A Rust implementation of the Egg Programming Language
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##### `egg` is a toy Programming Language from the book Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke, [Chapter 12](https://eloquentjavascript.net/12_language.html). The Book was pivotal to my early Programming journey. I moved to Rust some time back and in a fit of nostalgia I decided to rewrite `egg` in Rust.
### ✨ Features
- **Extensive** and **Modular** standard library; `Core`, `Objects`, `StringTools`, `Console` and `Functions`
- **Effective Scope Chain**: Local Variables and Global Variables work as expected.
- **User-Defined Functions**: Create functions in Egg using the `fn` keyword.
- **Higher Order Functions**: Pass functions as values to other functions or to built-in `Operators`.
- **Extensible**: Create your own builtin functions by implementing the [`Operator`](https://docs.rs/egglang/latest/egglang/operators/trait.Operator.html) trait.
- **no_std**: Only depends on `alloc`. Enabling the `std` feature adds the `Print`, `PrintLine`, `ReadLine` and `Sleep` builtins.
### 🏋️♂️ Examples
##### To start executing a script, we need to first `parse` it, create a `Scope` and assemble a map of builtin functions it can access:
use egglang::prelude::*;
// Create the default Scope, with necessary constants set
let mut scope = Scope::default();
// Create a minimal set of operators
let mut operators = operators::empty();
operators::minimal(&mut operators);
// Parse a Script into a list of expressions
let script = "sum(12.5, 12.5, 25)";
let expressions = parse(script).unwrap();
// Evaluate the expression
let expression = &expressions[0]; // the call to `sum`
let result = evaluate(expression, &mut scope, &operators).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, 50f32.into());
##### We can also define custom built-in functions by implementing `Operator` on a type:
use egglang::prelude::*;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
// Create the default Scope, with necessary constants set
let mut scope = Scope::default();
// Insert base operators, and add console functions; Adds println
let mut operators = operators::empty();
operators::minimal(&mut operators);
operators::console(&mut operators);
// Define a `random(...)` builtin
struct Random;
impl Operator for Random {
fn evaluate(&self, _: &[Expression], _: &mut Scope, _: &BTreeMap<&str, Box>) -> EggResult {
// totally random value ;)
// Insert `random(...)` into Operators map
operators.insert("random", Box::new(Random));
// Parse a Script into a list of expressions
let script = r#"
define(iterations, random(0, 120))
repeat(iterations, println("oi oi oi oi oi"))
let expressions = parse(script).unwrap();
// Evaluate the expressions; define -> repeat -> ...
for expression in expressions {
let _ = evaluate(&expression, &mut scope, &operators).unwrap();
> Example Egg scripts can be found in the `scripts` directory;