use eaze_tracing_honeycomb as tracing_honeycomb; use std::{env, str::FromStr, time::Duration}; use tokio::process::Command; use tokio::time::delay_for; use tracing::instrument; use tracing_honeycomb::{ current_dist_trace_ctx, new_honeycomb_telemetry_layer, register_dist_tracing_root, SpanId, TraceId, }; use tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter; use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt; use tracing_subscriber::registry; #[instrument] async fn spawn_children(n: u32, process_name: String) { register_dist_tracing_root(TraceId::new(), None).unwrap(); for _ in 0..n { spawn_child_process(&process_name).await; } } #[instrument] async fn spawn_child_process(process_name: &str) { let (trace_id, span_id) = current_dist_trace_ctx().unwrap(); let child = Command::new(process_name) .arg(span_id.to_string()) .arg(trace_id.to_string()) .spawn(); // Make sure our child succeeded in spawning and process the result let future = child.expect("failed to spawn"); // Await until the future (and the command) completes future.await.expect("awaiting process failed"); } #[instrument] async fn run_in_child_process(trace_id: TraceId, parent_span: SpanId) { register_dist_tracing_root(trace_id, Some(parent_span)).unwrap(); tracing::info!("leaf fn"); delay_for(Duration::from_millis(50)).await } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // parse first two args (including 0th arg, to get current process name) let mut iter = env::args(); let process_name ="expected first arg to be process name"); let parent_span =; let trace_id =; register_global_subscriber(); match (parent_span, trace_id) { (Some(parent_span), Some(trace_id)) => { let parent_span = SpanId::from_str(&parent_span).unwrap(); let trace_id = TraceId::from_str(&trace_id).unwrap(); // parent trace ctx present, run leaf fn run_in_child_process(trace_id, parent_span).await; } _ => { // no parent trace_ctx, spawn child processes spawn_children(5, process_name).await; } } // janky, but delay seems to be required to ensure all traces are sent to honeycomb by libhoney delay_for(Duration::from_secs(10)).await } fn register_global_subscriber() { let honeycomb_key = std::fs::read_to_string("honeycomb.key") .expect("example requires honeycomb.key file with your honeycomb key"); let honeycomb_config = libhoney::Config { options: libhoney::client::Options { api_key: honeycomb_key, dataset: "dag-cache".to_string(), // FIXME: rename if copying this example ..libhoney::client::Options::default() }, transmission_options: libhoney::transmission::Options::default(), }; let telemetry_layer = new_honeycomb_telemetry_layer("async-tracing_example", honeycomb_config); let subscriber = registry::Registry::default() // provide underlying span data store .with(LevelFilter::INFO) // filter out low-level debug tracing (eg tokio executor) .with(tracing_subscriber::fmt::Layer::default()) // log to stdout .with(telemetry_layer); // publish to honeycomb backend tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).expect("setting global default failed"); }