var currentTestName = ""; var labelsToggle = 0; var fillToggle = 1; var labelmap = []; function setupCanvas(viewerid,canvasid) { // size must be reset because CSS sizing doesn't work on canvases. canvas = document.getElementById(canvasid); par = document.getElementById(viewerid); wextra = 0; hextra = 0; var wdt = par.clientWidth - wextra; var ht = par.clientHeight - hextra; canvas.setAttribute('height',ht+"px"); canvas.setAttribute('width',wdt+"px"); canvas.addEventListener("wheel", function (ev) { console.log("wheel"); console.log(ev.deltaX); console.log(ev.deltaY); console.log(ev.offsetX); console.log(ev.offsetY); redraw( ); } ); return canvas; } /* Map from pset coordinates to canvas coordinates Example: pset has x-coordinates from -50 to 100, canvas x coordinates go from 0 to 600. consider a single point, and its x coordinate. first lets translate x so it goes from 0 to 150. psetx=(inputx-minx). now psetx / pset width is proportional to canvas x / canvas width ox/ow = cx/cw, therefore cx = (ox/ow)*cw (100-(-50))/150 * 600 => 600 (-50-(-50))/150 * 600 => 0 ( 0-(-50))/150 * 600 => 200 now, also cx = ox * ( cw/ow ), cw/ow can be the 'xratio', and we have different ratio y direction, y ratio. in order to keep the pset's original aspect ratio, only multiply by the lowest of these two ratios. */ class PointMapper { constructor( pset, canvas ) { this.canvas = canvas; this.bbox = findBoundingBox( pset ); //console.log("mapper bbox",this.bbox,pset); this.psetw = this.bbox.maxx-this.bbox.minx; this.pseth = this.bbox.maxy-this.bbox.miny; var wratio = (this.canvas.width-1) / this.psetw; var hratio = (this.canvas.height-1) / this.pseth; this.ratio = Math.min(wratio,hratio); } x( psetx ) { return (psetx-this.bbox.minx)*this.ratio; } y( psety ) { return (psety-this.bbox.miny)*this.ratio; } } function labelmapr( mapr, x, y, offset,labeltxt ) { mx = mapr.x(x); my = mapr.y(y); if (!labelmap[x]) { labelmap[x]=[]; labelmap[x][y] = 1; } else if (!labelmap[x][y]) { labelmap[x][y] = 1; } else { times_used = labelmap[x][y]; my += offset * times_used; labelmap[x][y] += 1; } if (mx>(mapr.canvas.width-30)) { mx -= 40; } if (my>(mapr.canvas.height-10)) { my -= 10; } if (mx<(0+10)) { mx += 10; } if (my<(0+offset)) { my += 22; } return [mx,my]; } function findBoundingBox( Pset ) { var minx = Pset[0][0][0], miny = Pset[0][0][1]; var maxx = minx, maxy = miny; for ( var i=0; i0 ) { ctx.font="1.5em Verdana"; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; labeltxt = i+':'+j; if (labels==2) labeltxt = pointindex; labelpoint = labelmapr(mapr,point[0],point[1],40,labeltxt); ctx.fillText( labeltxt, labelpoint[0], labelpoint[1] ); ctx.fillStyle = fs; //console.log(i+','+j, mapr.x(point[0]), mapr.y(point[1])); } } ctx.closePath(); if (fillLevel==1) { //var fs = 'hsla('+360*(i*3)/(pset.length*3-1)+',100%,50%,0.05)'; //console.log('fs',i*3,pset.length*3-1,fs ); hue = 360*(i*3)/(pset.length*3-1) if (special=="earcut") { hue = (hue + 180) % 360; }; var fs = 'hsla('+hue+',100%,50%,0.32)'; ctx.fillStyle = fs; ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; ctx.fill(); } else if (fillLevel==2) { ctx.fillStyle = "gray"; ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle; ctx.fill(); } else { ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; } ctx.stroke(); } } // create a function to respond to filename clicks, used by build_testmenu function mkfunc( testname, canvasid ) { return function() { currentTestName = testname; redraw( canvasid ); } }; function build_testmenu( canvasid ) { /* this data comes from the files under viz/testoutput/*.js and testOutput=[] defined inside viz.html*/ names = Object.keys(testOutput); names.sort(); // fill up the 'file' menu on the left hand side of the screen for (var i in names) { testname = names[i]; var menu = document.getElementById("menu"); var filenode = document.createElement("div"); filenode.setAttribute( "class", "file" ); if (testOutput[testname]["pass"]=="0") { filenode.setAttribute( "class", "file_fail" ); } filenode.innerHTML = testname; filenode.addEventListener('click', mkfunc(testname,canvasid) ); menu.appendChild(filenode); } } function drawTest( pset, tris, report, canvas, showlabels, fillLevel, special ) { ctx = canvas.getContext('2d').clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); mapr = new PointMapper( pset, canvas ); triPset = makeTriPset( pset, tris, mapr ); drawPset( pset, canvas, mapr, showlabels, pset.length, 0 ); if ( fillLevel == 1 ) { todraw = triPset.length; drawPset( triPset, canvas, mapr, false, todraw, fillLevel, special ); } else if ( fillLevel == 2 ) { todraw = triPset.length; drawPset( triPset, canvas, mapr, false, todraw, fillLevel, special ); } // for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { // } var reportbox = document.getElementById("report"); reportbox.innerHTML = report + '
' + tris; } function redraw( canvasid ) { canvas = document.getElementById( "mycan" ); rpttxt = currentTestName + '\n'+ testOutput[currentTestName]["report"]; drawTest( testOutput[currentTestName]["json"], testOutput[currentTestName]["triangles"], rpttxt, canvas, labelsToggle, fillToggle ); } function redrawEarcutVersion ( canvasid ) { // this section creates earcut.js versions of each test from testOutput var canvas = document.getElementById( "mycan" ); var testname = currentTestName; var jsondata = testOutput[testname]["json"]; var data = earcut.flatten( jsondata ); console.log("-------earcut start" ); var result = earcut(data.vertices, data.holes, data.dimensions); console.log("-------earcut end"); var rpttxt = "filename:" + testname + ".json\n num tris" + result.length/3; drawTest( jsondata, result, rpttxt, canvas, labelsToggle, fillToggle, "earcut" ); } function labelsfunc( canvasid ) { labelsToggle = (labelsToggle+1)%3;redraw(canvasid);}; function trisfunc( canvasid ) { fillToggle = (fillToggle+1)%3; redraw(canvasid); }; function earcutfunc( canvasid ) { redrawEarcutVersion( canvasid ); } function setupControls( canvasid ) { document.getElementById("labelsbutton").addEventListener('click', labelsfunc, canvasid ); document.getElementById("trisbutton").addEventListener('click', trisfunc, canvasid ); document.getElementById("earcutbutton").addEventListener('click', earcutfunc, canvasid ); } function main() { canvas = setupCanvas("viewer","mycan"); setupControls( "mycan" ); /* var testPset = [[[661,112],[661,96],[666,96],[666,87],[743,87],[771,87],[771,114],[750,114],[750,113],[742,113],[742,106],[710,106],[710,113],[666,113],[666,112]]]; var testTris = [14, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 14, 2, 4, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14, 4, 4, 10, 11]; var testReport = "default shape, " + testTris.length + " triangles"; drawTest( testPset, testTris, testReport, canvas ); */ build_testmenu( canvas ); currentTestName = Object.keys(testOutput)[0]; console.log(currentTestName); redraw( ); } main();