# dzl A crate for logging. It is simple and easy to use You can learn more [here](https://github.com/za-songguo/dzl "Github") # Example `main.rs` ```rust dzl::init().ok(); // Call this function only once in main.rs dzl::loggers::trace("Something..."); dzl::loggers::debug("Something..."); dzl::loggers::info("Something..."); dzl::loggers::warn("Something..."); dzl::loggers::error("Something..."); dzl::loggers::custom("CustomType", "Something..."); ``` `Dzl.toml` ```toml write_to_log_file = true log_path = "dzl.log" # This file needs to be created log_level = "debug" # Only logs greater than or equal to this level will be printed and written to the log file ``` Output: ``` 2022-12-03 11:30:55.23172315 +08:00:00 DEBUG Something... 2022-12-03 11:30:55.233852405 +08:00:00 WARN Something... 2022-12-03 11:30:55.235884013 +08:00:00 ERROR Something... 2022-12-03 11:30:55.240158709 +08:00:00 CustomType Something... ``` # TODO - [ ] WASM (Console API) (0.3) - [x] Better Error Handling