use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::cmp::*; use dynamic_graph::*; use dynamic_graph::CleanupStrategy::*; struct BfsNode { key : i32, distance : i32 } fn breadth_first_search(graph : &mut VecGraph>) { anchor_mut!(graph, Always); let root = graph.root()[0]; let mut cursor = graph.cursor_mut(root); = 0; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back(root); while let Some(q) = queue.pop_front() { cursor.jump(q); println!("Visiting {}",; let dist =; for i in cursor.edges_mut() { let ptr = i.ptr; let i = i.values.that().this; if i.distance == -1 { queue.push_back(ptr); i.distance = dist + 1; println!("Touching {} distance {}", i.key, i.distance); } } } } #[test] fn test_bfs() { let mut graph = VecGraph::>::new(); { anchor_mut!(graph, Never); let mut vec = Vec::new(); //Thomas Cormen, Introduction to Algorithms 2e, pic. 22.3 for i in 0..8 { vec.push(graph.spawn(BfsNode { key : i, distance : -1})); } graph.root_mut().push(vec[0]); fn bfs_edges<'id, T>(nodes : &[GraphPtr<'id, T>]) -> HashMap, ()> { let mut res = HashMap::new(); for i in nodes { res.insert(*i, ()); } res } graph[vec[0]].refs = bfs_edges(&[vec[1], vec[3]]); graph[vec[1]].refs = bfs_edges(&[vec[0], vec[2]]); graph[vec[2]].refs.insert(vec[1], ()); graph[vec[3]].refs = bfs_edges(&[vec[0], vec[4], vec[5]]); graph[vec[4]].refs = bfs_edges(&[vec[3], vec[5], vec[6]]); graph[vec[5]].refs = bfs_edges(&[vec[3], vec[4], vec[6], vec[7]]); graph[vec[6]].refs = bfs_edges(&[vec[4], vec[5], vec[7]]); graph[vec[7]].refs = bfs_edges(&[vec[5], vec[6]]); } breadth_first_search(&mut graph); } type BFNode = NamedNode; type BFRef<'id> = GraphPtr<'id, BFNode>; fn bellman_ford<'a>(graph : &AnchorMut<'a, 'a, VecGraph>, count : usize, source : BFRef<'a>) -> HashMap::, BFRef<'a>> { let mut distance = HashMap::new();//from source node let mut path = HashMap::new();//(to;from) if count == 0 { return path; } let mut cursor = graph.cursor(source); for i in cursor.edges() { distance.insert(i.ptr, *i.values.edge()); path.insert(i.ptr, source); } distance.insert(source, 0); let mut nodes = Vec::with_capacity(count); for _ in 0..count - 1 { nodes.clear(); nodes.extend(distance.keys().map(|x| *x)); for i in &nodes { cursor.jump(*i); for j in cursor.edges() { let edge = j.values.edge(); let j = j.ptr; if !distance.contains_key(&j) || distance[&j] > distance[&i] + edge { path.insert(j, *i); distance.insert(j, distance[&i] + edge); } } } } path } fn print_bf_path<'a>(graph : &AnchorMut<'a, 'a, VecGraph>, path : &HashMap::, BFRef<'a>>, source : BFRef<'a>, target : BFRef<'a>) -> usize { let mut cursor = graph.cursor(target); let mut full_len = 0; if path.contains_key(&target) { while !cursor.is_at(source) { let cur =; let prev = path[&cur]; let cur_key =; let prev_key = graph[prev].data; cursor.jump(prev); let len = cursor.get_edge(cur).edge().unwrap(); full_len += len; println!("{} to {}, len {}", prev_key, cur_key, len); } } full_len } #[test] fn shortest_path_test() { let mut graph = VecGraph::>::new(); { anchor_mut!(graph, Never); //Thomas Cormen, Introduction to Algorithms 2e, pic. 24.6 let source = graph.spawn(0); graph.root_mut().push(source); let n1 = graph.spawn(1); let n2 = graph.spawn(2); let n3 = graph.spawn(3); let n4 = graph.spawn(4); let refs = &mut graph[source].refs; refs.insert(n1, 10); refs.insert(n2, 5); let refs = &mut graph[n1].refs; refs.insert(n2, 2); refs.insert(n3, 1); let refs = &mut graph[n2].refs; refs.insert(n1, 3); refs.insert(n4, 2); refs.insert(n3, 9); let refs = &mut graph[n4].refs; refs.insert(n3, 6); refs.insert(source, 7); graph[n3].refs.insert(n4, 4); let path = bellman_ford(&graph, 5, source); assert!