default: build .PHONY: edlib: # create a clean (maybe updated) copy of edlib src rm -rf edlib && cp -r ../../edlib . pyedlib.bycython.cpp: edlib.pyx cedlib.pxd python -m pip install cython cython --cplus edlib.pyx -o edlib.bycython.cpp # To build package, README.rst is needed, because it goes into long description of package, # which is what is visible on PyPI. # However, to generate README.rst from README-tmpl.rst, built package is needed (for `import edlib` in cog)! # Therefore, we first build package without README.rst, use it to generate README.rst, # and then finally build package again but with README.rst. BUILD_SOURCE_FILES=edlib pyedlib.bycython.cpp buildWithoutREADME.rst: ${BUILD_SOURCE_FILES} EDLIB_OMIT_README_RST=1 python build_ext -i README.rst: buildWithoutREADME.rst README-tmpl.rst python -m pip install cogapp cog -d -o README.rst README-tmpl.rst BUILD_FILES=${BUILD_SOURCE_FILES} README.rst build: ${BUILD_FILES} python build_ext -i sdist: edlib pyedlib.bycython.cpp README.rst python sdist publish: clean sdist twine upload dist/* clean: rm -rf edlib dist edlib.egg-info build rm -f edlib.c *.bycython.* edlib.*.so rm -f README.rst