An implementation of EAT Attestation Results token. This crate provides an implementation of attestation results tokens that conforms to EAT Attestation Results [draft-fv-rats-ear] specification. This defines a token intended to communicate a set of appraisals of attested evidence produced by a verifier. Each appraisal is based around a set of trust claims defined by Attestation Results for Secure Interactions (AR4SI) [draft-ietf-rats-ar4si]. The attestation result may be serialized as a signed JSON or CBOR token (using JWT and COSE, respectively). [draft-fv-rats-ear]: [draft-ietf-rats-ar4si]: # Examples ## Signing ```rust use std::collections::BTreeMap; use ear::{Ear, VerifierID, Algorithm, Appraisal, Extensions}; const SIGNING_KEY: &str = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgPp4XZRnRHSMhGg0t 6yjQCRV35J4TUY4idLgiCu6EyLqhRANCAAQbx8C533c2AKDwL/RtjVipVnnM2WRv 5w2wZNCJrubSK0StYKJ71CikDgkhw8M90ojfRIowqpl0uLA3kW3PEZy9 -----END PRIVATE KEY----- "; fn main() { let token = Ear{ profile: "test".to_string(), iat: 1, vid: VerifierID { build: "vsts 0.0.1".to_string(), developer: "".to_string(), }, raw_evidence: None, nonce: None, submods: BTreeMap::from([("test".to_string(), Appraisal::new())]), extensions: Extensions::new(), }; let signed = token.sign_jwt_pem(Algorithm::ES256, SIGNING_KEY.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } ``` ## Verification ```rust use ear::{Ear, Algorithm}; const VERIF_KEY: &str = r#" { "kty":"EC", "crv":"P-256", "x":"G8fAud93NgCg8C_0bY1YqVZ5zNlkb-cNsGTQia7m0is", "y":"RK1gonvUKKQOCSHDwz3SiN9EijCqmXS4sDeRbc8RnL0" } "#; fn main() { let signed = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJlYXRfcHJvZmlsZSI6InRlc3QiLCJpYXQiOjEsImVhci52ZXJpZmllci1pZCI6eyJkZXZlbG9wZXIiOiJodHRwczovL3ZlcmFpc29uLXByb2plY3Qub3JnIiwiYnVpbGQiOiJ2c3RzIDAuMC4xIn0sInN1Ym1vZHMiOnsidGVzdCI6eyJlYXIuc3RhdHVzIjoibm9uZSJ9fX0.G25v0j0NDQhSOcK3Jtfq5vqVxnoWuWf-Q0DCNkCwpyB03DGr25ZDJ3IDSAHVPZrr6TVMwj8RcGEzQnCrucem4Q"; let token = Ear::from_jwt_jwk(signed, Algorithm::ES256, VERIF_KEY.as_bytes()).unwrap(); println!("EAR profiles: {}", token.profile); } ``` # Extensions and Profiles EAR supports extension at top level (i.e. within the [`Ear`] struct), and also within [`Appraisal`]s. An extension is an additional field definition. Extensions can be defined by registering them with the `extensions` field of the corresponding struct. When registering an extension, you must provide a string name (used in JSON), an integer key (used in CBOR), and an [`ExtensionKind`] indicating which [`ExtensionValue`]s are valid. ## Registering individual extensions Extensions can be registered directly with the corresponding struct's `extensions` field. Once they have been registered, their values can be set and queried ```rust use ear::{Ear, Appraisal, ExtensionKind, ExtensionValue}; let mut ear = Ear::new(); ear.extensions.register("", -65537, ExtensionKind::String).unwrap(); let mut appraisal = Appraisal::new(); // extensions for Ear's and Appraisal's have their own namespaces, so it is // to use the same key in both. appraisal.extensions.register("ext.timestamp", -65537, ExtensionKind::Integer).unwrap(); ear.extensions.set_by_name( "", ExtensionValue::String("Acme Inc.".to_string()), ).unwrap(); appraisal.extensions.set_by_key( -65537, ExtensionValue::Integer(1723534859), ).unwrap(); ear.submods.insert("road-runner-trap".to_string(), appraisal); assert_eq!( ear.extensions.get_by_key(&-65537).unwrap(), ExtensionValue::String("Acme Inc.".to_string()), ); assert_eq!( ear.submods["road-runner-trap"].extensions.get_by_name("ext.timestamp").unwrap(), ExtensionValue::Integer(1723534859), ); ``` Note: if you've obtained the [`Ear`] by deserializing from CBOR/JSON, [`Extensions`] struct will cache any values for any unexpected fields, so that when you register extensions afterwards, the corresponding unmarshaled values will be accessible. ## Using Profiles Sets of extensions can be associated together within [`Profile`]s. A [`Profile`] can be registered, and can then be retrieved by its `id` when creating a new [`Ear`] or [`Appraisal`] ```rust use ear::{Ear, Appraisal, ExtensionKind, ExtensionValue, Profile, register_profile}; fn init_profile() { let mut profile = Profile::new(",2023:veraison/ear#acme-profile"); profile.register_ear_extension( "", -65537, ExtensionKind::String).unwrap(); profile.register_appraisal_extension( "ext.timestamp", -65537, ExtensionKind::Integer).unwrap(); register_profile(&profile); } fn main() { init_profile(); let mut ear = Ear::new_with_profile( ",2023:veraison/ear#acme-profile").unwrap(); // these will apply to all submods/appraisals within a profiled EAR let mut appraisal = Appraisal::new_with_profile( ",2023:veraison/ear#acme-profile").unwrap(); ear.extensions.set_by_name( "", ExtensionValue::String("Acme Inc.".to_string()), ).unwrap(); appraisal.extensions.set_by_key( -65537, ExtensionValue::Integer(1723534859), ).unwrap(); ear.submods.insert("road-runner-trap".to_string(), appraisal); assert_eq!