/// Assumes a you are running the following `dynamodb-local` /// on your host machine /// /// ```bash /// $ docker run -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local /// ``` use dynomite::{ attr_map, dynamodb::{ AttributeDefinition, CreateTableInput, DynamoDb, DynamoDbClient, GetItemInput, KeySchemaElement, ProvisionedThroughput, PutItemInput, ScanInput, }, retry::Policy, DynamoDbExt, FromAttributes, Item, Retries, }; use futures::{future, TryStreamExt}; #[cfg(feature = "default")] use rusoto_core_default::Region; #[cfg(feature = "rustls")] use rusoto_core_rustls::Region; use std::error::Error; use uuid::Uuid; #[derive(Item, Debug, Clone)] pub struct Book { #[dynomite(partition_key, rename = "Id")] id: Uuid, #[dynomite(rename = "bookTitle", default)] title: String, } /// create a book table with a single string (S) primary key. /// if this table does not already exists /// this may take a second or two to provision. /// it will fail if this table already exists but that's okay, /// this is just an example :) async fn bootstrap( client: &D, table_name: String, ) where D: DynamoDb, { let _ = client .create_table(CreateTableInput { table_name, key_schema: vec![KeySchemaElement { attribute_name: "Id".into(), key_type: "HASH".into(), }], attribute_definitions: vec![AttributeDefinition { attribute_name: "Id".into(), attribute_type: "S".into(), }], provisioned_throughput: Some(ProvisionedThroughput { read_capacity_units: 1, write_capacity_units: 1, }), ..CreateTableInput::default() }) .await; } // this will create a rust book shelf in your aws account! #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { env_logger::init(); // create rusoto client let client = DynamoDbClient::new(Region::Custom { name: "us-east-1".into(), endpoint: "http://localhost:8000".into(), }) .with_retries(Policy::default()); let table_name = "books".to_string(); bootstrap(&client, table_name.clone()).await; let book = Book { id: Uuid::new_v4(), title: "rust".into(), }; // print the key for this book // requires bringing `dynomite::Item` into scope println!("book.key() {:#?}", book.key()); // add a book to the shelf println!( "put_item() result {:#?}", client .put_item(PutItemInput { table_name: table_name.clone(), item: book.clone().into(), // <= convert book into it's attribute map representation ..PutItemInput::default() }) .await? ); println!( "put_item() result {:#?}", client .put_item(PutItemInput { table_name: table_name.clone(), // convert book into it's attribute map representation item: Book { id: Uuid::new_v4(), title: "rust and beyond".into(), } .into(), ..PutItemInput::default() }) .await? ); // scan through all pages of results in the books table for books who's title is "rust" println!( "scan result {:#?}", client .clone() .scan_pages(ScanInput { limit: Some(1), // to demonstrate we're getting through more than one page table_name: table_name.clone(), filter_expression: Some("bookTitle = :title".into()), expression_attribute_values: Some(attr_map!( ":title" => "rust".to_string() )), ..ScanInput::default() }) .try_for_each(|item| { println!("stream_scan() item {:#?}", Book::from_attrs(item)); future::ready(Ok(())) }) .await? // attempt to convert a attribute map to a book type ); // get the "rust' book by the Book type's generated key println!( "get_item() result {:#?}", client .get_item(GetItemInput { table_name, key: book.key(), // get a book by key ..GetItemInput::default() }) .await? .item .map(Book::from_attrs) // attempt to convert a attribute map to a book type ); Ok(()) }