*EarthWyrm* is a Rust library for generating vector tiles in [MVT] format. It can serve [OpenStreetMap] or other GIS data. ## Links * [earthwyrm-bin] map server * Library [documentation] ## Layers GIS data is stored as R-Trees in a [rosewood] file for each layer. They contain `point`, `linestring` or `polygon` features, with associated tags. The geometry uses [Web Mercator] projection (EPSG:3857). [documentation]: https://docs.rs/earthwyrm [earthwyrm-bin]: https://github.com/DougLau/earthwyrm/tree/master/earthwyrm-bin/ [MVT]: https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec [OpenStreetMap]: https://www.openstreetmap.org/about [rosewood]: https://docs.rs/rosewood [Web Mercator]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Mercator_projection