# Edlib python package This README contains only development information, you can check out full README (README.rst) for the latest version of Edlib python package on [Edlib's PyPI page](https://pypi.org/project/edlib/). README.rst is not commited to git because it is generated from [README-tmpl.rst](./README-tmpl.rst). ## Building Run `make build` to generate an extension module as .so file. You can test it then by importing it from python interpreter `import edlib` and running `edlib.align(...)` (you have to be positioned in the directory where .so was built). This is useful for testing while developing. Run `make sdist` to create a source distribution, but not publish it - it is a tarball in dist/ that will be uploaded to pip on `publish`. Use this to check that tarball is well structured and contains all needed files, before you publish. Good way to test it is to run `sudo pip install dist/edlib-*.tar.gz`, which will try to install edlib from it, same way as pip will do it when it is published. `make clean` removes all generated files. README.rst is auto-generated from [README-tmpl.rst](./README-tmpl.rst), to run regeneration do `make README.rst`. README.rst is also automatically regenerated when building package (e.g. `make build`). This enables us to always have up to date results of code execution and help documentation of edlib methods in readme. ## Publishing Remember to update version in setup.py before publishing. To trigger automatic publish to PyPI, create a tag and push it to Github -> Travis will create sdist, build wheels, and push them all to PyPI while publishing new version. You can also publish new version manually if needed: run `make publish` to create a source distribution and publish it to the PyPI.