# Easy ESP *This is a work in progress* This Crate is just a wrapper of TCP socket functionality to make a simpler interface and format for dealing with socket connections This crate was initially created to simplify communication with the ESP microcontroller but has turned to a more general and friendlier solution for most other applications There is a specific format that this messaging system follows, so we have listed on this projects GitHub some simple socket programs to run on a variety of micro controllers and devices ## Structure Its been decided that this server will use a simple Request Response protocol for easier usage In this Crate the Server has been broken up into two parts. - Server (Responsible for handling sockets, message transfer, and clients) - Handler (Responsible for dealing with any client request and producing a response) This Crate has implemented the Server component so users of this Crate must create their own custom implementation of a handler. To aid people in creating handlers and to offer a guide there are a few handlers already made for convenience. - Chat room - Database - Secure chat room ## Handler A component a user must build themselves to handle any message that comes and return some response message with a optional server command Handlers must implement the handler trait to handle and String request and return a String response ## Server CMD System Server can receive requests from handler to do some command server side from a list of commands server is capable of: - ShutDown (Shuts down server or client) - SendAll (Sends some message to all clients)