use super::*; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, BTreeMap}; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum CleanupGen { Even, Odd } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub struct MetaData { pub(crate) cleanup_gen : CleanupGen, pub(crate) store_index: usize, } impl CleanupGen { pub(crate) fn flip(&mut self) { if *self == CleanupGen::Even { *self = CleanupGen::Odd } else { *self = CleanupGen::Even } } } pub trait GraphNode : Sized { type Node; fn get(&self) -> &Self::Node; fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Node; fn meta(&self) -> &MetaData; fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MetaData; fn traverse(&self, cleanup : &mut CleanupState); fn from_data(data : Self::Node) -> Self; } /// Views into nodes allowing direct access to the nodes data and references. pub mod node_views { use super::*; macro_rules! define_node_view { ($NodeType:ident, $Collection:ident) => { pub struct $NodeType<'id, N, E> { pub refs : $Collection<'id, super::$NodeType, E>, pub data : N, } impl <'id, N, E> $NodeType<'id, N, E> { pub(crate) fn new(data : N) -> Self { $NodeType { data, refs: $Collection::default() } } } } } define_node_view!{VecNode, NodeVec} define_node_view!{NamedNode, NodeNamedMap} define_node_view!{OptionNode, NodeOption} pub struct TreeNode<'id, K, N, E> { pub refs : NodeTreeMap<'id, K, super::TreeNode, E>, pub data : N, } impl <'id, K : Ord, N, E> TreeNode<'id, K, N, E> { pub(crate) fn new(data : N) -> Self { TreeNode { data, refs: BTreeMap::default() } } } } macro_rules! impl_node_type { ($NodeType:ident) => { pub struct $NodeType { pub(crate) internal: node_views::$NodeType<'static, N, E>, pub(crate) meta : MetaData, } impl $NodeType { pub (crate) fn get_view<'id>(&self) -> &node_views::$NodeType<'id, N, E> { unsafe { transmute(&self.internal) } } pub (crate) fn get_view_mut<'id>(&mut self) -> &mut node_views::$NodeType<'id, N, E> { unsafe { transmute(&mut self.internal) } } } impl GraphNode for $NodeType { type Node = N; fn get(&self) -> &Self::Node { & } fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Node { &mut } fn meta(&self) -> &MetaData { &self.meta } fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MetaData { &mut self.meta } fn traverse(&self, cleanup : &mut CleanupState) { NodeCollection::traverse(&self.internal.refs, cleanup); } fn from_data(data : Self::Node) -> Self { let meta = MetaData { cleanup_gen : CleanupGen::Even, store_index : 0 }; Self { internal : node_views::$NodeType::new(data), meta } } } } } impl_node_type!{VecNode} impl_node_type!{NamedNode} impl_node_type!{OptionNode} pub struct TreeNode { pub(crate) internal: node_views::TreeNode<'static, K, N, E>, pub(crate) meta : MetaData, } impl TreeNode { pub (crate) fn get_view<'id>(&self) -> &node_views::TreeNode<'id, K, N, E> { unsafe { transmute(&self.internal) } } pub (crate) fn get_view_mut<'id>(&mut self) -> &mut node_views::TreeNode<'id, K, N, E> { unsafe { transmute(&mut self.internal) } } } impl GraphNode for TreeNode { type Node = N; fn get(&self) -> &Self::Node { & } fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Node { &mut } fn meta(&self) -> &MetaData { &self.meta } fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MetaData { &mut self.meta } fn traverse(&self, cleanup : &mut CleanupState) { NodeCollection::traverse(&self.internal.refs, cleanup); } fn from_data(data : Self::Node) -> Self { let meta = MetaData { cleanup_gen : CleanupGen::Even, store_index : 0 }; Self { internal : node_views::TreeNode::new(data), meta } } } pub unsafe trait NodeCollection<'id, NodeType : GraphNode> : Default { fn traverse(this : &Self, cleanup : &mut CleanupState); } pub unsafe trait RootCollection<'id, NodeType : GraphNode> : Default { fn traverse(this : &Self, cleanup : &mut CleanupState); } fn traverse_touch(iter : impl Iterator, cleanup : &mut CleanupState) { for i in iter { cleanup.touch(i); } } pub type RootVec<'id, T> = Vec>; pub type RootNamedSet<'id, T> = HashSet>; pub type RootOption<'id, T> = Option>; pub type RootHashMap<'id, K, T> = HashMap>; pub type NodeVec<'id, NodeType, E> = Vec<(GraphPtr<'id, NodeType>, E)>; pub type NodeNamedMap<'id, NodeType, E> = HashMap, E>; pub type NodeOption<'id, NodeType, E> = Option<(GraphPtr<'id, NodeType>, E)>; pub type NodeTreeMap<'id, K, NodeType, E> = BTreeMap, E)>; macro_rules! impl_root_collection { ($collection:ident) => { unsafe impl <'id, NodeType> RootCollection<'id, NodeType> for $collection<'id, NodeType> where NodeType : GraphNode { fn traverse(this : &Self, cleanup : &mut CleanupState) { traverse_touch(this.iter().map(|x| x.as_mut()), cleanup); } } } } unsafe impl <'id, K, NodeType> RootCollection<'id, NodeType> for RootHashMap<'id, K, NodeType> where NodeType : GraphNode, K : Hash + Eq { fn traverse(this : &Self, cleanup : &mut CleanupState) { traverse_touch(this.values().map(|x| x.as_mut()), cleanup); } } impl_root_collection!{RootVec} impl_root_collection!{RootNamedSet} impl_root_collection!{RootOption} macro_rules! impl_node_collection { ($collection:ident) => { unsafe impl <'id, NodeType, E> NodeCollection<'id, NodeType> for $collection<'id, NodeType, E> where NodeType : GraphNode { fn traverse(this : &Self, cleanup : &mut CleanupState) { traverse_touch(this.iter().map(|x| x.0.as_mut()), cleanup); } } } } impl_node_collection!{NodeVec} impl_node_collection!{NodeNamedMap} impl_node_collection!{NodeOption} unsafe impl <'id, K, NodeType, E> NodeCollection<'id, NodeType> for NodeTreeMap<'id, K, NodeType, E> where NodeType : GraphNode, K : Ord { fn traverse(this : &Self, cleanup : &mut CleanupState) { traverse_touch(this.values().map(|x| x.0.as_mut()), cleanup); } }