# Filters ## Exclude rare commodity systems Exclude rare commodity systems ``` shell,script(name="exclude-rare-commodity",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --exclude-rare-commodity --max-distance-from-sol 10 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="exclude-rare-commodity",stream=stdout) Barnard's Star Duamta Luhman 16 Ross 154 Sirius Sol WISE 0855-0714 Wolf 359 ``` ## Exclude permit locked systems Exclude permit locked systems ``` shell,script(name="exclude-permit-locked",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --exclude-permit-locked --max-distance-from-sol 10 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="exclude-permit-locked",stream=stdout) Alpha Centauri Barnard's Star Duamta Luhman 16 Ross 154 WISE 0855-0714 Wolf 359 ``` ## Exclude systems with player faction Exclude systems with player faction ``` shell,script(name="exclude-player-faction",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --exclude-player-faction --max-distance-from-sol 10 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="exclude-player-faction",stream=stdout) Ross 154 Sol ``` ## Minimum number of large docks You can search by number of places you can dock on a large ship ``` shell,script(name="min-docks-large",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --min-docks-large 6 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="min-docks-large",stream=stdout) Alioth Sol ``` if it's not a number it'll fail ``` shell,script(name="min-docks-large-err",expected_exit_code=2) ed-system-search --min-docks-large banana "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="min-docks-large-err",stream=stderr) error: Invalid value "banana" for '--min-docks-large ': invalid digit found in string For more information try --help ``` ## Minimum number of starports Same as large without asteroid stations ``` shell,script(name="min-starports",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --min-starports 6 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="min-starports",stream=stdout) Alioth Sol ``` if it's not a number it'll fail ``` shell,script(name="min-starports-err",expected_exit_code=2) ed-system-search --min-starports banana "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="min-starports-err",stream=stderr) error: Invalid value "banana" for '--min-starports ': invalid digit found in string For more information try --help ``` ## Minimum number of docks You can search by number of places you can dock a ship ``` shell,script(name="min-docks",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --min-docks 15 --max-distance-from-sol 10 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="min-docks",stream=stdout) Sol ``` if it's not a number it'll fail ``` shell,script(name="min-docks-err",expected_exit_code=2) ed-system-search --min-docks banana "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="min-docks-err",stream=stderr) error: Invalid value "banana" for '--min-docks ': invalid digit found in string For more information try --help ``` ## Minimum population You can search by the population of the system ``` shell,script(name="min-population",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --min-population 25000000000 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="min-population",stream=stdout) Blatrimpe G 203-47 Lave ``` if it's not a number it'll fail ``` shell,script(name="min-population-err",expected_exit_code=2) ed-system-search --min-population banana "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="min-population-err",stream=stderr) error: Invalid value "banana" for '--min-population ': invalid digit found in string For more information try --help ``` ## Allegiance You can search by the population of the system ``` shell,script(name="allegiance",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --max-distance-from-sol 10 --allegiance Federation -- "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="allegiance",stream=stdout) Duamta Sol ``` ## Government You can search by the population of the system ``` shell,script(name="government",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --max-distance-from-sol 10 --government Democracy -- "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="government",stream=stdout) Ross 154 Sol ``` ## Max number of factions You can skip systems with more than a number of factions ``` shell,script(name="max-number-of-factions",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --max-number-of-factions 1 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="max-number-of-factions",stream=stdout) 4 Sextantis Bleae Thua KY-L c7-12 Bleae Thua WD-M b49-1 Bleia Dryiae EE-E d13-178 Bleia Dryiae HK-Y c17-9 Blua Eaec RD-Z d1-1228 Blua Eaec US-Z b46-4 Blua Eaec WW-E c14-1293 Boelts UB-P b24-98 Boelts YK-P c21-5 Boelts ZN-Y b5-69 Byeia Eurk IE-L b49-4 Byeia Eurk OC-I b37-13 Capricorni Sector KC-V c2-13 Clooku AA-Q b37-41 Clooku QA-E c28-713 Clooku VJ-E b16-27 Col 285 Sector MH-V d2-50 Col 359 Sector UM-T c4-6 Droju OH-T a99-0 Dryio Flyuae KV-P b8-112 Dryooe Flyou NQ-G b27-103 Dryooe Flyou WB-T b47-10 Eoch Flyuae PL-D c138 Eoch Flyuae QK-E d12-2118 Eoch Flyuae ZU-Y b17-16 Eol Prou GE-A c1-291 Flyiedge JE-Z b46-9 Flyiedge VN-W c4-51 Gria Drye IR-F a38-10 HIP 58832 HIP 89396 HIP 90024 Hyades Sector RI-T c3-11 IC 1287 Sector RO-Q b5-1 Lysoosms YS-U d2-61 Mbooni NGC 6530 Sector ZE-X b2-0 Nyeajaae NB-Q b52-14 Nyeajaae SC-B b33-7 Plaa Aescs QD-T c3-28 Pru Euq WO-D b53-8 Prua Phoe MI-B b17-5 Prua Phoe PI-I b55-3 Prua Phoe VF-M d8-1046 Skaudai GM-S b35-5 Skaude DR-A c2-1 Skaude ZK-X e1-203 Smojue IY-Q b32-1 Smojue PZ-R c4-5 Snake Sector OD-S b4-2 Stuelou UT-E b17-51 Stuelou VV-X c17-395 Trifid Sector GW-W d1-220 ``` if it's not a number it'll fail ``` shell,script(name="max-number-of-factions-err",expected_exit_code=2) ed-system-search --max-number-of-factions banana "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="max-number-of-factions-err",stream=stderr) error: Invalid value "banana" for '--max-number-of-factions ': invalid digit found in string For more information try --help ``` ## Max distance from sol system You can search by distance from sol ``` shell,script(name="max-distance-from-sol",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --max-distance-from-sol 10 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="max-distance-from-sol",stream=stdout) Alpha Centauri Barnard's Star Duamta Luhman 16 Ross 154 Sirius Sol WISE 0855-0714 Wolf 359 ``` if it's not a number it'll fail ``` shell,script(name="max-distance-from-sol-err",expected_exit_code=2) ed-system-search --max-distance-from-sol banana "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="max-distance-from-sol-err",stream=stderr) error: Invalid value "banana" for '--max-distance-from-sol ': invalid float literal For more information try --help ``` ## Max distance from reference system You can search by distance from reference system ``` shell,script(name="max-distance-from-reference",expected_exit_code=0) ed-system-search --reference=Sol --max-distance-from-reference 10 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="max-distance-from-reference",stream=stdout) Alpha Centauri Barnard's Star Duamta Luhman 16 Ross 154 Sirius Sol WISE 0855-0714 Wolf 359 ``` if it's not a number it'll fail ``` shell,script(name="max-distance-from-reference-err",expected_exit_code=2) ed-system-search --reference=Sol --max-distance-from-reference banana "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="max-distance-from-reference-err",stream=stderr) error: Invalid value "banana" for '--max-distance-from-reference ': invalid float literal For more information try --help ``` If the reference isn't found it'll fail ``` shell,script(name="missing-reference-err",expected_exit_code=1) NO_COLOR=1 ed-system-search --reference=Missing --max-distance-from-reference 10 "$EDSM_GZ_PATH" ``` ``` text,verify(script_name="missing-reference-err",stream=stderr) Error: × system not found: Missing ```