# edge-http [![CI](https://github.com/ivmarkov/edge-net/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ivmarkov/edge-net/actions/workflows/ci.yml) ![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/edge-net.svg) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/edge-net/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/edge-net) Async + `no_std` + no-alloc implementation of the HTTP protocol. The implementation is based on the splendid [httparse](https://github.com/seanmonstar/httparse) library. For other protocols, look at the [edge-net](https://github.com/ivmarkov/edge-net) aggregator crate documentation. ## Next steps Optimize further the memory consumption of the generated futures: * In particular, the `edge_http::io:::server::Server::run` future - with the defaults of 4 handlers and size for 64 headers in the request currently weights ~ **6 - 9KB** * Moreover, *this is without the memory buffers that the `edge_http::io:::server::Server` needs to operate* - which - while already optimized - take another 2048 * 4 ~ **8KB** (but that's of course normal and to be accepted) [Relevant material linking various Rust open issues on the subject](https://swatinem.de/blog/future-size) ## Examples ### HTTP client ```rust use core::net::SocketAddr; use embedded_io_async::Read; use edge_http::io::{client::Connection, Error}; use edge_http::Method; use edge_nal::{AddrType, Dns, TcpConnect}; use log::*; fn main() { env_logger::init_from_env( env_logger::Env::default().filter_or(env_logger::DEFAULT_FILTER_ENV, "info"), ); let stack: edge_nal_std::Stack = Default::default(); let mut buf = [0_u8; 8192]; futures_lite::future::block_on(read(&stack, &mut buf)).unwrap(); } async fn read( stack: &T, buf: &mut [u8], ) -> Result<(), Error<::Error>> where ::Error: Into<::Error>, { info!("About to open an HTTP connection to httpbin.org port 80"); let ip = stack .get_host_by_name("httpbin.org", AddrType::IPv4) .await .map_err(|e| Error::Io(e.into()))?; let mut conn: Connection<_> = Connection::new(buf, stack, SocketAddr::new(ip, 80)); for uri in ["/ip", "/headers"] { request(&mut conn, uri).await?; } Ok(()) } async fn request<'b, const N: usize, T: TcpConnect>( conn: &mut Connection<'b, T, N>, uri: &str, ) -> Result<(), Error> { conn.initiate_request(true, Method::Get, uri, &[("Host", "httpbin.org")]) .await?; conn.initiate_response().await?; let mut result = Vec::new(); let mut buf = [0_u8; 1024]; loop { let len = conn.read(&mut buf).await?; if len > 0 { result.extend_from_slice(&buf[0..len]); } else { break; } } info!( "Request to httpbin.org, URI \"{}\" returned:\nBody:\n=================\n{}\n=================\n\n\n\n", uri, core::str::from_utf8(&result).unwrap()); Ok(()) } ``` ### HTTP server ```rust use edge_http::io::server::{Connection, DefaultServer, Handler}; use edge_http::Method; use edge_nal::TcpBind; use embedded_io_async::{Read, Write}; use log::info; fn main() { env_logger::init_from_env( env_logger::Env::default().filter_or(env_logger::DEFAULT_FILTER_ENV, "info"), ); let mut server = DefaultServer::new(); futures_lite::future::block_on(run(&mut server)).unwrap(); } pub async fn run(server: &mut DefaultServer) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let addr = ""; info!("Running HTTP server on {addr}"); let acceptor = edge_nal_std::Stack::new() .bind(addr.parse().unwrap()) .await?; server.run(acceptor, HttpHandler, None).await?; Ok(()) } struct HttpHandler; impl<'b, T, const N: usize> Handler<'b, T, N> for HttpHandler where T: Read + Write, T::Error: Send + Sync + std::error::Error + 'static, { type Error = anyhow::Error; async fn handle(&self, conn: &mut Connection<'b, T, N>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { let headers = conn.headers()?; if !matches!(headers.method, Some(Method::Get)) { conn.initiate_response(405, Some("Method Not Allowed"), &[]) .await?; } else if !matches!(headers.path, Some("/")) { conn.initiate_response(404, Some("Not Found"), &[]).await?; } else { conn.initiate_response(200, Some("OK"), &[("Content-Type", "text/plain")]) .await?; conn.write_all(b"Hello world!").await?; } Ok(()) } } ```