(print_bf_path(&graph, &path, source, n1) == 8); assert!(print_bf_path(&graph, &path, source, n2) == 5); assert!(print_bf_path(&graph, &path, source, n3) == 9); assert!(print_bf_path(&graph, &path, source, n4) == 7); } } #[test] fn test_kill_smoke() { let mut graph = VecGraph::>::new(); anchor_mut!(graph, Always); let v1 = graph.spawn(1); let v2 = graph.spawn(2); unsafe { graph.kill(v1); graph.kill(v2); } } #[test] fn test_ro_anchor_smoke() { let graph = VecGraph::>::new(); anchor!(anch, graph); anchor!(graph); } struct FlowEdge { capacity : i32, flow : i32, } type FlowNode = NamedNode<(), FlowEdge>; type FlowRef<'id> = GraphPtr<'id, FlowNode>; fn find_path<'id>(graph : &AnchorMut<'_, 'id, VecGraph>) -> Option, (FlowRef<'id>, i32)>> { let mut path = HashMap::new(); let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); let root = graph.root(); let source = root[0]; let sink = root[1]; path.insert(source, (source, 0)); queue.push_back(source); while let Some(q) = queue.pop_front() { for i in graph.edges(q) { let ptr = i.ptr; let i = i.values.edge(); if !path.contains_key(&ptr) && i.capacity - i.flow > 0 { path.insert(ptr, (q, i.capacity - i.flow)); if ptr == sink { return Some(path); } queue.push_back(ptr); } } } None } fn edmonds_karp(graph : &mut VecGraph) -> i32 { anchor_mut!(graph, Always); let root = graph.root(); let source = root[0]; let sink = root[1]; while let Some(path) = find_path(&graph) { let last_step = &path[&sink]; let mut current = last_step.0; let mut max_cut = last_step.1; while current != source { let cur_step = path[¤t]; max_cut = min(max_cut, cur_step.1); current = cur_step.0; } let mut cursor = graph.cursor_mut(sink); while !cursor.is_at(source) { let at =; let cur_step = path[&at]; cursor.refs.entry(cur_step.0).and_modify(|x| x.flow -= max_cut); cursor.jump(cur_step.0); cursor.refs.entry(at).and_modify(|x| x.flow += max_cut); } } let flow = graph.edges(sink).map(|x| -x.values.edge().flow).sum(); flow } #[test] fn test_max_flow() { let mut graph = VecGraph::>::new(); { //Thomas Cormen, Introduction to Algorithms 2e, pic. 26.5 anchor_mut!(graph, Always); let source = graph.spawn(()); let sink = graph.spawn(()); *graph.root_mut() = vec![source, sink]; let v1 = graph.spawn(()); let v2 = graph.spawn(()); let v3 = graph.spawn(()); let v4 = graph.spawn(()); let f = |capacity| FlowEdge { capacity, flow : 0 }; graph[source].refs.insert(v1, f(16)); graph[v1] .refs.insert(source, f( 0)); graph[source].refs.insert(v2, f(13)); graph[v2] .refs.insert(source, f( 0)); graph[v2].refs.insert(v1, f( 4)); graph[v1].refs.insert(v2, f(10)); graph[v1].refs.insert(v3, f(12)); graph[v3].refs.insert(v1, f( 0)); graph[v3].refs.insert(v2, f(9)); graph[v2].refs.insert(v3, f(0)); graph[v4].refs.insert(v3, f(7)); graph[v3].refs.insert(v4, f(0)); graph[v2].refs.insert(v4, f(14)); graph[v4].refs.insert(v2, f( 0)); graph[v3] .refs.insert(sink, f(20)); graph[sink].refs.insert(v3, f( 0)); graph[v4] .refs.insert(sink, f(4)); graph[sink].refs.insert(v4, f(0)); } assert_eq!(edmonds_karp(&mut graph), 23); }