( ear.extensions.get_by_key(&-65537).unwrap(), ExtensionValue::String("Acme Inc.".to_string()), ); assert_eq!( ear.submods["road-runner-trap"] .extensions.get_by_name("ext.timestamp").unwrap(), ExtensionValue::Integer(1723534859), ); } ``` When deserializing an [`Ear`], its `profile` field will automatically be used to look up a registred profile and add the associated extensions. # JWT/CWT common claims The only common JWT/CWT claim specified by EAR spec is "iat" (issued at). Other claims (e.g. "iss" or "exp") are not expected to be present inside a valid EAR. It is, however, possible to define them for a particular profile and include them as extensions via mechanisms described above. The following example shows how to include and then verify expiration time ("exp" JWT claim) inside an EAR. ```rust use ear::{Ear, Algorithm, Appraisal, ExtensionKind, ExtensionValue}; use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration, UNIX_EPOCH}; const VERIF_KEY: &str = r#" { "kty":"EC", "crv":"P-256", "x":"G8fAud93NgCg8C_0bY1YqVZ5zNlkb-cNsGTQia7m0is", "y":"RK1gonvUKKQOCSHDwz3SiN9EijCqmXS4sDeRbc8RnL0" } "#; const SIGNING_KEY: &str = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgPp4XZRnRHSMhGg0t 6yjQCRV35J4TUY4idLgiCu6EyLqhRANCAAQbx8C533c2AKDwL/RtjVipVnnM2WRv 5w2wZNCJrubSK0StYKJ71CikDgkhw8M90ojfRIowqpl0uLA3kW3PEZy9 -----END PRIVATE KEY----- "; let mut ear = Ear::new(); ear.profile = ",2023:veraison/ear#acme-profile".to_string(); = "vsts 0.0.1".to_string(); ear.vid.developer = "".to_string(); ear.submods.insert("road-runner-trap".to_string(), Appraisal::new()); ear.extensions.register("exp", 4, ExtensionKind::Integer).unwrap(); // expire 10 days from now let exp = SystemTime::now().checked_add(Duration::from_secs(60*60*24*10)).unwrap() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs() as i64; ear.extensions.set_by_name("exp", ExtensionValue::Integer(exp)).unwrap(); let signed = ear .sign_jwt_pem(Algorithm::ES256, SIGNING_KEY.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); let mut ear2 = Ear::from_jwt_jwk(signed.as_str(), Algorithm::ES256, VERIF_KEY.as_bytes()).unwrap(); ear2.extensions.register("exp", 4, ExtensionKind::Integer).unwrap(); // Verify the token has not expired. let exp2 = match ear2.extensions.get_by_name("exp").unwrap() { ExtensionValue::Integer(v) => Duration::from_secs(v as u64), _ => panic!(), }; assert!(SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap() < exp2); ``` # JWT/CWT headers When signing with `sign_jwt_pem`/`sign_jwk_der`, only the `alg` header is set in the resulting JWT based on the the specified algorithm. If other headers need to be specified, then `sign_jwt_pem_with_header` and `sign_jwk_der_with_header` can be used instead; these take a `jwt::Header` instead of an algorithm. A new header can be created from an algorithm using `new_jwt_header`. The same goes when signing as COSE_Sign1Message. Only `alg` header is set by default, however, `_with_header` signing methods can be used to specify a custom `cose::headers::CoseHeader`, which can be reating from an algorithm using `new_cwt_header`. ```rust use std::collections::BTreeMap; use ear::{Ear, VerifierID, Algorithm, Appraisal, Extensions, new_jwt_header, new_cose_header}; const SIGNING_KEY: &str = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgPp4XZRnRHSMhGg0t 6yjQCRV35J4TUY4idLgiCu6EyLqhRANCAAQbx8C533c2AKDwL/RtjVipVnnM2WRv 5w2wZNCJrubSK0StYKJ71CikDgkhw8M90ojfRIowqpl0uLA3kW3PEZy9 -----END PRIVATE KEY----- "; fn main() { let token = Ear{ profile: "test".to_string(), iat: 1, vid: VerifierID { build: "vsts 0.0.1".to_string(), developer: "".to_string(), }, raw_evidence: None, nonce: None, submods: BTreeMap::from([("test".to_string(), Appraisal::new())]), extensions: Extensions::new(), }; // JWT let mut jwt_header = new_jwt_header(&Algorithm::ES256).unwrap(); // set additional header(s) jwt_header.kid = Some("key-ident".to_string()); let signed_jwt = token.sign_jwt_pem_with_header(&jwt_header, SIGNING_KEY.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // CWT let mut cwt_header = new_cose_header(&Algorithm::ES256).unwrap(); // set additional header(s) cwt_header.kid("key-ident".as_bytes().to_vec(), true, false); let signed_cwt = token.sign_cose_pem_with_header(cwt_header, SIGNING_KEY.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } ``` # Limitations - Signing supports PEM and DER keys; verification currently only supports JWK keys. - JWT signing currently only supports ES256, ES384, EdDSA, PS256, PS384, and PS512. - COSE signing currently only supports ES256, ES384, ES512, and EdDSA.