use std::{ ffi::{ CStr, CString }, mem::MaybeUninit, os::raw::{ c_char, c_int } }; use edflib_sys::*; const SAMPLES_READ: usize = 200; const CHANNEL: i32 = 1; fn char_to_str(ptr: *mut i8) -> String { let cstr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) }; let result = cstr.to_str().unwrap().to_owned().to_string(); result } pub fn main() { // println!("usage: test_edflib "); let mut hdr = unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() }; let path: *const c_char = CString::new("./generator.edf").unwrap().into_raw(); println!("edflib-sys version {}", edflib_sys::EDFLIBSYS_VERSION.unwrap()); let version = unsafe { edflib_sys::edflib_version() }; println!("edflib version {}", (version as f64) / (100 as f64)); let mut channel = CHANNEL; if channel < 1 { return println!("signalnumber must be > 0"); } let open_file_result = unsafe { edfopen_file_readonly(path, &mut hdr, EDFLIB_READ_ALL_ANNOTATIONS as c_int) }; if open_file_result > 0 { match hdr.filetype { EDFLIB_MALLOC_ERROR => println!("malloc error"), EDFLIB_NO_SUCH_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY => println!("cannot open file, no such file or directory"), EDFLIB_FILE_CONTAINS_FORMAT_ERRORS => println!("the file is not EDF(+) or BDF(+) complian (it contains format errors)"), EDFLIB_MAXFILES_REACHED => println!("to many files opened"), EDFLIB_FILE_READ_ERROR => println!("a read error occurred"), EDFLIB_FILE_ALREADY_OPENED => println!("file has already been opened"), _ => println!("unknown error"), } return; } let hdl = hdr.handle; if channel > hdr.edfsignals { println!("error: file has {} signals and you selected signal {}", hdr.edfsignals, channel); unsafe { edfclose_file(hdl); } return; } channel -= 1; println!("general header:"); println!("filetype: {}", hdr.filetype); println!("edfsignals: {}", hdr.edfsignals); #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] println!("file duration: {} seconds", hdr.file_duration / (EDFLIB_TIME_DIMENSION as i64)); #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] println!("file duration: {} seconds", hdr.file_duration / (EDFLIB_TIME_DIMENSION as i64)); println!("startdate: {}-{}-{}", hdr.startdate_day, hdr.startdate_month, hdr.startdate_year); #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] println!( "starttime: {}:{:02}:{:02}.{:07}", hdr.starttime_hour, hdr.starttime_minute, hdr.starttime_second, hdr.starttime_subsecond ); #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] println!( "starttime: {}:{:02}:{:02}.{:07}", hdr.starttime_hour, hdr.starttime_minute, hdr.starttime_second, hdr.starttime_subsecond ); println!("patient: {}", char_to_str(hdr.patient.as_mut_ptr())); println!("recording: {}", char_to_str(hdr.recording.as_mut_ptr())); println!("patientcode: {}", char_to_str(hdr.patientcode.as_mut_ptr())); println!("sex: {}", char_to_str(; println!("birthdate: {}", char_to_str(hdr.birthdate.as_mut_ptr())); println!("patient_name: {}", char_to_str(hdr.patient_name.as_mut_ptr())); println!("patient_additional: {}", char_to_str(hdr.patient_additional.as_mut_ptr())); println!("admincode: {}", char_to_str(hdr.admincode.as_mut_ptr())); println!("technician: {}", char_to_str(hdr.technician.as_mut_ptr())); println!("equipment: {}", char_to_str(; println!("recording_additional: {}", char_to_str(hdr.recording_additional.as_mut_ptr())); println!( "datarecord duration: {} seconds", hdr.datarecord_duration / (EDFLIB_TIME_DIMENSION as i64) ); #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { println!("number of datarecords in the file: {}", hdr.datarecords_in_file); println!("number of annotations in the file: {}", hdr.annotations_in_file); } #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] { println!("number of datarecords in the file: {}", hdr.datarecords_in_file); println!("number of annotations in the file: {}", hdr.annotations_in_file); } println!("signal parameters:"); println!("label: {}", char_to_str(hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].label.as_mut_ptr())); #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] println!("samples in file: {}", hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].smp_in_file); #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] println!("samples in file: {}", hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].smp_in_file); println!("samples in datarecord: {}", hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].smp_in_datarecord); println!("physical maximum: {}", hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].phys_max); println!("physical minimum: {}", hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].phys_min); println!("digital maximum: {}", hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].dig_max); println!("digital minimum: {}", hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].dig_min); println!( "physical dimension: {}", char_to_str(hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].physdimension.as_mut_ptr()) ); println!( "prefilter: {}", char_to_str(hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].prefilter.as_mut_ptr()) ); println!( "transducer: {}", char_to_str(hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].transducer.as_mut_ptr()) ); println!( "samplefrequency: {}", (hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].smp_in_datarecord / (hdr.datarecord_duration as i32)) * (EDFLIB_TIME_DIMENSION as i32) ); let duration: [i8; 20] = (0..20) .map(|_| 0) .collect::>() .try_into() .expect("wrong size iterator"); let annotation: [i8; (EDFLIB_MAX_ANNOTATION_LEN + 1) as usize] = (0..EDFLIB_MAX_ANNOTATION_LEN + 1) .map(|_| 0) .collect::>() .try_into() .expect("wrong size iterator"); let mut annot: edflib_annotation_t = edf_annotation_struct { onset: 0, duration_l: 0, duration, annotation, }; for i in 0..hdr.annotations_in_file { if (unsafe { edf_get_annotation(hdl, i as i32, &mut annot) }) > 0 { println!("error: edf_get_annotations()"); unsafe { edfclose_file(hdl); } return; } else { #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] println!( "annotation: onset is {} duration is {} description is {}", annot.onset / EDFLIB_TIME_DIMENSION, annot.duration, annot.annotation ); #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] println!( "annotation: onset is {}.{:07} sec duration is {} description is \"{}\"", annot.onset / (EDFLIB_TIME_DIMENSION as i64), annot.onset % (EDFLIB_TIME_DIMENSION as i64), char_to_str(annot.duration.as_mut_ptr()), char_to_str(annot.annotation.as_mut_ptr()) ); } } // buf = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double[SAMPLES_READ])); let mut buf: [f64; SAMPLES_READ] = (0..SAMPLES_READ) .map(|_| 0.0) .collect::>() .try_into() .expect("wrong size iterator"); // if(buf==NULL) // { // println!("malloc error"); // unsafe { edfclose_file(hdl) }; // return(1); // } let x = 10; /* start reading x seconds from start of file */ unsafe { edfseek( hdl, channel, (x / (hdr.file_duration / (EDFLIB_TIME_DIMENSION as i64))) * hdr.signalparam[channel as usize].smp_in_file, EDFSEEK_SET as i32 ); } let n = unsafe { edfread_physical_samples(hdl, channel, SAMPLES_READ as i32, buf.as_mut_ptr()) }; if n == -1 { println!("error: edf_read_physical_samples()"); unsafe { edfclose_file(hdl); } return; } println!("read {} samples, started at {} seconds from start of file:", n, x); for i in 0..n { print!("{:.0} ", buf[i as usize]); } unsafe { edfclose_file(hdl); } }