# The Big List Of API Endpoints This can be considered a big list of Twitter's API knobs that have and have not been given corresponding methods in egg-mode. Those that have been implemented will have the method(s) written alongside them. I've grouped them by API heading, then by a rough category and data structure. Endpoints that just return a list of IDs of something are grouped in with the rest of the main structure's list. ## [OAuth](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/oauth-1-0a) - [x] oauth/request\_token (`request_token`) - [x] oauth/authenticate (`authenticate_url`) - [x] oauth/authorize (`authorize_url`) - [x] oauth/access\_token (`access_token`) - [x] oauth2/token (`bearer_token`) - [x] oauth2/invalidate\_token (`invalidate_bearer`) ## [Public API](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/api-reference-index) ### Statuses - [x] statuses/mentions\_timeline (`tweet::mentions_timeline`) - [x] statuses/user\_timeline (`tweet::user_timeline`) - [x] statuses/home\_timeline (`tweet::home_timeline`) - [x] statuses/retweets\_of\_me (`tweet::retweets_of_me`) - [x] statuses/retweets/:id (`tweet::retweets_of`) - [x] statuses/show/:id (`tweet::show`) - [x] statuses/destroy/:id (`tweet::delete`) - [x] statuses/update (`tweet::DraftTweet::send`) - [x] statuses/retweet/:id (`tweet::retweet`) - [x] statuses/unretweet/:id (`tweet::unretweet`) - [x] statuses/retweeters/ids (`tweet::retweeters_of`) - [x] statuses/lookup (`tweet::lookup`, `tweet::lookup_map`) - [x] search/tweets (`search::search`) - [x] favorites/list (`tweet::liked_by`) - [x] favorites/create (`tweet::like`) - [x] favorites/destroy (`tweet::unlike`) - [ ] statuses/oembed - [ ] saved\_searches/list - [ ] saved\_searches/show/:id - [ ] saved\_searches/create - [ ] saved\_searches/destroy/:id - [ ] trends/place - [ ] trends/available - [ ] trends/closest ### Direct Messages - [x] direct\_messages (`direct::received`) - [x] direct\_messages/sent (`direct::sent`) - [x] direct\_messages/show (`direct::show`) - [x] direct\_messages/new (`direct::send`) - [x] direct\_messages/destroy (`direct::delete`) - [ ] direct\_messages/events/list - [ ] direct\_messages/events/show - [ ] direct\_messages/events/new ### Users - [x] users/show (`user::show`) - [x] users/lookup (`user::lookup`) - [x] users/search (`user::search`) - [x] friends/list (`user::friends_of`) - [x] friends/ids (`user::friends_ids`) - [x] friendships/create (`user::follow`) - [x] friendships/update (`user::update_follow`) - [x] friendships/destroy (`user::unfollow`) - [x] friendships/incoming (`user::incoming_requests`) - [x] friendships/outgoing (`user::outgoing_requests`) - [x] friendships/no\_retweets/ids (`user::friends_no_retweets`) - [x] followers/list (`user::followers_of`) - [x] followers/ids (`user::followers_ids`) - [x] blocks/list (`user::blocks`) - [x] blocks/ids (`user::blocks_ids`) - [x] blocks/create (`user::block`) - [x] blocks/destroy (`user::unblock`) - [x] users/report\_spam (`user::report_spam`) - [x] mutes/users/list (`user::mutes`) - [x] mutes/users/ids (`user::mutes_ids`) - [x] mutes/users/create (`user::mute`) - [x] mutes/users/destroy (`user::unmute`) - [x] friendships/show (`user::relation`) - [x] friendships/lookup (`user::relation_lookup`) - [ ] users/suggestions - [ ] users/suggestions/:slug - [ ] users/suggestions/:slug/members ### Lists - [x] lists/list (`list::list`) - [x] lists/show (`list::show`) - [x] lists/statuses (`lists::statuses`) - [x] lists/memberships (`list::memberships`) - [x] lists/subscriptions (`list::subscriptions`) - [x] lists/ownerships (`list::ownerships`) - [x] lists/create (`list::create`) - [x] lists/update (`list::update`) - [x] lists/destroy (`list::delete`) - [x] lists/members (`list::members`) - [x] lists/members/show (`list::is_member`) - [x] lists/members/create (`list::add_member`) - [x] lists/members/create\_all (`list::add_member_list`) - [x] lists/members/destroy (`list::remove_member`) - [x] lists/members/destroy\_all (`list::remove_member_list`) - [x] lists/subscribers (`list::subscribers`) - [x] lists/subscribers/show (`list::is_subscribed`) - [x] lists/subscribers/create (`list::subscribe`) - [x] lists/subscribers/destroy (`list::unsubscribe`) ### Places - [x] geo/search (`place::search_point`/`place::search_query`/`place::search_ip`/`place::search_url`) - [x] geo/reverse\_geocode (`place::reverse_geocode`/`place::reverse_geocode_url`) - [x] geo/id/:place\_id (`place::show`) ### Account Settings/Misc - [ ] account/settings (GET) - [ ] account/settings (POST) - [x] account/update\_profile - [x] account/update\_profile\_image - [ ] account/update\_profile\_background\_image - [ ] account/profile\_banner - [x] account/update\_profile\_banner - [ ] account/remove\_profile\_banner - [x] application/rate\_limit\_status (`service::rate_limit_status`) - [ ] help/languages - [x] help/configuration (`service::config`) - [x] help/privacy (`service::privacy`) - [x] help/tos (`service::terms`) - [x] account/verify\_credentials (`verify_tokens`) ## [Media API](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/media/upload-media/api-reference) - [x] media/upload (INIT) (`media::UploadFuture`) - [x] media/upload (APPEND) (`media::UploadFuture`) - [x] media/upload (FINALIZE) (`media::UploadFuture`) - [x] media/upload (STATUS) (`media::UploadFuture`) - [x] media/metadata/create (`media::UploadBuilder::alt_text`) ## [Collections API](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/curate-a-collection/api-reference) - [ ] collections/list - [ ] collections/show - [ ] collections/entries - [ ] collections/create - [ ] collections/update - [ ] collections/destroy - [ ] collections/entries/add - [ ] collections/entries/remove - [ ] collections/entries/curate - [ ] collections/entries/move ## [Streaming API](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/sample-realtime/api-reference) The firehose is unavailable to the general public, so I don't plan to implement it unless asked. (It shouldn't be much different from the other streams, though.) - [x] statuses/sample (`stream::sample`) - [x] statuses/filter (`stream::filter`)