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"가처분 소득" ] }, { "name":"Consumer Spending", "alternatives":[ "소비자 지출" ] }, { "name":"Consumer Credit", "alternatives":[ "소비자 신용" ] }, { "name":"Corporate Tax Rate", "alternatives":[ "법인 세율", "법인세" ] }, { "name":"Personal Income Tax Rate", "alternatives":[ "개인소득세", "소득세", "소득 세율" ] }, { "name":"Sales Tax Rate", "alternatives":[ "판매세", "판매 세율" ] }, { "name":"Composite Leading Indicators", "alternatives":[ "Composite Leading Indicator", "CLI", "경기선행지수" ] }, { "name":"Terms of Trade", "alternatives":[ "교역조건" ] }, { "name":"Business Survey Index", "alternatives":[ "BSI", "기업경기실사지수" ] }, { "name":"Dollar Index", "alternatives":[ "달러지수", "달러 인덱스" ] }, { "name":"Beige Book", "alternatives":[ "베이지북" ] }, { "name":"Debt Limit", "alternatives":[ "Debt Ceiling", "부채한도" ] }, { "name":"Citigroup Economic Surprise", "alternatives":[ "서프라이즈 인덱스" ] }, { "name":"Earning Surprise", "alternatives":[ "어닝 서프라이즈" ] }, { "name":"Non-farm Payroll", "alternatives":[ "비농업 고용" ] }, { "name":"Contribution to 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"name":"Purchasing Manager Index", "alternatives":[ "PMI" ] }, { "name":"Leading Indicator", "alternatives":[ "선행 지표", "선행지표" ] }, { "name":"Average Weekly Hours", "alternatives":[ "주당 노동 시간" ] }, { "name":"Average Weekly Inital Jobless Claims for Unemployment", "alternatives":[ "평균 주간신규실업수당신청건수" ] }, { "name":"Manufacturers' new orders for consumer goods/materials", "alternatives":[ "제조업계의 소비자 상품/자재 신규주문" ] }, { "name":"Vendor performance", "alternatives":[ "slower deliveries diffusion index", "매각 실적", "납품 지연 확산 지수" ] }, { "name":"Manufacturers' new orders for non-defense capital goods", "alternatives":[ "제조업자의 비국방 자본재 신규주문" ] }, { "name":"Stock prices of 500 common stocks", "alternatives":[ "S&P500", "S&P 500", "500대 보통주 주가" ] }, { "name":"Consumer Expectations", "alternatives":[ "소비자 기대 지수", "소비자 기대지수" ] } ]