{:tasks {clean {:doc "Removes target folder" :requires ([babashka.fs :as fs]) :task (fs/delete-tree "target")} test_lib_features (shell "cargo test --all-features --no-fail-fast") test_lib_no_default_features (shell "cargo test --features std --no-default-features --no-fail-fast") example_fast (shell "cargo test --examples --no-fail-fast") example_json_to_edn (shell "cargo test --example json_to_edn --features \"json\"") example_edn_to_json (shell "cargo test --example edn_to_json --features \"json\"") example_async (shell "cargo run --example async") example_no_sets (shell "cargo run --example struct_from_str --features std --no-default-features") cargo-test {:doc "Runs all cargo tests" :depends [test_lib_features test_lib_no_default_features example_fast example_json_to_edn example_edn_to_json example_edn_to_json example_async example_no_sets]} cargo-fmt {:doc "Checks cargo fmt" :task (shell "cargo fmt --check")} cargo-clippy-all-features {:doc "Cargo clippy with all features" :task (shell "cargo clippy --all-features -- -W future-incompatible -W rust_2018_idioms -W clippy::all -W clippy::pedantic -W clippy::nursery --deny warnings")} cargo-clippy-no-sets-json {:doc "Cargo clippy with json feature but no default features" :task (shell "cargo clippy --features json --no-default-features -- -W future-incompatible -W rust_2018_idioms -W clippy::all -W clippy::pedantic -W clippy::nursery --deny warnings")} cargo-clippy-no-defaults {:doc "Cargo clippy with no default features" :task (shell "cargo clippy --features json --no-default-features -- -W future-incompatible -W rust_2018_idioms -W clippy::all -W clippy::pedantic -W clippy::nursery --deny warnings")} clippy {:doc "Runs all variations of cargo clippy" :depends [cargo-clippy-all-features cargo-clippy-no-sets-json cargo-clippy-no-defaults]} test {:doc "Runs all tests and checks" :depends [cargo-test cargo-fmt clippy]}}}