# ed-system-search *ed-system-search* is a tool to find interesting systems in Elite: Dangerous. It expects the populated systems dump to have been [downloaded from EDSM](https://www.edsm.net/dump/systemsPopulated.json.gz) ## Usage ``` shell,script(name="help",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --help ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="help",stream=stdout) ed-system-search 1.1.47 Billie Thompson Find interesting systems in the EDSM data dump USAGE: ed-system-search [OPTIONS] ARGS: This is the path to th EDSM dump in .json.gz format OPTIONS: --allegiance Filter by allegiance --exclude-permit-locked Exclude permit locked systems --exclude-player-faction Exclude systems that contain a player faction --exclude-rare-commodity Exclude systems that sell rare commodities --government Filter by government -h, --help Print help information --max-distance-from-reference Filter the systems that are further than this distance from the reference --max-distance-from-sol Filter the systems that are further than this distance from sol --max-number-of-factions Filter the systems that have more factions than the number given --min-docks Filter the systems that are have less than the given number of docks --min-docks-large Filter the systems that are have less than the given number of docks with room for large ships --min-population Filter the systems that are have less than the given population --min-starports Filter the systems that are have less than the given number of starports --reference A reference system used by other filters -V, --version Print version information ``` ## Installing See the [releases page](https://github.com/PurpleBooth/ed-system-search/releases/latest) we build for windows, linux and mac (all x86_64), alternatively use brew ``` shell,skip() brew install PurpleBooth/repo/ed-system-search ``` ## More Examples You can see more examples in [Filters guide](./docs/filters.md)