# This help screen show-help: just --list # Test it was built ok test: RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test # Test the markdown in the docs directory specdown: build ./runners/specdown-runner ./README.md docs/*.md # Run a smoke test and see if the app runs smoke-test: build cargo run --bin ed-system-search -- -h # Build release version build: cargo build --release # Lint it lint: cargo fmt --all -- --check cargo clippy --all-features -- -D warnings -Dclippy::all -D clippy::pedantic -D clippy::cargo cargo check cargo audit # Format what can be formatted fmt: cargo fix --allow-dirty --allow-staged cargo +nightly clippy --allow-dirty --allow-staged --fix -Z unstable-options --all-features -- -D warnings -Dclippy::all -D clippy::pedantic -D clippy::cargo -D clippy::nursery cargo fmt --all yamlfmt -w .github/*.yml .github/workflows/*.yml .*.yml # Clean the build directory clean: cargo clean