}", greeter, name) } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let query = r#"{ hello(name: "world") selfHello(name: "world") withCtx(name: "world") }"#; let root = Query { greeting: "Hello".to_string(), }; let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query) .data("Hello".to_string()) .root_value(FieldValue::owned_any(root)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "hello": "Hello world", "selfHello": "Hello world", "withCtx": "Hello world" }), ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_query_with_option() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query; #[ResolvedObjectFields] impl Query { fn with_option(name: Option) -> String { match name { Some(name) => format!("Some({})", name), None => "None".to_string(), } } fn with_option_ref(name: &Option) -> String { match name { Some(name) => format!("Some({})", name), None => "None".to_string(), } } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let query = r#" query { withOption withOptionRef }"#; let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withOption": "None", "withOptionRef": "None" }), ); let query = r#" query ($name: String) { withOption(name: $name) withOptionRef(name: $name) }"#; let variables = serde_json::json!({ "name": "world" }); let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withOption": "Some(world)", "withOptionRef": "Some(world)" }), ); let variables = serde_json::json!({ "name": null }); let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withOption": "None", "withOptionRef": "None" }), ); let variables = serde_json::json!({}); let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withOption": "None", "withOptionRef": "None" }), ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_query_with_result() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query; #[ResolvedObjectFields] impl Query { fn with_result(value: Result) -> String { match value { Ok(name) => format!("Ok({})", name), Err(err) => format!("Err({})", err.message), } } fn with_result_of_option(value: Result>) -> String { match value { Ok(Some(name)) => format!("Ok(Some({}))", name), Ok(None) => "Ok(None)".to_string(), Err(err) => format!("Err({})", err.message), } } fn with_option_of_result(value: Option>) -> String { match value { Some(Ok(name)) => format!("Some(Ok({}))", name), Some(Err(err)) => format!("Some(Err({}))", err.message), None => "None".to_string(), } } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let query = r#" query { withResult }"#; let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query); let res = schema.execute(req).await; assert_eq!(res.errors.len(), 1); assert_eq!( res.errors[0].message, r#"Invalid value for argument "value": Failed to parse "Int": internal: key "value" not found"# ); let query = r#" query { withResultOfOption }"#; let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query); let res = schema.execute(req).await; assert_eq!(res.errors.len(), 1); assert_eq!( res.errors[0].message, r#"Invalid value for argument "value": Failed to parse "Int": internal: key "value" not found"# ); let query = r#" query { withOptionOfResult }"#; let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withOptionOfResult":"None", }), ); let query = r#" query ($value: Int) { withResult(value: $value) withResultOfOption(value: $value) withOptionOfResult(value: $value) }"#; let variables = serde_json::json!({ "value": 255 }); // max u8 let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withResult": "Ok(255)", "withResultOfOption": "Ok(Some(255))", "withOptionOfResult": "Some(Ok(255))", }), ); let variables = serde_json::json!({ "value": 2565 }); // max u8 + 1 let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withResult":"Err(Failed to parse \"Int\": Only integers from 0 to 255 are accepted for u8.)", "withResultOfOption":"Err(Failed to parse \"Int\": Only integers from 0 to 255 are accepted for u8.)", "withOptionOfResult":"Some(Err(Failed to parse \"Int\": Only integers from 0 to 255 are accepted for u8.))", }), ); let variables = serde_json::json!({ "value": null }); let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withResult": "Err(Failed to parse \"Int\": internal: not an unsigned integer)", "withResultOfOption": "Ok(None)", "withOptionOfResult": "None", }), ); let variables = serde_json::json!({}); let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withResult": "Err(Failed to parse \"Int\": internal: not an unsigned integer)", "withResultOfOption": "Ok(None)", "withOptionOfResult": "None", }), ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_query_with_maybe_undefined() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query; #[ResolvedObjectFields] impl Query { fn with_option(name: MaybeUndefined) -> String { match name { MaybeUndefined::Value(name) => format!("Some({})", name), MaybeUndefined::Undefined => "Undefined".to_string(), MaybeUndefined::Null => "Null".to_string(), } } fn with_option_ref(name: &MaybeUndefined) -> String { match name { MaybeUndefined::Value(name) => format!("Some({})", name), MaybeUndefined::Undefined => "Undefined".to_string(), MaybeUndefined::Null => "Null".to_string(), } } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let query = r#" query { withOption withOptionRef }"#; let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withOption": "Undefined", "withOptionRef": "Undefined" }), ); let query = r#" query ($name: String) { withOption(name: $name) withOptionRef(name: $name) }"#; let variables = serde_json::json!({ "name": "world" }); let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withOption": "Some(world)", "withOptionRef": "Some(world)" }), ); let variables = serde_json::json!({ "name": null }); let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withOption": "Null", "withOptionRef": "Null" }), ); let variables = serde_json::json!({}); let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query).variables(Variables::from_json(variables)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "withOption": "Null", "withOptionRef": "Null" }), ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_query_numbers() { #[derive(ResolvedObject)] #[graphql(root)] struct Query {} #[ResolvedObjectFields] impl Query { fn by_u8(&self, name: u8) -> String { format!("u8: {}", name) } } #[derive(App)] struct App(Query); let schema = App::create_schema().finish().unwrap(); let sdl = schema.sdl(); insta::assert_snapshot!(normalize_schema(&sdl), @r###" type Query { byU8(name: Int!): String! } directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT schema { query: Query } "###); let query = r#"{ byU8(name: 1) }"#; let root = Query {}; let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query) .data("Hello".to_string()) .root_value(FieldValue::owned_any(root)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; let data =; assert_eq!( data, serde_json::json!({ "byU8": "u8: 1", }), ); // error on overflow let query = r#"{ byU8(name: 300) }"#; let root = Query {}; let req = dynamic_graphql::Request::new(query) .data("Hello".to_string()) .root_value(FieldValue::owned_any(root)); let res = schema.execute(req).await; println!("{:?}", res.errors); assert_eq!( res.errors[0].message, r#"Invalid value for argument "name": Failed to parse "Int": Only integers from 0 to 255 are accepted for u8."#, ); }