# ECDSAFun! [![crates_badge]][crates_url] [![docs_badge]][docs_url] [docs_badge]: https://docs.rs/ecdsa_fun/badge.svg [docs_url]: https://docs.rs/ecdsa_fun [crates_badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/ecdsa_fun.svg [crates_url]: https://crates.io/crates/ecdsa_fun Generate and verify secp256k1 ECDSA signatures. Built on [secp256kfun]. ## Use ``` toml [dependencies] ecdsa_fun = "0.10" sha2 = "0.10" # You need a hash function for nonce derivation ``` ### Should use? This library and [secp256kfun] is experimental. ### Feature flags - `libsecp_compat` to enable `From` implementations between [rust-secp256k1] types. - `proptest` to enable [secp256kfun]'s proptest feature. - `adaptor` to spec compliant ECDSA adaptor signatures. - `serde` to enable hex and binary [`serde`] serialization of data types. - `bincode`: for `bincode` v2 `Encode`/`Decode` implementations [secp256kfun]: https://docs.rs/secp256kfun [rust-secp256k1]: https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/rust-secp256k1/ [`serde`]: https://serde.rs