use ebcandle_core::{test_device, DType, Device, IndexOp, Result, Tensor}; fn matmul(device: &Device) -> Result<()> { let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let a = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let b = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; let c = a.matmul(&b)?; assert_eq!(c.to_vec2::()?, &[[7.0f32, 10.0], [15.0, 22.0]]); let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0]; let a = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 1), device)?; let data = vec![3.0f32, 4.0]; let b = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (1, 2), device)?; let c = a.matmul(&b)?; assert_eq!(c.to_vec2::()?, &[&[3.0, 4.0], &[6.0, 8.0]]); let data: Vec<_> = (0..6).map(|i| i as f32).collect(); let a = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 3), device)?; let data: Vec<_> = (0..6).map(|i| (i + 2) as f32).collect(); let b = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (3, 2), device)?; let c = a.matmul(&b)?; assert_eq!(c.to_vec2::()?, &[&[16., 19.], &[52., 64.]]); let data: Vec<_> = (0..12).map(|i| i as f32).collect(); let a = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2, 3), device)?; let data: Vec<_> = (0..12).map(|i| (i + 2) as f32).collect(); let b = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 3, 2), device)?; let expected = [[[16., 19.], [52., 64.]], [[214., 235.], [304., 334.]]]; let c = a.matmul(&b)?; assert_eq!(c.to_vec3::()?, &expected); // Also perform the matmul on contiguous transposed versions. let a_tt = a.t()?.contiguous()?.t()?; assert!(!a_tt.is_contiguous()); assert_eq!(a.dims(), a_tt.dims()); assert_eq!(a_tt.stride(), &[6, 1, 2]); let b_tt = b.t()?.contiguous()?.t()?; assert!(!b_tt.is_contiguous()); assert_eq!(b.dims(), b_tt.dims()); assert_eq!(b_tt.stride(), &[6, 1, 3]); assert_eq!(a_tt.matmul(&b)?.to_vec3::()?, &expected); assert_eq!(a.matmul(&b_tt)?.to_vec3::()?, &expected); assert_eq!(a_tt.matmul(&b_tt)?.to_vec3::()?, &expected); Ok(()) } fn matmul_bf16(device: &Device) -> Result<()> { if !device.supports_bf16() { return Ok(()); } let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let a = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?.to_dtype(DType::BF16)?; let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let b = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?.to_dtype(DType::BF16)?; let c = a.matmul(&b)?.to_dtype(DType::F32)?; assert_eq!(c.to_vec2::()?, &[[7.0f32, 10.0], [15.0, 22.0]]); Ok(()) } fn broadcast_matmul(device: &Device) -> Result<()> { let lhs = Tensor::randn(0f32, 1f32, (3, 1, 4, 5), device)?; let rhs = Tensor::randn(0f32, 1f32, (6, 5, 2), device)?; let out = lhs.broadcast_matmul(&rhs)?; assert_eq!(out.dims(), &[3, 6, 4, 2]); for idx1 in 0..3 { for idx2 in 0..6 { let out = out.i((idx1, idx2))?; let lhs = lhs.i((idx1, 0))?; let rhs = rhs.i(idx2)?; let out2 = lhs.matmul(&rhs); let sum_diff2 = (out - out2)?.sqr()?.sum_all()?; // With cuda, we see errors of up to ~1e-12. assert!(sum_diff2.to_vec0::()? < 1e-6) } } Ok(()) } // fn squeeze_mm(device: &Device) -> Result<()> { let seq_len = 8_usize; let a = Tensor::zeros((1, seq_len, 16), DType::F32, device)?; let x = a.i((.., seq_len - 1, ..))?; let w = Tensor::zeros((32, 16), DType::F32, device)?.t()?; let x = x.matmul(&w)?; assert_eq!(x.dims(), &[1, 32]); Ok(()) } // fn mm_layout(device: &Device) -> Result<()> { let a = Tensor::arange(0f32, 16f32, device)?.reshape((1, 1, 4, 4))?; let b = Tensor::arange(0f32, 8f32, device)?.reshape((1, 1, 4, 2))?; let mm1 = a.matmul(&b)?; // Forces the layout to be: // shape: [1, 1, 4, 2], stride: [8, 2, 2, 1], start_offset: 0 // This is still a contiguous matrix but matmul checks are only the two last dimensions have // non 1 sizes but matmul check may be reluctant to handle it. let b = b.transpose(1, 2)?.force_contiguous()?.transpose(1, 2)?; let mm2 = a.matmul(&b)?; let diff = (mm1 - mm2)?.abs()?.sum_all()?.to_vec0::()?; assert_eq!(diff, 0.); Ok(()) } fn matmul_alpha_beta(device: &Device) -> Result<()> { let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let a = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let b = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; let data = vec![1.0f32, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; let mut c = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; a.matmul_with_alpha_beta(&b, &mut c, None)?; assert_eq!(c.to_vec2::()?, &[[8.0f32, 11.0], [16.0, 23.0]]); let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let a = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let b = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; let data = vec![1.0f32, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; let mut c = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; a.matmul_with_alpha_beta(&b, &mut c, Some(2.))?; assert_eq!(c.to_vec2::()?, &[[15.0f32, 21.0], [31.0, 45.0]]); Ok(()) } fn matmul_alpha(device: &Device) -> Result<()> { let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let a = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; let data = vec![1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]; let b = Tensor::from_slice(&data, (2, 2), device)?; let c = a.matmul_with_alpha(&b, Some(2.))?; assert_eq!(c.to_vec2::()?, &[[14.0f32, 20.0], [30.0, 44.0]]); Ok(()) } test_device!(matmul, matmul_cpu, matmul_gpu, matmul_metal); test_device!( matmul_alpha_beta, matmul_alpha_beta_cpu, matmul_alpha_beta_gpu, matmul_alpha_beta_metal ); test_device!( matmul_alpha, matmul_alpha_cpu, matmul_alpha_gpu, matmul_alpha_metal ); test_device!( matmul_bf16, matmul_bf16_cpu, matmul_bf16_gpu, matmul_bf16_metal ); test_device!( broadcast_matmul, broadcast_matmul_cpu, broadcast_matmul_gpu, broadcast_matmul_metal ); test_device!(squeeze_mm, squeeze_mm_cpu, squeeze_mm_gpu, squeeze_mm_metal); test_device!(mm_layout, mm_layout_cpu, mm_layout_gpu, mm_layout_metal);